
Kakarot - Son of Thanos

Kakarot, the Saiyan who changed the legacy of his people as well as how gods act. Many times has he been at the forefront of conflicts and events. However, has anyone ever ponder upon the question of.....What If?

Marvel_Fantasy · Anime und Comics
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Adopted By a Titan

Kakarot sailed through the skies unhindered as he slept within the Saiyan pod. His destination was for Earth, to originally eradicate its inhabitants. Just as his Saiyan pod drew closer to the blue dot, the space around it warped. Everything seemed to fade and turn into something else. Kakarot had just been whisked away out of his own universe, to God knows where.

Somewhere deep in space, a gargantuan ship moved forward alone. Inside were several aliens of different species, however at the center of such a vessel was a giant of a man. His skin a dark purple and rough, his muscular body showing more than just muscles, and his gaze was that of calculation. "My lord, Thanos!" An alien reported with urgency through an intercom. Thanos raised a brow, he sat atop a stone throne while in his gilded armor. He sat up a bit and faced forward as if nothing was the matter. "Report." He ordered. "We have encountered a...pod of sorts." The alien responded.

This caused the Mad Titan to roll his eyes a bit, then let out a sigh. "If it is in our way then run it through." He ordered once more, but found that the alien almost responding immediately. "My lord, there appears to be a single life sign within the ship", The alien reported, "They could be stranded." This caused Thanos to grow confused before slowly rising from his throne. "Retrieve the ship and question the survivor." He ordered, though this time he was quite curious.

'This will be interesting at least', Thanos thought while beginning to walk out of his throne room. Just as his ship retrieved the odd spacecraft through via tractor beam, he arrived in the hanger bay. Several dozen Chitauri warriors stood at the ready with weapons trained on the spacecraft. Just as one of them went to open what appeared to a door, the craft opened itself up with a hiss. To their surprise, they found nothing but a child, a newborn. Thanos could barely make out the spiked hair of Kakarot and was confused. The baby Saiyan was sleeping peacefully, not sensing any danger to it's being. That was when Thanos approached the craft as the Chitauri soldiers lowered their weapons.

"A child?" Thanos questioned to no one in particular confused and curious. 'Who in their right mind would send a child into open space with no food or water?', Thanos thought. That was when Kakarot began to open his eyes. His vision was blurred until it made out the large frame that was Thanos. Slowly, the child's eyes looked up to the Mad Titan. The child knew not what he was looking at, how would it? He didn't know his parents, where he was, what he was, or why he was there. For a moment, Thanos contemplated on killing the child. Then remembered that it would mean nothing in the long run. He had taken in the newly formed Black Order and raised them, so why should this child be any different?

With a small gesture of movement, Thanos reached forward to grab the child out of their spacecraft. Kakarot not knowing what he was doing allowed himself to be lifted out of the ship. His tail fell down limp which made Thanos raised a brow a bit more. 'So he's not a Terran, then what is he?' He thought then looked to the captain of the Chitauri soldiers behind him. "Have Ebon Maw go through this ship's database, I want to know everything about this...child." He ordered and immediately the Chitauri did as ordered. When the Mad Titan turned his attention back to Kakarot he found that the child was crawling up on his shoulder. He blinked twice then went to grab the child only to see it bite his finger.

Thanos frowned, not feeling pain but he did feel that the child was actually capable of pressuring his durable skin. It was like the child was much more than they appeared to be. Thanos went to grab Kakarot once more and ended up grabbing the boy's tail. The child went limp at that point, confusing the Mad Titan even more. Gently, he took the child into a one handed carry position and walked out of the hanger. His footsteps coming down almost like a stomp. Kakarot looked around curious, scared, and excited. His black pupils locking onto every crevice, wire, person, everything. Kakarot wanted to know it all, what exactly he was in.

Thanos came to a stop within an arena like room. One that seemed to be a mix of an armory and a training room. Within it were five aliens of different species, one of which was a child five years older than Kakarot. It was silver haired girl, her skin as pale as snow, lips as white as bone, and eyes crimson red. From her eyes came out an optic blast, it collided with one of the older aliens who wielded a spear of sort. The blast went into different directions, heading for a wall, some of the weapon racks, and straight at Thanos. The Mad Titan raised his right forearm and blocked the stray attack as if it were nothing. "My children." He called, and five members of the infamous Black Order turned their attention towards Thanos. However, one was missing from their group.

At that moment was when said missing member entered with his hands clasped together. His elongated facial features in a cold and calm expression as he looked upon his fellow Black Order members. "Sire, I have done as ordered", He reported, "The child is from a race called Saiyajin. From what I understand, they are a super race of warriors. They were sending this child towards a planet called Earth, in order to subjugate it and wipe out it's inhabitants." That detail caused the Mad Titan to frown in confusion and so did two others in the Black Order. Ebony Maw continued with his explanation.

"It would appear that the Saiyajin are capable of wiping entire civilizations from the face of planets. The boy's name is Kakarot, and he is what they call a low-level class Saiyajin. I have also found that these Saiyajin have access towards some form of transformation, one that would allow Kakarot to become a monster. All it would require for him to transform is that of a moon. That said...Kakarot appears to be the only Saiyajin in existence. I have scoured all known starcharts and found no trace of them. He may very well be the last of them."

As Ebony Maw finished, Kakarot took this time to begin climbing the Mad Titan once again. It was as if he were a monkey from Terra. The only member of the Black Order who found this humorous is the girl. She tried to hide her smile as she watched Kakarot get atop of Thanos' head. "What do you wish to do with the child, sire?" Ebony Maw questioned. Thanos pondered on that question before hearing a loud growl. Said growl was loud enough to even startle the Black Order. Kakarot giggled a bit before looking down at Thanos. The Mad Titan stared back up at him then felt a slight smile come to his lips. "We shall raise him, he may prove useful." Thanos finally answered.

The Mad Titan grabbed Kakarot once again, but this time by the child's tail. He noticed that for some reason it was a source of Kakarot's weakness. "Have the child fed, and when he is of age train him." He ordered and saw the Black Order bow their heads to him. For Kakarot, he was lifted out of Thanos' grasp and floated over by Ebony Maw. When the child closed his eyes, he destroyed his body heating up. His eyes opened to find himself as a teenager now. Kakarot was now roughly sixteen years old. His body bruised but still capable of moving. The Saiyan was in the middle of a fist fight with Black Dwarf, the muscle of the Black Order. The tall alien brought his fist down onto Kakarot, then felt the teen actually catch his punch.

To his surprise the teen let out a growl and rushed at him. The punches that landed on Black Dwarf's chest felt as if Thanos himself was hitting him now. Before the large alien was bested, an optic blast collided with Kakarot's back. His pale skin steamed with a slight burn mark before he raised a hand behind him. It was aimed at who had hit him, then with a glow an energy blast left his palm. The optic blast came once again colliding with Kakarot's attack. An explosion occurred but Kakarot used that chance to defeat Black Dwarf. He jumped up and raised his knee into the giant's chin. The blow knocked the alien off his feet and onto his back with a loud thud.

When Kakarot turned his raised his forearms upwards in an X position, and felt the impact of another optic blast. This time he was prepared for it, for he stomped his way forward. It was revealed to be the girl who he had met as a child, Black Swan. The girl now having aged up as well, and her beauty becoming even greater. She gritted her teeth as she kept a sustained optic blast on Kakarot. Instead of taking the attack any longer, the Saiyan jumped high above Black Swan. Then fired three energy blasts at her. She instinctively raised her hands and watched as a shield like construct formed to protect her. Kakarot's attacks collided with her shield, and when she went to turn Kakarot's fist collided with her shield.

'It actually cracked it!' She thought, then watched as his next fist broke it like glass. Black Swan stumbled back then watched as Kakarot raised his right leg in an attempt to strike at her neck. She raised her left forearm upwards and felt the impact. The blow almost made her fall, but she stood strong and returned with an uppercut sending the Saiyan upwards. However, Kakarot used his tail to wrap around her arm and pull her up. Her eyes widened as he spun vertically in the air, then sent a straight punch into her face. The beauty of a girl felt her back collide with the floor, then watched as Kakarot came back down to end her. Just as Kakarot was about to stomp her face inwards, a voice cried out behind them.

"That is enough!" They ordered, revealing themselves to being Ebony Maw. The calm and cold alien had been watching this spar go on long enough. Kakarot had stopped himself on the air, his boot inches from the girl's nose. Slowly, he moved his boot back then landed beside her. Black Swan watched as Kakarot went from a dark expression, into one of concern. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He apologized, causing a smile to form on Black Swan's lips. "Fret not, I am hardly harmed", She commented, "Black Dwarf however...."

Kakarot's eyes widened before turning and running over to the larger alien. Black Dwarf slowly sat up while rubbing his chin. Then looked to see Kakarot approaching him. He saw Kakarot hold a hand out to him, and gently took. With some effort, Kakarot had Black Dwarf back up on his feet. "Sorry." Kakarot apologized, then heard a slight chuckle leave Black Drawf. With a pat on the shoulder, the giant of an alien walked off as Black Swan slowly got back up to her feet. "Well done, Kakarot", Ebony Maw congratulated, "Now I believe you are ready to join us in our holy crusade." Those words made Kakarot's eyes widen in surprise. What Ebony Maw was saying, was that Kakarot could join the eternal battle to save the universe from itself.

With a gleeful smile appearing on his lips he knew that this was amazing news. Little did he know about the future that was to happen. Would Kakarot he able to return back to his home universe? Would Kakarot change the Marvel Cinematic Universe's history? What changes would he make? How powerful would he become? The journey ahead will he paved with many twists and turns, but worst of all? The blood that would be shed....