
Kaiser of the New World

After the alarms, sirens and nuclear warnings, Kai wakes up in an empty white room. With no idea what to do, he just waits for anything to happen...hoping something will happen. Only when the voice of...something... breaks him out of the monotonous life of the white room, he realises the problems he will have to face just to survive. Note - First few chapters are slow, monotonous and downright terrible, I mean, just going back and looking at chapter three has me cringing. My writing gets better as the story goes on, but it still has a few info dumps. The first few chapter are the shortest by far, like chapter 30 is the same length as 1, 2 and part of ch 3 combined. Honestly, you can just skim the first five and then maybe read it a little more in depth. Thanks, and please, go easy on the first chapters, I already hate them. Schedule is new chapter every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Kerplunkered · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
242 Chs


Kai was lost in thought as everyone around him starting clapping. Was this the reason that he had gotten first place? It didn't show Kai eating the Miracle Bead, or even obtaining the Miracle Bead for that matter.

It was almost like someone or something had tampered with the recording, cutting out that small bit that ended up having a massive effect on the overall flow of the recording.

If Kai were to be honest, he should have gotten second, maybe even third, while the necromancer should have gotten first. But because of the fact that someone got rid of the moment where Kai ate the Miracle Bead, it made it look as if Kai borrowing Failure's power was something that he would be able to replicate and was actually part of Kai's abilities.

What would happen if Kai revealed the truth?

But more importantly, how did the angel not already know the truth?

The angel and the apparent voters she had with her were all presumably high level beings, that was pretty obvious from the fact that she was able to enchant this ginormous crowd with no amount of trouble.

So how were they not aware of what had actually happened?

Kai simply frowned as he kept trying to figure out what it was that was actually happening. It because becoming more obvious that someone was manipulating the things that was happening to him.

The items in the forest, the mural, the censorships earlier, the fact the Miracle Bead was cut out and most importantly of all, the fact that his bloodline said that his soul had been tugged on by the strings of fate.

What did that mean exactly, Kai had no idea, he wasn't even sure if it was a good or bad thing that something to do with fate had messed with his soul. All he knew was that strange things were definitely happening to him.

Of course, there was the possibility that the Miracle Bead itself had interfered with the recording. That idea itself was pretty plausible, as it could be considered part of the miracle that Kai had gotten first place.

But was it the actual reason?

"Wonderful! What a marvelous performance. The amount of strength that first place had was even enough to mess with our recording devices, it really has been a while since we've seen anything like that."

Kai simply smiled and played along, he knew that he definitely was not strong enough to mess with whatever devices there was, considering that he didn't even know they were there in the first place.

"As for the reward first place will receive for such an incredible achievement...

First place will receive a twenty-five percent bonus to his point total, a choice between three high rarity utility items and they will be able to select one item from the tutorial shop for completetly free!"

Kai's eyes widened.

Did she say free?

Kai smiled softly as he scratched under his nose, trying to hide his smirk. Free items were definitely welcome, especially if there were some super expensive Legendary items up for sale.

Plus, its not like anyone had to know that Kai had used a Miracle Bead. What they don't know can't hurt them so Kai decided to simply play along and accept the rewards.

The Host smiled and clapped her hands, the action captivating everyone present.

"That concludes our ranking. I hope anyone who ended up in the top ten is happy, and to anyone who didn't... Tough luck."

Kai's smile twitched. He had to be right, he was nearly sure of it. This angel was definitely nothing remotely close to an angel. Sure she had the wings, but Kai was near certain that she had come close to cursing everyone present and going back to her own business.

"Now, as our bidding enters its final stage, I will answer some of the questions you posses, as I am sure that there is quite a lot of them to be asked."

Kai thought about asking first, but before he even got the chance, someone else had beat him to it.

"When do we get to see our families?"

The origin of the voice was someone far, far away from Kai. He couldn't even make him out with his eyes yet he heard the man's voice perfectly. There was definitely some sort of Mana and magic at use, thanks to the Host probably, but Kai couldn't be sure.

The angel smiled sweetly, only the sweetness in the smile didn't seem genuine.

"Family? Well, if they're alive I suppose you might have the chance to meet them after the bidding is over."

The silence only lasted for quarter of a second before someone else had spoken up, this time a woman.

"What do you mean if they're alive?"

The Host's smile cracked again.

"Two million, seven hundred and sixty-four thousand, three hundred and seventy-two. That is how many of you are present and that is how many of you survived. Everyone else from your planet has either failed to qualify for the tutorial, perished inside the tutorial or were used as fuel for the summoning process."

Everyone gazed blankly up at The Host, wondering was she joking or not.

She had to be joking, right? How could under three million survive from a planet that had a population of eight billion?

What a sick joke that was, to say that only three million had survived...

She was joking... Right?

Instantly, the crowd, which turned out to be a number of just under three million, all started screaming and shouting. Their voices carried far and wide, mixing into an ear greeting cacophony of noise.

The Host sighed, her true personality slipping through for a moment.

Instantly, everyone felt her aura press down on them. However, unlike last time where the aura was comforting and soft, this time is was strong and overbearing. Kai had a hard time trying to breathe, and it was even worse for anyone who didn't have the same amount of strength he did.

"I don't get why you're all so worker up about 'family', it's just a concept created by your world. You will all have to learn that while families do exist, it's a kill or be killed world.

Even families have people who will kill their parents or siblings in pursuit of power, they would do anything to obtain more strength.

It's not important who you knew before this, it's important who you get to know after this. Especially as you will be going with your buyers soon.

Then again, I guess it depends on who your buyer is, some of you may be unfortunate and end up with someone with a not so caring character."

The angel smiled, but Kai couldn't help but shiver at the sight of it.

Even with that blindfold on, Kai was sure that she was still able to see. And even worse than that, the smile that the angel was currently wearing on her face was the most genuine smile she had displayed.

She was enjoying watching these pathetic humans panic.

Still, she had to do her job, otherwise she would just get punished.

"However, I can't have you all panicking, that's bad business. But not all of you deserve the right not to panic. Some of you are scum who deserve death, while some are cowards who will accomplish nothing with their lives.

So I will be the kind being I'm meant to be and reward each of the top ten with one final gift.

I will tell you how many of your family members are still alive, that will save some of you any potential trouble if all of them end up being dead."

The creepy smile stayed on the angel's face as she started speaking again.

"Tenth place, two members of your family survived.

Ninth place, you have three family members alive.

Eight place, you're all alone, no family members.

Seventh... Wow, nine members of your family survived, that's quite something."

However, despite the good news, Kai couldn't help but notice that the nerd had paled after hearing that. Why did it seem that he was actually upset that his family had survived?

"Sixth place, you've got two family members.

Fifth place, you have only one surviving family member.

Fourth, you have none left, shame.

Third, haven't a clue so that sounds like a problem for... whoever you are.

Second, you have three surviving family members.

And first place..."

Kai's heart rate picked up as the seconds passed excruciatingly slow. Why was the angel taking her sweet time, Kai wanted to know if his parents were alive. This whole situation was too fucked up in the first place and

"You have one surviving family member."

Kai's eyes widened as he felt his heart simultaneously shatter and heal.

Someone was alive, either his mom or dad had survived. But...

That also meant that one of them had died.

Kai wanted to ask the angel which one had survived, to know the truth before anything else happened, but Kai could feel that the angel's mood was slowly worsening with every moment she had to spend with this crowd.

Excitedly, she clapped her hands, probably happy that she was about to be free of this bunch. It's not like this was a bad batch, but she just didn't care enough for them anyway, they were her moneymakers after all.

Still, she was a little sad about saying goodbye to fifth place, how nice it would have been to have a man like him for a little while...

"That concludes this portion of the tutorial. You will all be sent to the tutorial shop, where you will have thirty minutes to spend your points while we finalise the results of the bidding. Then, you all will be-"

The angel was cut off by the shout of a child. Kai's breath hitched as he turned his head to look at the source, noticing the angel's eyebrow twitching in the process.

That was when Kai's heart froze when he saw a young blonde girl pounce onto a burly tall man with black hair who had an arm missing.


Whiplash chapter

Kerplunkeredcreators' thoughts