
The Thing About Dragon Blood.

The following is a scholarly article about [Dragon Force] and dragon blood, which would later serve as the main research material for the [Mutation Inheritance] and [Evolution Inheritance] phenomenon, written by a man knowing terms that shouldn't be known by world of Valresta, just yet.


It is a known fact that there is a strange power hidden in blood. More specifically, those who carry the blood of aether beasts, Bloodliners, are able to tap into powers that most other mortals would never be able to access in their lifetime...unless they're born with it.

There have been attempt to try and implant these abilities into others via the means of surgical implantation, and there have been techniques to try and emulate these abilities.

Unfortunately, the former would normally end in death due to incompatibility of the flesh, while the latter was always weaker than the real thing.