
Kaijin Fighter: So I Have to Make Monsters, So What?

Horrible Accident? Check Otherworldly Soul Yeeting? Check Taking over some schmuck's body who died around the same time? Check Unable to cultivate because the aforementioned schmuck's constitution is all messed up? Double Check In the world of Valresta where the great and powerful cultivate an energy called aether to get to where they are, Zhen Liu (Thomas Lee) is physically unable to despite having the qualities to do so. But due to a twist of fate, Zhen Liu is given the ability to create kaijin, strange and monstrous warriors to fight in his stead. By using this world's laws combined with his knowledge of Earth, watch as Zhen Liu stands above the so-called aether saints to become the one and only kaijin lord! "What the hell is a train"?! "Something that's about to kick your butt. Get him"! "Yes my lord"! Cover art done by JacKLYart on Twitter My Twitter: https://twitter.com/MajorMizako?t=23kOezglRcDjEUKcmpZQiA&s=09

Mizako · Ost
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1014 Chs

Decisions of the past, echo into tomorrow

Title: The Final Day of Belios Fetoni

Description: A short story that depicts the last day of a bright eyed almost graduate on his last big assignment. If all goes well, he'll be able to become third year with a more credentials than any other in his generation. However...


"Damn...never seen an eighth tier aether beast corpse up close before," Belios commented aloud as he stared up at the giant spider leg that pierced the treeline.

With the added mist, it looked as if it was the finger of some sort of ancient giant, pointing towards the heavens.

In defiance or reverence, he'd never know.

It didn't matter to him.

He wasn't the religious type.

As Belios engrossed himself with the scenery, he failed to notice an upperclassman of his sneaking up behind him...until said upperclassman lightly smack the back of his head.

"Bah! Hey, why'd you do that Sawyer?"