
Kabuki Kai

Set in the Feudal Era of 1683; Tamari Uchirōku the infamous "Monk of Madness" sets out on a journey to find the Six Sacred Masks to oppose the faceless demon that attacked his temple; stealing one of the Masks and killing his Master. Causing Tamari to be labeled a criminal for the slaughter of the Head monk as well as the destruction of the temple. The die has been cast, and Tamari knows what must be done in order to clear his name and avenge his fallen monks.

Wataku · Aktion
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50 Chs

Kabuki class (Session 1) "The concept of a soul"

"Hello students and welcome to Kabuki class. I am your teacher Mr. Uchirōku."

Tamari wore a blue suit with black pants as he stood at a blackboard; he wore dark blue glasses with black stripes. In his hand, a pointing stick.

"Today I'm here to teach you about the concept of the soul!"

Tamari put his hands up to his mouth. "Woooooo!" He cheered. "Ahhhhhh!"

The room stood silent.

Tamari frowned with an annoyed expression; "..."

He smacked the board. *Ahem* "The soul is made up of two fundamental parts that both humans, and demons... have."

"Do any of you know what either of those core parts are?"

A small black haired girl raised her hand. "Umm, Yangshi?" She asked.

"Ha ha! Correct! Thank you Futan." Cheered Tamari. "I see are youth are as bright as ever." He grinned.

"Anyway, "Yangshi" and... "Yinko" are the two parts of the soul." He said drawing a sketch of a soul on the blackboard.

"But depending on which you have an abundance of can determine your nature."

"Can anyone tell me, as a human..." He peered around the room. "Which is "our" abundance?"

A black haired boy with a blue yin necklace raised his hand. "Yangshi."

"Thank you, Maketa" Said Tamari.

Tamari sketched out a picture of a soul split into a black and white half.

"As humans, are Yangshi is in dominance over our Yinko; but as a demon it's the opposite."

Another kid held up his hand. "Mr. Uchirōku, how is a demon born?"

Tamari pointed at the child. "Yūshūna Shitsumon*!" (Excellent Question)*

"A demon is created when-" /Ring! Ring! Ring!/

"Ah, shoot! Well that's all the time we have for today class." He sighed.

The kids stood up from their desks, rushing to the door.

"But next time we'll be learning about the abilities of Yangshi and Yinko! So be prepared!" He shouted.

The children left in a hurry; leaving the room a complete mess. "Sigh... Just another day Tamari... Just another day." He sighed.

Hey everyone, Wataku here.

I know there's a lot of vocabulary in my book so I'll be using "Kabuki Class" to explain the whatever is introduced in the book more thoroughly.

Please tell me if you like this or not.

Thanks again,


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