
Kael Cor: A Vampire's Awakening

Kael Cor wakes to find himself in a dungeon, as a newly awakened vampire. He has to struggle through rules and social structures that he has no understanding or memories of to survive. With pure luck and a system that wants him to succeed for its own ends, he climbs to a position of power within the vampire community. With enemies outside the dungeon they are all living in, breathing down their backs, and enemies within, threatening the hard won peace he has managed to aquire, Kael must find a way to succeed in the life he wants for those he cares about. Please check out my WSA 2022 Novel (Titan Rising Online: World Breaker ) A winner in the first Webnovel Writing Contest PS: The earlier 3 to 4 dozen chapters are a little choppy, inconsistent and filled with grammatical errors. But that's because I was still learning how to write(I still am) then. But please do stick around longer, it gets better. Check out my other novels. The Two Lives Of Aaron Wade: The Gamer & The Heir Legends Of Qi Earth: Wudang

Anone · Urban
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437 Chs

I Am Kael Cor (I): Claim Your Name

"Is this really necessary?" I asked Asha as I watched the entourage behind me and followed by a giant shadow beast.

"You're fighting a battle on more than one front, you don't just have to defeat Uzoma, you have to win the hearts of the people, and appearances, and charisma is required for that. You have to start consolidating power even before it's in your hands, because let's face it. You're going to win, trap or no trap, they just don't know that this is just a formality. You have to show them, that you're powerful enough to not just stand up to the authority, but to beat their asses if required."

When she put it that way, there's no way I can refute her. This whole fight would be one big act, it won't be an easy one no doubt, but it would be an act none the less.

Everyone who lives in the tower were right behind me, all dressed in their Sunday best, and I admit except for me, Xaseah, Asha and Asare, the Sunday best of the others wasn't so best like as I required. But we had a giant lion following behind us, he made us look good enough.

"You're looking really handsome master, the air of nobility really suits you." Asare commented just as we stepped into the green district.

I gave him a bashful smile, I felt embarrassed, this was the best clothes I've worn in like forever, since I lost my memories, and since I reincarnated, I guess you could say I've never worn anything as nice as what I had on right now. Lukas really came through for me in that aspect. I was wearing a black tight fitting coat, it was long enough that it stopped at the side of my thighs, I think it's called a long coat or something.

The inner part of the coat was made of red velvet material, almost as if two suits were meshes together, which meant I could wear it inside out if I wanted. The trousers I had one looked really formal, and it was black too, but it was comfortable enough for me to fight in.

And then came the steel toed and soled black boots, the metal on them gleamed with a silver luster. I was not allowed to wear anything under the coat, apparently it's vampire tradition that fights like this are carried out shirtless.

The green district was just as lively as it has always been, however the bustle of the market district was a little bit more ordered as numerous vampires lined the streets, and stood in front of their towers to watch as me an my entourage marched through towards the center.

The efficiency of Adein could not be questioned as he was able to get every vampire to come watch this fight. I knew why he was doing this though, he expected me to loose, and he wanted me to do it in public, for me to fall as people who look up to me watched.

For me to see the disappointment in their eyes as mine closed for good. He really was a sadist, and I'm going to enjoy proving him wrong, regardless of how hard this fight might be. I won't loose...….I can't loose.

Right at the center of the green district was a battling platform that looked quite similar in construction to the teleportation platform at the front of the guard tower. However this was not made by a weaver, it functioned with similar abilities like runes, but what I was seeing here was very different.

They were not words, but rather symbols, I couldn't read them, but I could see and feel the traces of soul energy from within, and it felt very ancient.

"You don't have to be too confused, Lord Kael, those are wards. Very different from the runes of the weavers, since weavers use words, and Ward Seekers use symbols to influence and change the power of nature. Both classes are closely related, but warders are not as diverse as weavers, and they're mostly crafters anyway. Warders are next to useless in a straight up fight, unless they already prepared a battlefield to their own advantage, or use tools that have already be warded."

I did not need to turn my head to know that Lukas was standing right beside me. A devil and a vampire.

That was quite the combination if you ask me, and while I don't really trust the guy, I considered him a friend or rather a very close acquaintance. He's come through for me quite a few times already, I'm not so ungrateful that I wouldn't remember that.

If I was still Jason, my father would have a field day, and probably force me to kneel in front of an alter for a whole week straight, after all his son was not just associating with a devil, but actually felt grateful to him. It's the end times I tell you, the end times.

"Thanks for coming Lukas." I said to him

"There's no problem Lord Kael, I just want you to know that me, and the force behind the entire night wraiths gang, fully support you, and wish you luck."

I nodded at him, and watched as he turned away to go find himself a seat. This was a battling arena where all disputes between vampires are settled. Unlike most of the things in the pit, this was not built by the humans, in fact after listening to Asha giving the younger vampires some extra explanation, I learnt that this platform has been here, right from the very beginning of the pit, and it had two distinct energy signatures that gave hints to it's origin. It was both Vampiric, and Human in nature.

It told a story of a history long forgotten, but to anybody who was wise enough to understand, they would know that once upon a time, a human and a vampire had made this platform, together! For what reason, no one knows, but they did it together, not as enemies but a partners, two different energies if equilibrium.

That was very different from what life is like now for both vampires and humans, we're enemies, and to be honest it would take hundreds if not thousands of years of peace to wash off the bad blood between the two races, that is if we ever get that peace.

There was an erected podium on two sides of the platform, one of them had Adein and some of his lackeys, and the other had vampires that I couldn't recognize, each of them was dressed infinitely better than any other vampire in attendance, apart from me and my queens.

Those vampires had to be the bloodline elders, they surely looked the part considering most of them were looking down at me, literally and figuratively. You could not feign that degree of superiority, they really thought I was a waste of time.

Of course it might also be because Xaseah had gone to their own backyard and practically ordered them to swear allegiance to me, if i was in their shoes, I would probably hate me too.

I looked up and saw Uzoma standing on the platform, his huge body glistened with sweat, and the two spears he held in both his hands, were covered by a yellow hue of energy.

I looked at his head, and saw that the normal seal was now missing, instead there was a rune circle around his neck that was pulsing black with his breathing. I looked back at Asha and saw her look back at me with the same worried gaze.

I shouldn't be surprised because I also expected such a scenario, it was the scenario I hoped for the least, but it seems I'm left without much of a choice but to face what I dreaded from this fight. Uzoma has already been unsealed.

"Ladies! And Gentlemen! Humans, werewolves, and of course vampires. An elder of a district has been challenged to a fight! A fight to the death. The prize?........winner takes all! Complete control and full autonomy of the blue district from the authority of me and my own, I guess you can say it's freedom! The likes which none of you has ever experienced before."

Adein's Boise boomed across the square, I watched as the eyes of he vampire elders bulged out in surprise as they all looked at me with a new look in their eyes. The area around the platform was instantly filled with chatter as every vampire there was shocked by what was actually on the line.

Something like this has never happens before in the entire history of the pit, of course the freedom on it's own seems to be superficial, considering the vampires are all still going to be sealed.

But still freedom to exists in their own government, freedom from the guard's oppression was to juicy a piece of meat to ignore. And they all knew without a doubt that this could only happen because of me.

I did not want to brag, but Uzoma has been the grand elder of the blue district for quite some time, but he's never managed to strike a deal like this, in fact he was nothing more than a dog for the guards, he was incapable of making or handling such a change.

"Silence!, this is a fight to the death, both fighter are unsealed, at least to a certain degree. Use of weapons is allowed, any form of magic is allowed, there are no holds barred, no moves forbidden, do everything in your power to kill your opponent. It's not just your lives on the line fighters, but the lives of thousands of other vampires."

Adein paused to take a drink of water, trying to look posh and detached. But my eyesight was better than most would expect, the sweat dripping down his neck did not escape my gaze.

This guy was nervous, I didn't know why, but it gave me a little confidence at least. Uzoma was staring at me with a fire in his eyes, as he gripped his two spears tighter. Then Adein started speaking again.

"The challenged, Uzoma V'triwu urrrrr, I forgot his last name. Well no matter. The grand elder of the blue district come forth and claim your name for death!"

The sudden mistake of Adein forgetting the name of his enforcer embarrassed Uzoma, it was so funny I almost couldn't stop myself from laughing. He was made into a laughing stock in front of he entire vampire nation, anyway it works well in my favor I guess. Uzoma to a step closer on the platform and said in a loud voice.

"I am Uzoma!"

And then every vampire there gave a shout as they stomped their feet on the ground multiple times. Even Asha and Xaseah did the same, surprising me, I guess this was a way to respect the fighters on the platform. I stomped my leg a bit too, but kept my mouth close as I stared at Uzoma. Then Adein continued to speak.

"And the Challenger, Lord Kael of house Cor, Lion of Shearath, step forth and claim your name for death!"

I made my way onto the platform amidst a heavy silence and tensioned filled atmosphere. It was intimidating, to be honest, but there was no going back now.

As I approached the platform, I felt Asha pull my coat my shoulders as my upper body was left bare to the world, a sword and shield was given to me by Asare and Xaseah, and they all bowed as I went up the platform, every single vampire that lived in the tower with me.

I took a deep breath and stepped on the platform, immediately a barrier sprung up behind me as it surrounded the platform, I think it won't be coming down until one of us was dead. I looked at Uzoma then back up at Adein, I took a look around, making sure to turn, keeping my gaze on every vampire around.

Theatrical? Yes it was, but it felt profound to me, I had to prove myself here today, and I wanted them all to know that I could see them, that I had them in my thoughts. Then I turned to Uzoma and said.

"My Name Is Kael Cor!"


A wee more chapters and this volume ends, and then we'll enter the next phase of the novel. I wonder if I'm moving to fast, I'm worried this story is hurrying along and I don't want to bring down the overall quality of the story. Anyway thanks for reading and God bless you . don't forget to vote, review and comment, and if you like this story, please support me on ******* at


It would really go a long way in helping me survive if you support. Thanks.

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