
Kakashi in Akame Ga Kill

What happens when a person with no memories of his past or how he died, isekai'd into the dark anime: Akame Ga Kill as Kakashi?

Sato_Koji · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

The Executioner vs the Red Eye Demon

"Please... Please don't kill me!" A woman voice could be heard in the middle of the night.

"Oh, but I must It's your own fault for walking around at this time of night. Didn't your parents warn you about the scary monsters that come out after dark?" A man with blonde spikey hair was holding the woman by her neck.

"Please... I'll do anything!" The woman yelled out in desperation.

"Really? I love talking, so will you talk with me?" The man asked with a grin on his face.

"Yes! I will! Of course, I will!" The woman quickly answered him.

"Then... Tell me how it feels to have your head separated from your body. Doesn't it just tear you apart?" The man didn't wait for an answer, as her head was separated from her body. "Splendid. Simply Splendid! I could never give this up!" He yelled out in excitement.





Kakashi was walking in the city when he heard some guards talking about a serial killer that has been plaguing the capital, chopping off their victim's head. 'It seems Zank has been busy while I was busy... Since the rumours are being spread a lot, Najenda is going to take action with the team. His stupid Imperial Arms was a pain back then... but thanks to Akame yesterday... I can finally fight him head on.'

After going through his business, he met up with the team in the base as Najenda is briefing them about the rumor of the serial killer that Kakashi already heard about in the city. "The target this time, is the rumored serial killer that is plaguing the capital. Late at night he suddenly appears, and chops off the victim's head. It's unknown how many dozens of people he has killed so far."

"There's no mistake, it has to be Zank the Executioner." Lubbock, the green haired boy commented.

"Who's that?" Tatsumi, who is still new to the missions asked.

"You don't know? You really are a country bumkin, huh?" Mine, the pink haired girl stated.

"Pardon me, but I don't know either." A purple haired girl with glasses raised her hand.

"I think you've just forgotten, Sheele..." Mine sighed towards the purple haired girl.

Kakashi quickly explained to Tatsumi, as well to the others that don't know about Zank, "He originally worked at the Empire's greatest prison, as their executioner. Because of the prime minister, there were many people to be executed. Day after day, again and again, he took the heads of those on their knees pleading for their lives. It seems that after years of this, these beheadings became a nasty habit of his."

Mine continued the explanation. "So, executing prisoners started not to be enough for him, so he became a serial killer."

"He disappeared right around the time that a detainment force was sent to find him... Who would think he'd still be in the capital?" Bulat, who Tatsumi talked to Kakashi that he was the one training Tatsumi, gave out his opinion about Zank.

Tatsumi who is eagerly to stop Zank, said, "What a horrible guy! We need to find him and beat his ass!"

"Hold your horses, Tatsumi. Zank stole the warden's Imperial Arms before leaving. And from then on became a serial killer. If you ran into him without your partner... You'd be in big trouble." Bulat warned him about the potential danger.

"I've fought him before, I believe his Imperial Arms makes you see the person of a deceased loved one instead of him..." Kakashi gave out his information about it.

Akame hearing this, patted Kakashi back as she was standing beside him. Kakashi gave a grateful nod and continued his information. "He is quick, skilled and clever even without the help of his Imperial Arms. If we're going to hunt him down, have a partner to watch your back at all times. One wrong move, and you're swiftly dealt with."

"Understood and thank you for your information. Night Raid, move out!"






"Seems like the people of the capital are too scared of the killer to come out at night anymore, huh. They don't know how easy it would be to- MMPH?!" Tatsumi was talking before being pulled into a corner by Akame covering his mouth.

Some guards were running past them as they seem to also to be on the lookout for the serial killer.

Seeing that the guards are nowhere near them Akame let go of Tatsumi. "Huuh... Can I ask you something before we start searching?" 

"Don't worry, I brought snacks." Akame replied guessing Tatsumi's question.

"That isn't what I wanted to ask... Imperial Arms... What are they?" Tatsumi asked curious about hearing it from them.

"Kakashi you there?" Akame asked. And in an instant Kakashi popped out of nowhere.

"Tatsumi, allow me to explain. Akame isn't the best person to explain about this..."


"Ow..." Kakashi held his shoulder where Akame punched him. "Anyways... About 1000 years ago, after the great empire was created, the emperor began to worry.

Emperor: I wish to protect this country forever, but I know even I will die someday. But... But weapons and armor... they could be passed on into the far future... TO INSURE OUR COUNTRY LASTS FOREVER, WE WILL CONCENTRATE ALL KNOWLEDGE AND CREATE WEAPONS!

Legend says that they gathered materials from the most dangerous of legendary-class creatures, as well as the ultra-rare metal Orihalcon. The greatest scientific minds were gathered from all around the world. With the emperor's absolute power and limitless fortune, they accomplished a feat that is impossible in the current era. They created 48 deadly weapons, and called them the "Imperial Arms".

Each and every one of them is powerful beyond belief, holding the power of a thousand soldiers; it's said that the emperor's retainers who the Imperial Arms were given to, achieved greater military success than before.

But because of the huge civil war that broke out over 500 years, half of them were lost in various battles. And that's about all of it."

After hearing about the story, Tatsumi asked, "And from what you said.. Everyone at the base has one of these weapons, right?"

"Everyone but the boss and you." Akame answered.

Tatsumi realizing that Akame didn't mention Kakashi's name. "Wait! Kakashi you have one as well? How did you get it?"

"That story will be for another time, for now let me talk about the other's Imperial Arms. 

Akame's One Cut Killer, Murasame: One cut from this accursed blade is certain death. The blade injects a cursed poison into any wound caused by it that will kill within seconds. There is no antidote for this poison.

Leone's King of Beat Transformation, Lionelle: Changes it's user into a beast. Significantly raises the user's combat ability. An increase of the 5 senses, such as sight and hearing, aid in the finding of enemies.

Mine's Roman artillery, Pumpkin: Gun-type Imperial Arms that gathers spirit energy and fires it in a concentrated shockwave. The destructive power increases in proportion to the danger the user finds themselves in.

Bulat's Demon armor, Incursio: Armor Imperial Arms that provides an iron wall of defense. Since it places a large strain on the user, normal people will die if they attempt to wear it.

Lubbock's Infinite Uses, Cross Tail: Thread Imperial Arms, can be used to trap enemies, much like a barrier, or dismember them. It's possible it received the name "Infinite uses" due to all the different ways of restraining or cutting an enemy.

Sheele's Cutter of Creation, Extase: Large scissors, will cut anything in the world without fail. Due to its hardness, it is highly effective when used for defense.

Also, just as people possess secret skills, so does the Imperial Arms. Incursio, for example, can take on the characteristics of its surroundings, allowing it to blend into it for a short time."

After hearing Kakashi finishing his explanation, Akame started walking away to lead the search, with Kakashi following her in the shadows.

'Akame and I... We're about the same age, yet... What kind of horrible things has she been through all this time...' Was both Kakashi and Tatsumi's similar thoughts about Akame.




"Hmm... In addition to serial killers, now professional killers show up. My, what a dangerous city this is, hehe... Happy, happy~. Okay, then... Which neck should I go after first ? ...I should start with... I got it. The most delicious one." The serial killer decided with a huge grin on his face.




"Seems he won't show himself so easily. I guess we'll have to be patient." Tatsumi said while sitting on the bench drinking some juice while Akame was eating her snack quietly.

Tatsumi feeling the urged to piss, excused himself and went to an empty alley to piss.

"How's the search going? The others had no luck." Kakashi asked as he appeared beside Akame.

"No luck either, Tatsumi just went to piss." Akame reported.

"Hmmm can I try some?" Kakashi asked, as he sat beside her on the bench.

Akame nodded and moved her hand with the snack towards him. "Yum." Kakashi said after taking a bite. "Tatsumi is taking a while, huh... Let's go check on him." Akame agreed and quickly finished her food.

Both of them went to the alley where Tatsumi told Akame he'll be in, for it to be only empty. 'Shit' Both of them thought immediately.




"I'm not mistaken, it's Sayo... What's going on? You were alive all this time?! Anyways, I'm so glad you're alive!" Tatsumi hugged the supposed to be deceased Sayo.

"How passionate..." Sayo faded away and was replace with Zank. "It seems I showed you something nice... Good evening."

Tatsumi jumped away immediately remembering Kakashi's words about his Imperial Arms.


Zanks who was on guard, immediately deflected the kunai aiming his heart. "It seems I have more guest. Good evening."

Akame and Kakashi appeared beside Tatsumi with their weapons unsheathed.

Recognizing Kakashi, Zank's immediately asked in a playful tone. "Oh! Is that you Red Eye Demon! Ready for round 2? Our match was interrupted by those guards before."

"Both of you stand back... He's mine." Kakashi ordered in a serious tone, already dashing towards him.

Zank seeing this, also dashed forward towards him, with his blade blocking Kakashi's kunai as he tried to slash him. Kakashi kicked on his blade and backflip away from throwing some kunais at him.

Zank blocked all except one that slashed his cheek a bit, which made him grin. He appeared behind Kakashi and slashed... wood? Kakashi appeared out of a smoke and kicked him in the head.

"Argh!" Zank's moaned in pain as he landed on his feet. "You... and your substitutes..." Zank disappeared and appeared beside Kakashi. Kakashi sensing him, was about to strike him... before seeing Rin right in front of him. Kakashi eyes closed and coated his hand in blue lightning. "Chidori..." Kakashi said softly as he strike his hand into her chest. "That won't work one me this time... I've moved on thanks to someone."

*splat* Blood was spat of her mouth and faded away revealing it to be Zank. "Damn... it..." Those were Zank's last words before his lifeless body fell backwards.

Akame and Tatsumi walked towards Kakashi, who had tears going down his face. Tatsumi watched the whole fight happen and asked with a sorrowful look. "That... was someone who you held close... weren't?"

"One of them... was your childhood friends before meeting Tatsumi... wasn't it? Akame asked right after Tatsumi's question.

Kakashi nodded. "Tatsumi... I'll tell you about my story one day. For now, let's retrieve his Imperial Arms and get back to base for report.





As Akame gave the report about the mission to the boss, Kakashi was in his room looking at a picture frame of Obito, Rin and him were all smiling with the background of his old shack made of wood. 


Kakashi opened the door to see Akame standing in front of him.

"I gave the boss the report, and we concluded the meeting already. Also, Tatsumi wasn't a match with the Imperial Arm, so it was sent to the Revolutionary Army." Akame gave a summary of what happened earlier.

"Thanks... sorry I couldn't attend the meeting. I just need to take a breather from the fight." Kakashi offered a small smile.

After a few seconds, Akame made up her mind and asked, "Do you... mind if I sleep with you? You look like you could have someone cuddle you while you sleep."

Kakashi eyes widened, not expecting this from Akame, turned slightly red and nodded. Moving out of the way, Akame entered and both of them fell asleep cuddling each other.

Meanwhile, somewhere at the northern lands fortified city. A woman in her mid 20's with long, light blue hair and blue eyes could be seen. She was sitting on a throne, having one her boots being licked by a male slave.

"The northerners were defeated in the blink of an eye. That's our general for you!" One of the soldiers praised the blue haired girl.

"Their army, people and pride were so easily crushed, huh... And this is their supposed hero...? How worthless. Die! Dog!

Somewhere out there... is there an enemy that can satisfy me...?" The blue haired general asked.

Name: Esdeath. Personality: Sadist. Strength level: "The Empire's strongest"