
The First Task

Ollivander was done examining Kaiser's staff finding nothing that would hinder him from competing fair and square with the others.

Kaiser was sitting on a wooden bench while resting his staff on his shoulder while assessing his competition starting with Harry whom Kai deemed as last place in this competition.

Then came Fleur who seemed to have skills but Yun couldn't place her over Viktor or Cedric which gave a stronger Aura from them compared to her.

The next was Cedric just narrowly behind Viktor but Kaiser saw Cedric's compassion becoming a hindrance to his own good while Viktor was ambitious showing it already to Kaiser when he confessed his love to Hermione before him.

'I am going to shovel my foot into his ass,' thinks Kaiser glaring at Viktor before glancing back at his other opponents.

Soon a man holding a pouch entered the tent they were all in handing the pouch over to Mr. Crouch Sr. who opened it before nodding and sending the man away.

He wanted to summon the Champions but Thor just took the pouch away from him before handing it to Loki while saying, "It should be my friend's honor since the tournament was created in his honor."

Loki looked at the pouch and sighs before handing it over to Mr. Crouch Sr. who looked at him confused when he hears, "I am not as invested in the tournament as I was years ago. Let our Mr. Crouch have his moment since he organized everything this time."

"Thank you," says Mr. Crouch happily accepting his duty again.

"Champions to Mr. Crouch," says Loki when he sees the five Champions going toward Mr. Crouch.

He then stops Kaiser and says, "Not you, Kaiser. Your opponent was already chosen by me."

This made Krakaroff and Maxime were furious thinking that Loki was giving Kaiser and Asgard an easier option making this all pointless when they hear, "Your opponent will be Fafnir. He is really looking forward to meeting you again after you took his left eye."

Kaiser turned pale after hearing Fafnir's name while the others looked at Kaiser's panic as he was walking up and down right now while cursing in a language that only Thor and Loki seemed to understand making the bigger one laugh out loud while the smaller one only had a smirk on his face.

"WHY HIM!?" shouts Kaiser in panic which surprises the teaching staff a lot when Dumbledore looks at the two Gods wanting to hear an explanation for Kaiser's reaction.

"Kaiser, here, has a bad relationship with Fafnir after he took Fafnir's left eye after his master through him at the Dragon we all got a good laugh out of it," says Thor seeing Kaiser's childish behavior which doesn't resemble the Berserker they know.

"And you will be fighting him using your staff and not your axes this time remember this," says Loki reminding Kaiser that his axes will be taboo throughout the tournament.

"Don't remind me of that," says Kaiser holding his head while thinking about how to deal with Fafnir.

"Just don't kill the greedy bastard. You just need to accomplish your goal which is to obtain what he is guarding in the arena. I will also reinforce a barrier so Fafnir can't hurt any of the viewers. He can be quite the vengeful one," says Loki reassuring everyone that he would keep Fafnir's fury under control while the Champions began to pull their Dragon out of the pouch.

Fleur got the Common Welsh Green, Cedric a Swedish Short-Snout, Viktor the Chinese Fireball and Harry pulled out the last Dragon who was a Hungarian Horntail which reminded Harry a lot of the Dragon he once met in his first-year in Hogwarts.

"Well then, tomorrow on the 24th of November the first trial will begin starting with Cedric, then Fleur, Viktor, Harry, and as last, Kaiser. You can retreat for today and make your final preparations," says Loki surprising everyone as they thought he would straight up send them out.

"It seems, some of you have forgotten that I am not only the God of Magic but also Mischief. We will begin tomorrow then," says Loki as he claps his hands together before everyone disappeared finding themselves back in their own room giving some particular reporter no chance to ask some awkward questions.

Kaiser was running up and down his room making the others in this room nervous as he was talking to himself it seemed like a madman complaining to air.

The next day arrived fast with students and enthusiasts of the Triwizard Tournament were sitting together to watch the spectacle of the First Trial with Thor and Loki sitting on special seats near Dumbledore and the other two Headmasters.

"Who do you think won't survive this first round?" asks Thor curiously wanting to speculate with Loki with the Headmasters in the range of overhearing them.

"We will be lucky if we don't have to clean up the whole area with her coming as well," says Loki hinting at someone when a seat appears beside Loki.

"Who are we expecting?" asks Dumbledore curiously seeing the empty seat.

"Sarah Masters will be attending the Triwizard Tournament as Kaiser's only available guardian to cheer for him just like the other parents sitting around the tribune," says Loki which made Dumbledore feel some chills run down his spine as the person to have defeated him in the past was going to join them.

Loki claps his hands twice and Sarah appears on the seat already sitting before saying, "You took your time."

Loki looked at her seeing her armed to the teeth with guns and swords making many people nervous while Thor burst into laughter seeing her like that.

"Did you have to bring all those weapons with you?" asks Dumbledore seeing Sarah again a bit nervous.

"I am on enemy territory. It should be normal to be prepared for the worst than expect nothing," says Sarah as she looks at all the students and enthusiasts celebrating a barbaric tournament in her eyes.

"So what will be happening here?" asks Sarah a bit curious since Kaiser was going to participate in said tournament for Asgard.

"The Champions will be stealing a Golden Egg which a Young Female Dragon will be protecting from them. The trial is over once they have the Egg," says Loki explaining the first trial to Sarah which made Sarah glare at Dumbledore and the other Headmasters and Ministry Employees.

"I was informed by the Crown that you Wizards transported some dangerous goods around the country. Now I know the purpose," says Sarah not pleased since it puts many innocent people at risk if one of those Dragons escape their chains.

"Nothing will happen with all the personnel looking over the Dragons and their condition," says Mr. Crouch trying to reassure Sarah that nothing would happen.

"I hope so or I will have to collect some heads at the end of the school year," says Sarah seriously which scared many of the people that listened in on their conversation.

They all heard a roar as people dragged a Dragon into the arena as well as a Golden Egg which was placed down in the middle of the arena with the Dragon who was chained down so he couldn't escape the arena.

"Many would call that cruelty against animals," says Sarah knowing her grandson wouldn't like what was going on if he could see this since he loves animals.

"You can't compare them to normal animals such as cats or dogs. They are dangerous creatures-" says Mr. Crouch when he gets interrupted by Sarah.

"So are Fenrir and Jörmungandr, but they listen to their commands when given," says Sarah countering Mr. Crouch's argument while looking at the Dragon when the first Champion get called to join them in the arena.

"What Dragon will my grandson face?" asks Sarah curiously wanting to know who the poor being is.

"It isn't a Dragon but a Dwarf," says Thor to Sarah who suddenly stood up her face drained of color almost in a panic going by her eyes which were shaking.

"You couldn't have called Fafnir after he lost his left eye to Kaiser! He will be out for blood!" shouts Sarah angrily at the two Gods making everyone to tense up since she was ranting at Gods not some simple Wizards.

"Calm down, he only needs to get the egg and everything will be over," says Thor not taking the situation seriously as Cedric enters the arena wearing something that resembled his Quidditch equipment to keep him safe from a Dragon.

"You must to be kidding sending a kid to his death," says Sarah seeing Cedric clothed like that instead of wearing a proper armor made of leather since it wouldn't constrain his movement.

"It is a battle of wit not of strength," says Dumbledore remembering Sarah that it wasn't a fight to the death.

"For now at least," says Sarah seeing Cedric use magic to transfigurate a rock into a dog before rushing to get the egg while the Dragon was chasing the Dog.

The Dragon was dragged out and a new Dragon was brought in with a new egg but now the next Champion was called in which was Fleur.

"Ah, a half-breed, that is interesting," says Sarah sounding to others like she tried to insult Fleur for her heritage but was genuinely curious how it worked since she already met other half-breeds before in her line of work.

"Do you have something against it?" asks Maxime in her heavy French accent while two adults glared at her.

"No, I am more curious about her genetics since I met a lot of half-breeds in my line of work with one being my husband's best friend. I almost killed him by accident when he showed up with the quarter werewolf at my doorsteps back then," says Sarah seriously before saying, "I just tolerate them. The British Men of Letters, on the other hand, would place her on a stack and burn her alive. I will keep it a secret from those radicals."

Nobody said anything as the round was over fast without them witnessing it because of the argument except for the two Gods and Sarah.

They saw that Fleur put the Dragon to sleep long enough to steal the egg from it but her skirt got scorch marks from the snoring Dragon.

The next one was Viktor who blinded his Dragon with a spell temporarily to retrieve his egg easily making him almost a favorite to win.

"He is lucky we went against using real Dragon Eggs or he would have gotten a hefty point deduction for the Dragon breaking the real eggs," says Bagman which picked Sarah's attention.

"You wanted mix the Golden Egg between the real eggs very dangerous and stupid," says Sarah seriously when she looked at the duo.

"You went against it, right," says Sarah stating the obvious.

"Yes, I am using an illusion to make the Dragons think that it is protecting its eggs and not only the Golden Egg. I have evaluated that the Dragon Population would have gone down drastically if they Dragons would smash their own eggs by accident," says Loki with a smirk on his face while adding, "I also secured some nice presents for Kaiser's next birthday at the same time."

"They won't enter my mansion in the city," says Sarah having already enough with the other pets in her mansion to have now Dragons as well.

"I didn't think about the mansion in the city but more the Duchy you Masters own with your Palace and its surroundings it would be easy to raise them and you also have so many house-elves now they could take care of them in Kaiser's absence or he could just use his new acquired Nap-Sack," says Loki informing everyone that Kaiser had a Nap-Sack while Sarah only looked at him confused.

Loki had to explain what a Nap-Sack was to Sarah while the infamous, Boy-who-Lived, Harry Potter. He was nervously walking forward looking at the Dragon as he saw it sleeping as he approached slowly trying to get the egg.

He was almost there when he felt a heavy breath down his spine which made him run while calling for his broom using a spell which made his broom fly to his hands.

He got a hold of his broom and flew over the arena when the Dragon suddenly freed himself of the chains holding it down following Harry into the air making many nervous except for four people.

"Am I the only one or is he also not nervous," says Sarah to Loki and Thor who saw the same thing looking at Mad-Eye Moody who was taking a sip from his flask.

"Well, he is supporting Harry Potter so he must have some confidence on him," says Loki as he was already suspicious of him since it was his aura on the paper that the Goblet spit out with Harry's name on it.

"Let's continue watching him for now," says Thor while everyone else was distracted by Harry and the Dragon.

"Aren't you going to do something?" asks Dumbledore seeing Harry struggle against the Dragon when Loki shakes his head.

"I had if he stayed on the ground but the boy had to go into the air which put the Dragon in a disadvantage which is now leveled again," says Loki explaining why he wasn't going to help for now.

Harry flew as fast as he could destroying a bit of the castle's exterior with the Dragon crashing into it several times before he returned to get the egg making him end the round before Loki intervened and subdued the Dragon using magic.

"Now for the last Dragon," says Loki before turning to Thor who nods and he disappears for a moment before appearing again in the middle of the arena with a giant black dragon with only one eye and a big scar on the other side of his face with one eye missing.

The Golden Egg was placed there before Thor returned and they all could feel Fafnir's killing intent which was heavier than all the Dragons before him combined.

"And now for our last Champion representing Asgard, Kaiser Masters," announces the Announcer as the gates open revealing Kaiser in half of his armor not holding his staff when the Dragon begins to roar and prepares to use his firebreath against Kaiser.

Kaiser looked at Fafnir and says, "Ready to lose your other eye, Greedy Bastard."

Hope you like it.

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