
Kamen Rider Kabuto Within The Arrowverse

Johnathan is now reincarnated into the Arrowverse, but with help from a mysterious Deity. He can at least stand toe to toe with the forces of another and trained assassins. (I do not own any rights to any of the original characters of DC comics, Tokusatsu. They belong to their respected companies. The only thing I own is My OC.)

DrBubbl3s · Fantasy
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33 Chs

What To Choose?

There was nothing but darkness beyond the eye can see. Yet inside of this darkness sat one figure floating in the air. The only different thing was that this figure was clear light.

(Johnathan's POV)

"God how long has it been since I got here," I said to myself as I floated in the middle of nothing. I began to spin in circles and do aerial tricks to pass the time until a deep voice roared throughout the space.

"Hello, there young one. I hope that being in this space hasn't made you go insane," it said to me as I stood there dumbfounded. I looked around trying to find where the voice was coming from, but I was rewarded with a chuckle.

"Calm down young one. I do not have a physical form, but do not worry you've only been here for a week so it shouldn't be too bad." It stated.

"So are you like the god or something close to an entity?" I asked,

"Yes to either one."

"Ok, well now I know that I died."

"Well, you should be proud that you saved two lives even though the odds were against you."

"There is one thing though. When I threw that knife it went a little to left. How did it hit that guy?"

"Well, I may have had a small hand in that action," it said while chuckling.

"Anyways, let's get back to the point we are both here. You weren't supposed to die this early, so the other deity and I talked and we came up with a conclusion to give you three wishes and a chance to reincarnate to a world of your choice," it said to me. After hearing what it said to me, I couldn't keep my excitement contain and began to fly around in the space. It just chuckled at my actions and waited till I calmed down, which took a while.

"Ok first of all, what are the limitations of the wishes?" I asked,

"I read your memories and noticed that in a couple of novels the MC has a powerful system that defies the world laws. That's a big no because if you had something like that, the world would try to erase you from existence." It told me. I nodded at its comment besides why would I even want that. Besides most of the time, the MC relies too much on the system and neglects proper power.

"The other thing is that you can't wish to become a god. Other than that there isn't much other limitation. So go ahead and state your wishes and the world you would like to be in." it told me. I sat for a bit thinking about what I should wish for and how it could help me in the long run. After pondering for a bit I came up with the three wishes that would surely help me in the long run.

"Ok, I think I got it. First I would like to have to ability to create any material I wish for. The second is the knowledge of the Zecters and Rider Belts. For the third, I want a cultivation skill to strengthen my body and mind. I know that the second wish is kinda two in one but they are the same thing. Also for the world, I will let you choose since I'm already asking for a two-in-one wish. " I replied to the deity. The deity took a moment to think about what I've asked for.

"I don't mind giving your wishes. I don't think they are too much and the others wouldn't mind either. There is also one thing that I will grant you that the others wouldn't think about. I will let you keep your memories so that they can help you on your journey." the deity replied and then my body began to slowly lose its light.

"You are now going to be reincarnated and you will get your wishes when you reach the age of 8. That way you will have a normal childhood for most of your early age. Have a great life Johnathan and I hope you live it to the best of your ability." the deity said as I began to fade away. I woke up in darkness once again,

"Huh, did the deity fail at its job?" I questioned but then I couldn't move at all. I guess that the deity saved me some time from being a fetus to a baby. I'm grateful for that because I didn't want to be stuck inside for 9 months. After some time I felt something grab my head pulling me out. At first, I was shocked out of my sleep but then I remember that my mother was about to give birth.

"Here we go," I said to myself as the process began. After 6 hours of labor, I was finally born into this new world. I was handed to my mother she looked very beautiful, she had long brown hair, light green eyes, and she looked like a movie actress. As she held me, I could feel nothing but absolute love. I then saw a man walk right next to her, he had a sharp jawline, spikey black hair, hazel brown eyes. He had a bigger build more fit for manual labor.

"Look at him, honey. He looks just like you, but luckily he has my eyes." the woman said to the man.

"Yes dear, He is going to be very handsome when he grows up. Although I'm going to need him to help around the farm." He said chuckling then a nurse walked in,

"Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi we will need to bring your son to the care room if you don't mind." She said. They both nodded to her and handed me over to the nurse and the nurse then took me to the room. After putting me into the crib, she left turning off the light while going out the door. With nothing much to do, I just slept whenever I felt tired and just stared off into the distance for most of the time. A month went by and I was released to go home with my parents, which later I found out their names were Daiki and Jennifer. I was named Johnathan just like in my previous life which I don't mind at all. The area that we lived in was called Midvale and my parents owned a farmhouse. My father's job is pretty much growing certain products for the season and selling them to the market or companies. My mother, on the other hand, worked as a journalist but took off to take care of me.

Five years later, I finally began school once more, but it was a chance to get away from the boring atmosphere that was always surrounding me at home. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything that my parents do, but sometimes it's too much for one person if they never leave you alone for five years. I made a resolve to myself that in this life I will not neglect my health, and do whatever it takes to become better than the people in my past life. I found out that it was the year 1995, so I was born in 1990 and before I died it was the year 2019. I was born earlier than I was over there, so I'm going to be able to enjoy most things that I couldn't do by 2011. As I was in thought, the bus pulled up to our farmhouse and as I got on I could see my mom waving at me while crying. My dad was comforting her while laughing, which earned him a beating from her as the bus pulled away.

I noticed that most kids on the bus were either sleeping or talking about what they like. I just sat in the front away from everyone else for I didn't care for them. When we finally got to the school everyone was excited to start their first day of school, and I somehow got caught in the atmosphere most likely due to my age clashing with my mind. After getting escorted to our homeroom, everyone had assign seats already so we had to find them. My desk was set in the back of the room, which I didn't mind because there was no reason for me to redo Kindergarten. When I was in school in my past life I did very well in school, had straight A's, and had a scholarship to any college ready for me when I graduated. It didn't go as plan due to the special circumstance. The rest of the students found their seats and the teacher came in after the bell rang. The first thing the teacher made us do was to talk about ourselves to everyone. Three students later a girl with long dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes.

"My name is Alex Danvers, I like lasagna, dogs, and the color blue," she said with a bright big smile then sat back down. After some time it was my turn,

"My name is Johnathan Takahashi, I like to sleep, take photos, and looking at beautiful sceneries," I said then sat back down. The following day was just common stuff that kids learn in Kindergarten, but what I was thinking about was how I was going to get my wishes when I turn eight.

"This is going to be a long three years," I said to myself as I lay my head down. As I kept going to school, I've taken a liking to Alex Danvers because of how smart she was. So we've begun to hang out more, and on the side, I've been training my body to get ready for my cultivation technique. Three years later, I was laying down in my bed when a wave of information began to assault me. After some time, I was finally able to sort everything out and was too excited to go back to sleep. The first thing I tried was creating materials with my skill. I started with simple things like bricks and rocks. After three hours of that, I began to look at the cultivation method and studying it for the remainder of the night. Since I was old enough my father decided that I should help out around the farm with him. I agreed because it would help me with training my body and it wouldn't do any harm to help out.