
Kaikimonogatari - A Monogatari fanfiction

STORY HALTED INDEFINITELY This story, narrated by a younger Kaiki Deishuu, tells the tale of his first professional con. Fresh out of college, Kaiki turns to the city of Naoetsu to turn a deceitful profit. Kaiki first meets success, deceiving the Senjougahara family. However, as a result of his inexperience, Kaiki's con later gets himself into trouble with the law. To escape jail he must rely on what he knows best; money and lies. This work of fanfiction aims to depict a younger Kaiki's character and create a more developed backstory, while maintaining relation to the overall story of Monogatari.

SouthwestNM · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


Everyone is good at something. At least, everyone likes to believe that they are good at something. It's comforting to know that you possess a talent, skill, or some wealth of knowledge that no one else is capable of matching. It gives us a feeling of uniqueness, security from those pesky doubtful thoughts.

It's all just lying to yourself.

Being good at something, perhaps even "the best'', is just a title. They're adjectives meant to describe how you're simply more proficient than an average person, but really you aren't all that far away from the competition. "The best" are always replaced, and those who are "good" always have a contemporary.

That being said, I am the best at deceiving others, I have no contemporaries, and an average person is nothing compared to me in this field.

So I guess I lied about it being a lie. It's not always a lie, only in rare circumstances.


Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter.

My point is that I've decided what I should do going forward. As my time in college is now rendered useless, there's only one direction I believe I should be going. It's the same direction I've always been in, and the direction I'm the best at.


Often and profusely, whenever I have an opportunity to benefit.

It's only the nature of the world, after all. Those who have a talent use it, and those who use it the best succeed the most. A winner's path is the path laid out for them by their talents. I'm simply being a studious man by taking up the life of a conman.

I, Deishuu Kaiki, have a dream. For the first time in my uneventful life I have an ambition, a vision of the future.

Wealth, and lots of it.

Now, the obvious thought here would be along the lines of "Wealth? As does everybody. Tasteless, isn't it?"

Well too bad.

I don't care, and neither should you.

Money is the only thing left in this world that's true.

I was recently on a long break from writing due to complications with life. During this time I watched and began to read the Monogatari series by Nisio Isin. I loved it, and especially loved Kaiki Deishuu.

I wanted to write this as a shorter project, intended to help me get back into writing and further develop a character I deeply enjoyed. I also want to capture the sort of character Kaiki is, as I would love to use Kaiki-esque characters in my own projects...

This project will update at least weekly, perhaps more if I get an easier than usual workload from my courses.

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