
Chapter 333: The Man in the Suit

Although the lights in the seventh carriage had broken, the light filtering in from the carriage ahead was sufficient for others to see. The players inside had already caught a glimpse of the abnormal, purple-skinned baby and had turned pale, without a word, they bolted towards the carriage in front.

The suit-clad men, using their weapons to separate the players, were heading towards the seventh carriage when suddenly, all the lights aboard the train went out!

"Lights!" At the command of one of the burly men, three strong lights came on inside the carriage, but no sooner had they lit up than a window in the sixth carriage shattered, sending the men with lights, along with two other players, flying out of the train!

The rapidly moving train quickly carried away the trio's screams into the distance, but those inside had no time to concern themselves with their fate, as several more impacts followed and more holes appeared in the windows, ejecting several more people!