
Juvenile Fantasy

After finishing off the cigarette in the corridor, Daniel took out the keys to open his house main door. Coincidentally his mother-in-law happens to come out of the bathroom at the same time. Donning a revealing black bareback satin sleep dress.

periberi · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Daniel dash out and saw Mother-In-Law lying on the balcony floor.

"Aunt, what happened to you?" Daniel quickly came over to help Mother-In-Law get up. The skin on Aunt's arm is tender and creamy just like tofu fresh out of the oven.

"I twisted my ankle, don't pull". Mother-In-Law stopped Daniel's hand, uncomfortable frowning her eyebrow. " Let me rest for awhile".

Daniel nodded his head, turning his head around he saw a big pail by the side with several pieces of laundry inside. There also a small piece of fabric lying on the floor. He reached out to pick it up, Mother-In-Law let out a screech.

"What's wrong?" Daniel inquired.

Mother-In-Law shocked her head in embarrassment, "No, nothing".

Daniel picked up the fabric article in his hands, only to realise it's an Orange T-string. "It's already tiring enough for you to help take care of kids, so there's no need to help Jessica wash her laundry, I will wash it tomorrow".

"No .... No it's not" Mother-In-Law's tone carries a hint of shyness. Daniel turned around and see that Mother-In-Law's face is blushed. "It's mine ... ".

Daniel then replied with a "Oh" without revealing any emotions.

Inside the pail, there is another laced Orange bra, big enough to fit in a head. After hanging finished the laundry, Daniel squatted down and ask "Are you able to get up now"?

Mother-In-Law replied with a pitiful face, shaking her head "No, my ankle is still very painful".

"Then let me carry you back into your room" Daniel immediately follow through with action after saying.

Mother-In-Law didn't even had a chance to refuse, and she was sweep up from the floor by Daniel. Startled by Daniel's action, she could only helplessly clung onto his neck, leaning and burying her face against Daniel's chest.

Daniel's heart started to race and down below in his pants reacted with a hard erection.

After entering the room and putting down Mother-In-Law, Daniel's couldn't stop the raging fire in his pants, he lightly brush his bulge against Mother-In-Law thighs.

Mother-In-Law's expression at this moment is like a reflection of the summer's dusk skies. Unable to hide her shyness, she dryly laugh "This is so embarrassing, that I had to be carried by my Son-In-Law into my room".

"Haiz, what's the big deal. It's my duty to take good care of you." Daniel said while sitting down at the end of the bed, at the same time he noticed the moist area and small little watermarks on the bedsheets from the scene earlier.

30 years old like a wolf, 40 years old like a tiger. This saying is indeed true. Mother-In-Law's thirst for sexual needs is indeed strong.

Daniel held onto Mother-In-Law's slender calves to massage her swollen ankle. "Let me massage for you".

"No don't ... This isn't appropriate?" Mother-In-Law looked up reluctantly, lightly removing her calves from Daniel's grasp.

"You forgot? I'm a doctor" Daniel chuckle while lightly starting to massage the swollen ankle. Mother-In-Law feet size is only US 5-6, small and adorable. Admiring at the creamy light skin beneath the red swell. Actually not only the feet, Mother-In-Law whole body complexion is marble white, just like a status carved out of marble.

"Ah~ You ain't bad at massaging, it feels much better now" Mother-In-Law laugh, the feeling of awkwardness slowing fading away. "You as a gynaecologist, indeed knows quite a lot uh".

Daniel also started laughed together with Mother-In-Law, "Last time didn't you violently object led to me being together with Jessica because of my profession?"

"It's all in the past now, why are you bringing it up again?" Mother-In-Law rolls eyes at Daniel: "That is because I do not understand the nature of your job. I got married early, when Jessica wanted to marry you back then, she's not even 20. Haven't you gotten your score back at me yet? You guys even have a kid now. When you talk to me, it's always you, you, you. Whichever Son-In-Law calls their Mother-In-Law, Aunt".

Daniel laugh it off, his line of sight following the legs, moving upwards, while slightly pausing short before reaching roots of the legs to get a good look at the sacred temple hidden within, then landing on Mother-In-Law twin everest peak. It is devouringly big, that one can't even cup it in one hand. Previously everything was in clear sight when Daniel was peeping but now half reveal, half conceal, on top of that two red mulberries prop up underneath the sleep dress, makes this sight more alluring.

Gently massaging Mother-In-Law's ankle, while his eyes are locked onto the pair of perky snow peak, while conversing. "It's not that I'm holding a grudge against you. I remember the first time when I went to met you, didn't I mistaken you as Jessica's elder sister? You're so young, that I'm unable to address you as Mother-In-law directly, since then I have always address you as Aunt. Now I have already gotten used to it. But in my heart I am very close to you".

"Gilb-tongue." Your Mother-In-Law, me don't buy your honeyed words. While touching her own face, Mother-In-Law continues, "Actually all along, I feel that I'm quite old, but when comparing to you youngsters. My complexion and figure is the most well maintain. The previous time there was a 20 odd year old kid that tried to hit on me".

Daniel believe there is absolutely no lies in that statement. Ever since he got married, his colleagues always ridicule him, saying that not only did he married a beautiful wife, even his Mother-In-Law is also young and beautiful.

"Do I really look that young to you?" Mother-In-Law carried on with unconfident and confused expression.

Daniel immediately raised his eyes, looking at Mother-In-Law pea shape face with that supple and delicate skin with clear eyes as if looking at an innocent girl that hasn't seen the world. High nose bridge, ruddy cherry mouth. From the outside she looks as if in her thirties.

"Let me put it this way, Anyway I wouldn't dare to go out alone with you. Because others might mistaken you for my wife".

In the past, Daniel would not have said these words, but after the earlier peeping incident, it gave him a lot of encouragement. Beneath the pleasing words, conceal unspeakable thoughts.

"You're so mean" Mother-In-Law gesture to hit him, while laughing more happily than usual. "Is that the way to tease your Mother-In-Law?"

"Really. I mean it". Daniel follow up with a straight face.

Mother-In-Law froze for a second there, her eyes showing mixed emotions. She didn't continue the conversation.

After concentrating on massaging for a while, Mother-In-Law moved by herself "It's no longer in painful".

Daniel is a bit unwilling to let go: "You should rest early".