
Juvenile Fantasy

After finishing off the cigarette in the corridor, Daniel took out the keys to open his house main door. Coincidentally his mother-in-law happens to come out of the bathroom at the same time. Donning a revealing black bareback satin sleep dress.

periberi · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The lights in his Mother-In-Law's room is still turn on while Daniel is taking off his shoes at the doorway. Suddenly he heard a weird sound weaving out from his Mother-In-Law's room, which doesn't sound like a child throwing a tantrum.

Approaching closer to the room upon hearing his Mother-In-Law's moaning and groaning, Daniel's raised hand was immediately dropped, his heart jolted in utter shock. His Mother-In-Law is only 40 years old this year, her needs in this aspect is nothing out of the norm. What shocked him was that the partner she is fantasying is him of all people. This is a fact that he would have never ever expected.

Daniel hesitated for a brief moment while listening to the rhythmic panting inside the room disregarding any moral values, Daniel felt a strong surge of desire down below. Uncontrollably he softly nudge the door to peep inside.

What came to view was a mesmerising sight that set his heart ablaze. Mother-In-Law is lying on bed nude! Snow flakes pales in comparison to her complexion. A pair of slender long legs raised high in the air, and in her delicate hands tightly gripping a cucumber.

When Mother-In-Law lowered her legs, an even more exciting sight reveals before him, a bewildered expression partially shrouded by long silky black hair.

Tired out, Mother-In-Law's continues her panting while her hands starts to slow down.

"Daniel, you're already wed to Jessica, but you still continue to address me as Aunt. I always knew you had naughty thought about me. In the end your naughty thought prevail over me".

Listening to Mother-In-Law muttering to herself, Daniel sigh to himself, if only he had known earlier.

Without time to dwell in his own thoughts, Mother-In-Law stood up, her actions drew his attention back onto the bed.

After Mother-In-Law got up, she failed to notice right this moment, somebody is peeping in on her.

"You're so naughty, Jessica just left, and you're treating Aunt like this". Mother-In-Law mutter to herself while rubbing the cucumber.

Daniel realised that he cannot continue peeping, he lightly close back the door and swiftly went out of the house. He cannot let Mother-In-Law knows that he saw what happened in the room.

After smoking finished another cigarette by the corridor, he then once again took out the keys to reenter the house. Coincidentally, Mother-In-Law happens to walk out of the bathroom at the same time, while wearing a black sexy bareback sleep dress.

"Ah Daniel you're back" Mother-In-Law said while sweetly smiling.

The scene of what happened back in the room visualise into his mind immediately, however Daniel does not feel guilty peeping and nodded back.

"Jessica's flight was at 11 pm? How come you're back so soon?"

"Haiz, I send her there and came back straight away. She is together with her colleagues".