
Kaṟpaṉai Online

Follow Berat Seppo as he becomes a legendary assassin in Kaṟpaṉai Online with his devoted fans.

Sore_Eros · Spiele
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Kaṟpaṉai Online

Kaṟpaṉai Online.

A game where you can become anything you want to be. A chef? A blacksmith? The King of the Undead? Sure, you can be whatever you want to be.

In Kaṟpaṉai Online, you can customize your own character from hair color to race to everything.

At least that's what the game developer says on his tvitter.

I've been waiting for this game for months now, ever since I saw the trailer.

Me? Ah, I'm Berat Seppo. I'm a Turkish man, 34 years old, 5 ft 9 in, 161 lbs, no girlfriend/fiance/wife, no children, and I only have my mom as family. I have a brown skin tone, thick, short black hair, and a medium-length goatee.

I have thin eyebrows, brown eyes, angled lips, and defined cheekbones. I have a wide torso with defined chest muscles, and powerful hands and I also have a tongue piercing. And lastly, I'm a tradesperson.

Okay, I'm guessing you, dear reader, have already imagined what I look like, so let's continue.

As I said, I've been waiting for this game for months, and now it has been finally released, so I'm currently sitting in front of my PC.

I logged into my zteam account, then bought the game. I waited for some time for the game to be downloaded and etc. Then I was finally able to sign up for the game.

I put up my headset and was ready to go.

As the game loaded in, it asked for my e-mail, my phone number, which was optional and other stuff.

After I was done with that the game took me to customize my character.

There a default character awaited me. It had no kind of hair and had black eyes. Of course, I wasn't going to play with that.

(A/N: I'm not going to waste yall time with this, so here's what he looks like)


"Huuu, finally done. He looks handsome as hell."

I clicked on save character than [Are you sure? You won't be able to change it afterward.] the game asked.

I clicked on [Yes], then it asked for a name. I pondered for a minute then I wrote [BS], and saved it. Afterward, I realized that 'BS' stands for 'bullshit'.

I wrote [BS] because they're the starting letters for my name, 'Berat Seppo'.

I shook my head, then continued with the game.

My character got transported into the starting village. There were already multiple players already. The players' characters were...colorful to say the least.

'I see everyone took advantage of the race-changing option. Undeads, elves, gnomes...'

I was wondering as well if I should play with a character other than a human, but I decided against it. I don't know why.

'The game's graphic is really something else' I thought as I looked around. Carlos Cheng is the game developer, he really outdid himself. Yes, his name is strange, isn't it? His mother is Mexican and his father is Chinese.

Anyways, enough about him. I started wondering if I should start a Livestream. I didn't mention this, but sometimes I do live streams, but as a working middle-aged adult, I can't find time for it, but since this is a game that millions of people have been waiting for, I'm sure a lot of people would watch me as well. I'm certain that people would want to see other perspectives as well.

I pressed alt+tab and then wrote 'Tvitch.com' in the search bar. I logged into my account and took care of everything that was necessary for a live stream.

I turned on my camera and started to play the game for real this time.

I titled my stream as 'Kaṟpaṉai Online as an Assassin' since my class will be that. I already decided that's the class I'm going to choose because that's the one I'm the most comfortable with.

As I was walking around with my character I glanced at my other monitor and I saw that there were hundreds of people watching my stream.

Satisfied after walking around for a few minutes, I walked towards the NPC that was giving out the beginner quests.

Sorry for grammatical errors

Sore_Eroscreators' thoughts