
Chapter 11

Sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday, so I'll update both books today.

'Where am I supposed to go?' I've been walking in the same direction for several hours and there is nothing here. It's basically a waste land, correction it is a land. Aside from the occasional comical tumbleweed it's nothing.

I walked over to a pile of rocks and jumped on top of it. Unsurprisingly my legs were pretty strong. I jumped and sniffed, and I smelled a familiar scent. I jumped off and started running west. Within a few minutes I could see it.

It was the orange and blue jaeger, with that girl Taylor and Hayley. I was watching from behind a rock stack. 'They kept saying something about going to the coast to escape' I had know idea where it was but, if I followed them I could find it and swim to an island, and live peacefully.

I made sure to stay out of sight while watching them. They were missing an arm and I had noticed pieces of their leg that ripped weren't fixed. 'Hopefully they can still make it to the shore' they kept walking forward.

I made sure to be close enough to see them but not too close. They walked for and hour before suddenly stopping and running towards the left. I followed them. While running I noticed something was connecting to me.

I was still running when pings started going off. Those pings turned into long bleeps, and then into words. I listened to it and it sounded like they were near a breach. Kaijus popped out and they were asking for backup.

``Weird I remember it being said there was no back up' I kept following them for ten minutes when they came across a large hole. It looked like a meteor hit.

They jumped down and I followed shortly after. While they searched for the ping I looked around. It was a jaeger graveyard. All types were here. 'I might be able to get some better parts' I hopped on a jaeger and started looking.

If I could get one of those repulsed blaster things I could have taken care of the rippers way faster. I looked at the arms and found one but it was way too big. I kept looking when I heard a roar. To my left atlas(the jaeger Taylor and Hayley pilot) was in front of a kaiju, jaeger?

It looked like me but much bigger. It started attacking atlas. 'I don't wanna help them but I don't know where the shore is' I decided I'll help them just so I can get to the shore and leave, then go there on their own.

I ran up beside the kaiger. Looking up, it's way bigger and has more human features than I. I ran to its leg and started hopping up it. Leaving deep marks wherever my claws touched.

I heard something like distress signals coming from it. I made it to the torso and clawed into it. Inside was hollow. I ran through it. Anytime I saw an opening I would jump up and claw it. I made it to the head. I saw where the ai should be covered in a red mass.

I bit into the red mass while clawing at it. Eventually it ripped out. Showing the mechanical vote underneath. For good measure I ripped that out as well. I jumped out of the glass frame from the head.

I landed on the ground feet first and looked back at it. At this point it was unmoving and slumped over. I was falling down towards me. 'Easy, wait oh' I started running forward. I landed where it's feet were so I was pretty close to the landing place.

I was running forward when I said. 'Hold up' I ran to the side and got out of the way. I looked up to see atlas sporting a new red arm. And then it aimed at me. 'Crap'

I moved out the way when a grapple launched towards me. I dodged out of the way when it swung. I jumped over it and ran up it. Atlas started whipping the cable around connected to the grapple.

I ran all the way up. The grapple was coming towards me again so I jumped through the glass. Ending up face to face, with the jaegers pilots.