
K Idols AU stories

This is only work of fiction. The writer do not intend to harm or insult the fandom and the artists as well. Plagiarism is a crime. I know that my works are kinda trashy but I give all my best and put my heart on it so don't repost. Feel free to unfollow me if you're not comfortable with same sex relationship, but no reporting, I'm begging you. This contains grammatical, spelling errors, and words that are not appropriate to young readers. Kgroups: Mamamoo, (G)I-dle, Oneus, and Onewe

sunhwi_writes · Prominente
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14 Chs

Wink (MMM HwaByul)

💌 Group: Mamamoo

💌 Pairing: Ahn Hye Jin x Moon Byul Yi

💌 Language: English

💌 Genre: Romance

💌 Story:

Peaceful life. That is how School Student Council President Hyejin promised during her candidacy.

Little did she knew, that her rules were kinda rude ever since she started her first duty. She scolds every student that violates school rules. The students were shocked and frightened, but the teachers love her leadership style. No one dares to be against her.

It was month of September, Sports club is going to have a SPORTS FEST. Everyone is counting on them. Sports been a such awaited and MAJOR event of the school. "President Byul. I have printed the invitations." Wheein said, one of the committee of Sports Club.

"Good. Then let it be disseminate. You need two to four persons to help you." Moonbyul said while typing on the keyboard.

"okay prez. Do you need help arranging the contestants? Solar might help you."

"No need. I can handle. Maybe you should inform the teachers who will be in charge of each sports. There's no one who reported me that yet."

"owki dowki."

Moonbyul locked the Sports Club room and went to SSC office. She carefully knocked the door and heard Hyejin's voice, "Come in."

She was very confident to see the SSC President, even though they have meet for twice only. "These are the papers that we need to pass. I don't want this event to be delayed, cause everyone is excited about it."

She's scanning the papers that Moonbyul gave. As she turning the page, she saw a blank space for chess contestant. "I thought it was complete."

"Glad you noticed it. I... uh... giving that space for you." Hyejin was speechless. "cause I know you play chess back when we were juniors. I think you should have some time to unwind."

"But I quit chess. So. I. will. not. play."

"The event is in three days. You might change your mind." Moonbyul winked and left the office.

"HUH! How dare she?" Hyejin mumbled. "As if she can change me."

The next day.....

The Sports Committee brought several equipments in the gymnasium from the Function Hall.

Hwasa monitored them. Moonbyul greeted her, with a smile on her face and say, "Have you changed your mind?" She even lifted the chess board and swayed it on Hyejin's face. She winked at Hyejin that makes her more irritable.

"I'm not interested. Now get lost." Moonbyul put the chess boards on the table with a sad face.

But as Moonbyul getting away, she shouted "Two days!"

Hyejin massage her eyebrows, "what a pain."

Two years ago, chess is the one and only hobby of Hyejin. It was her life. But something happened.

She and her father played chess that night. Who would have thought that, that will be their last game? She still remembers the laughter they shared that time. The time when her father loses for the first time, Hyejin jumped out of happiness. "Hyejin ah, finally, you surpassed me. You are indeed a great chess player. You make me proud."

"President! Look out!" someone shouted to Hyejin. She was about to be hit by a volley ball, but someone covers her.

They both landed on the ground. Hyejin do nothing but stare to the one who covers her, Moonbyul.

"Hey, president. Are you okay?" Moonbyul asked.

"You were the one who was hit! Why are you asking me?" Hyejin stood up and helped Moonbyul lift. "Why did you do that?"

"Cause you might get hurt. No one dares to do that right?" the Moonbyul later set up a meeting about the irresponsible acts.

At the end of the day, Hyejin called Moonbyul, that night. "Hyejin? How did you -"

"I have your number on the list you submitted last time. I called cause I haven't got time to talk to you a while ago. I just want to say, Thank you, for.... covering me up."

"Well, you're always welcome. But have you decided yet? about the che-"

"That's out of the way, okay? Good night."

"Geez, she hung up? and she didn't even let me finished my question! How rude?" Moonbyul said.

"I'm sorry Moonbyul. I don't want it anymore." she said as if she's still talking to Moonbyul.

Then next day,

"Hey, pres. Good. Morniiing~" Moonbyul greeted her, as usual, with a smile on her face.

"Good Morning."

"One day left prez." then she ran.

She' s kinda annoyed and shouted, "NO RUNNING ON THE HALLWAY"

"SORRY PREZ!" and winked.

Hyejin walks in their office and noticed two persons: a guy and a girl.

She asks them: "What do you think about a person who keeps on winking on you?"

"If it is opposite sex then maybe the person is interested in you, you know, flirting. But I don't usually do it prez. Don't misunderstood me." the guy answered.

"I kinda agree with him prez. If not, maybe he or she wants you to agree with something. Did someone winked at you prez? No wonder cause you're pretty."

She sighed. Its kinda annoying for her.


The opening ceremony was successful. You can't even talk Moonbyul due to being busy for the program.

And the games started..

"Moonbyul ssi"

"what is it?" she says as she holds the pen and the paper to sign.

"we have a problem."

"tell me, hurry"

"The senior player from the chess game, he is absent for two days. He is admitted to the hospital right now."

"what? how come? no one told us about it! well, find one who will replace him. I'll give you 15 minutes. If there's none, then let the opponent wins-"

"NO WAY." they were shocked when they hear someone talking behind them. "I won't let that bitch wins."

"Prez." Moonbyul said.

"This will be the last, okay? You owe me one, Moonbyul."

"Finally!" Moonbyul was about to hug her. But Hyejin's eyebrows lifted, sign of what-are-you-going-to-do look. "Sorry."

"Please prepare for 10 minutes in the hallway prez."

"But why-?" Moonbyul wanna ask

"It's just, I won't let the Vice President to win. He's a good player, and my rival."

"then, Good luck."

Hyejin skipped a beat, when Moonbyul wink at her again. "Hey, what was that for?" she asked.

"A good luck charm, I guess."

"No, you always do that. And, it annoys me. Do you often do that?"

Moonbyul scratched her head, "well, yea. only for you, prez." she smiled and started walking away.

"I-I'll do my best then. Thank you." Hyejin shouted.

The game started.

Moonbyul is so busy that she can't monitor the chess game only, she needs to check also the other games.

The games ended at 3pm. She seated at her chair in sports club room, "aaaach ~ that was tiring." Moonbyul said as she stretch her arms.

An officer came in and gave the papers; the winners for the day.

She read it and immediately run going to the SSC office.

She saw Hyejin walking at the hallway near the office. "PREZ!" she shouted. "CONGRATULATIONS!" she held her hand tightly. She jumped with happiness as if she is the winner and not the president.

"Well,as expected. I didn't let him win." then she smiled.

"You did great Prez! Now, what do you want me to do for ya? You said I owe you one, right?"

"Well," she scratched her nape, this is the first time she did it for years. "me and the vice president agreed on this, if he won, we will date for days."

"and if not?"

"uhmm..." she can't reply clearly, when Moonbyul leaned more. "could you please step back for a minute?"

"oh sorry prez."

"now, can I ask you a question? are... you free this weekend?"
