

My name is Steffany Bieber,no,I was first Steffany Daniels before I got married and took my husband's last name. My husband is a pop artist and is very popular in the whole of america and even beyond with more than 700million active followers on instagram, facebook and other social media sites. Although he's a popular musician, he also has a lot of movie production companies. He is arrogant, rude and pompous.He always makes the headline with different ladies everyday.He wasn't really like this when I saw him,knew him,fell in love and married him. My heart hurts whenever I see him make the headlines with different ladies that's not me......I didn't sign up for this But I've decided not to feel hurt anymore. I've decided to divorce him and live for and love myself and future..

fay_theliquidator1 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

The challenge


Steffany'S pov.

>>Steffany's love and care home<<

"...and not only our kids attend the school, there are other kids outside coming to school here" mama said as we stepped out of the last class.

"Omg, I still can't believe he actually built a school here for the kids" I awed with a proud smile as I nod in satisfaction and appreciation.

It's as if I'm getting to know my husband all over again, or it's better to say I never really get to know the real him. I thought money and fame has gotten over him, but he's proved me wrong.

Alright, here's what's happening at the moment.

After we all entered the first mansion, Justin and Papa started opening presents and having fun with the kids, completely forgetting about mama and I.

I never knew Justin loves kids this much, I pray he doesn't forget about me after we have kids or Maybe I shouldn't get pregnant yet, so I can enjoy my husband for some time before I start fighting with my kids over his love and attention; hehehehe, what an evil mother I'm gonna be.

So, Mama decided to give me a tour of the orphanage before dinnertime, and that's how ended up at the school premises right now.

I also noticed that each kid has his or her own room, they aren't assigned two or three to a room like our orphanage back then, everyone has their own privacy here and I really love that.

"...and here, we have the kids' pool" mama said as we took a turn, that led to a very big swimming pool.

"Kids' pool?" I asked with a hint of worry in my voice.

Why would Justin build a pool for the kids? Kids are always careless and clumsy, what if one of them who can't swim clumsily fall in and there's no one to rescue him or her, wouldn't the kid drown?

I shuddered in fear merely thinking about it, it's horrific!

Mama chuckled lightly when she saw my worried expression, she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"You're just as caring as your husband, he was also scared when I suggested we build a swimming pool for the kids..."

"It wasn't his idea?" I cut in.

She shook her head.

"No, I suggested it because some of the kids might have an interest in swimming, we don't know where their talents lies, so we must get everything ready for them" she explained.

"Hm" I nodded in understanding, her explanation is very logical but I'm still a little bit worried, especially for the two to five years olds.

"Don't worry about any of them drowning, because we only let kids from range of eight and above take the swimming classes"

"Now that's better"

"Yes, and our coaches are very professional, they only allow kids take swimming classes in and they don't leave them unguided" she said. "Even our security team is very strict and they won't let kids below right near this area" she explained further pointing towards the door.

Two men in security uniform stood by the door, with a serious yet friendly and approachable expression on; how did they manage to do that?

As if to prove what mama was just telling me, a kid wanted to run past the door but the security men stopped him in time, one of them squatted to his level and was telling the kid something with a warm smile while gesturing towards the pool.

The kid nodded sadly, but ran back to wherever he came from. Phew! It's good they're taking good care of the children.

"We have the garden ahead where the kids planted some flowers, do you wanna take a look?" she asked.

I agreed readily, but my stomach had other plans for me as it growled very loudly.

Mama looked down at my stomach when it growled loudly, I quickly wrapped my arms around it and looked around as if I'm searching for a dog or lion that just growled.

"That wasn't me" I denied.

Mama laughed this time.

"I'm quite hungry too, let's go see if dinner's ready" she said.

I simply nodded and followed her. I can't blame my stomach for crying, I haven't eaten else after breakfast and it's already dinnertime.


"We've arrived" mama said.

"Finally" I whispered, rubbing my stomach as if it's gonna make the hunger go away.

Mama entered the kitchen and I followed suit, but I stopped abruptly by the door when I saw Justin with an apron around his neck with his back facing me, some of the kids are washing Beef for him and others were whisking some eggs, while he was making a dough.

I scoffed mentally as I rolled my eyeballs, is he trying to show off his cooking skills here and make me look lazy in front of the kids?

Never! I'm not gonna let him succeed in his plan!

"Justin, what are you making?" Mama asked him.

He turned around with a smile, he locked gaze with me and winked then blew a kiss towards me, which I dodged then frowned at him -I don't want his hypocritical kiss.

"I wanna make some doughnuts, Mrs Bieber loves eating them a lot recently" he winked at me again.

My cheeks flamed up, but I quickly coughed and comported myself.

Mama glanced at me and laughed, she turned back to the kids washing Beef.

"What are those Beef for?" she asked.

"Oh, I wanna cook beef and Noodles for everyone" he replied.

Beef and Noodles? Isn't that his signature dish?

Well, everyone has their signature dish, how about I cook mine too and win the kids over; I'm feeling kinda jealous of his relationship with them.

"We've all missed your cooking and..."

"His cooking is so last season" I cut in. "How about you guys try someone knew?" I asked suggestively.

He raised his eyebrows at me, silently asking me what I'm trying to do, but I ignored him and face the kids since their opinion is all that matters to me at the moment.

"You wanna cook for us?" A girl of about twelve asked.

"Yep" I answered.

She exchanged looks with her friends and burst into laughter, but they nodded anyway.

"Our Justin is a great cook, I don't think you stand a chance against him" she sighed."But we can let you give it a try if you insist" she said.

I glared at Justin as the girl said those words, then reached for a cleaver knife and slammed it on the counter.

"Are you in for a game?" I asked him.

"Of course" he replied very confidently.

"How about we cook in teams?" I suggested.

"Cook in teams?" Justin asked.

He frowned slightly, but quickly smirked because he knows he can cook better than me. But my darling husband didn't know I've improved over the years, though I can only cook fried cabbage so well, but at least it can help me win the kids over.

Hehehehe, I'm so evil, I know that.

"Alright, let the kids choose whose team they wanna join" he said and sat on a stool.

"Of course" I agreed.

We both stared directly in each other's eyes challengingly as the kids looked between us, wondering whose team they wanna join.

Mama pulled out a stool and sat down, she reached for a carrot and started munching on it as she watched us in amusement.

"Justin is handsome, I wanna marry him when I grow up!" A little girl broke the silence that was already getting through everyone's skin.

"Me too! Me too!" the other girls shouted as they gleefully jumped towards Justin.

His handsome face is his biggest flaw, but greatest advantage. Every girl, both young and old can't help tripping over his face; I screamed mentally.

Justin raised an eyebrow at me as a proud smirk played on his lips, he shrugged his shoulders and carried one of the girls on his laps.

"Awwwwn, don't be sad, the kids just love me" he teased me.

I pouted my lips sadly, and my shoulders slumped down in embarrassment, when I realized no one wanna be in my team.

And I was about running off in shame, because I know the boys would join his team too since he's their role model.

But my eyes lit up and I broke into a smile as my ray of hope got up, a little boy of about seven or eight years old.

"Papa said we shouldn't let pretty girls cry and Mrs Steffany is a very pretty girl"

He gestured me to squat to his level and I did.

"I'll be in your team, Mrs Steffany" he said as he planted a kiss on my cheek and winked at me.

Wow, he's just seven or eight years old and he's already winking at girls, well, he's definitely gonna be a heartbreaker when he's grown up.

"Thank you" I told him.

Before I knew, the other boys are jumping towards me, each planting a kiss on my cheek and standing behind me.

It's my turn to smirk at Justin now, because my boys are much than his girls. I crossed my arms on my chest and raised my head proudly as I officially declare war.


My boys and I sing-along one of Justin's songs 'Let me love you' , we shake our bodies and nodded along the beat as we wash our veggies.

Justin and his girls on the other hand are singing and dancing to one of his songs too, these girls are just another of his crazy fans.

I could feel the walls of the kitchen shaking as both teams were singing loudly and sometimes go out of tone,Justin and I would sometimes bump into each other, engage in a glaring contest then continue with our work, or fight over a pan,spatula,spoon or even the chopping board; we fight over almost everything in the kitchen.

Our noise has called the attention of some staffs, and even Papa who was napping in his room also came to find out what the commotion was all about. He sat next to his wife and watched us when he realized we're in a battlefield.

"Yay!! We're done!!" I shouted in excitement when I'm done making my fried cabbage, but Justin's still cooking his beef and noodles.

"We won the first round! We won the first round!" My boys started jumping in joy as they high-five and hugged each other.

Yeah, we've won the first the round, but the second round is very important and it's gonna determine if I win or not -it's the food's taste.

"Don't be overjoyed yet, the competition isn't over yet" Justin said, but I huffed.

He stared at my face for some time, maybe he's searching if I'm scared of losing to him. He cleared his throat, dropped his spatula on the counter and clapped his hands to get the kids attention.

"Kids, I learnt a new trick last night, who wanna see it?"

He learned a new trick last night? When did he learn it? Was it when I was sleeping?

"I wanna see, I wanna see" the kids started chanting, including my boys.

Is he trying to buy them over now?

"Come on, let's go" he said and rushed out, with the kids rushing after him.

I sighed and turned back to my fried cabbage, I perceived it and inhaled deeply then smiled proudly. This is my masterpiece!

My eyes mistakenly drifted towards Justin's beef and Noodles,that's when I realized I won't win this competition if I don't take drastic measures.

An evil idea crossed my mind which made me smirk, and I was about taking action but suddenly remembered I'm not alone. I glanced at mama and Papa, they're both feeding each other chips lovingly and wasn't looking my way.

This is my chance, I should grab it.

I quickly reached for the salt's container, sprinkled a lot of salt on Justin's dish and hurriedly kept the salt back in its place, then continued admiring my fried cabbage as if nothing happened.

I guess God was partially helping me, because Justin and the kids rushed back in immediately I faced my dish.

"We're almost done" he said to his girls.

I secretly smirked, if only he knows what I've done to his food.


Justin's food was soon ready and we both presented our dishes.

Everyone gather round; the staffs, mama, papa and the kids, they all held their plates and was staring at both dish, wondering which they'd start from.

I cleared my throat.

"Uh... honestly, I'm not a great cook" I confessed. "Why not try Justin's dish first, since it look palatable and won't spoil your taste buds" I suggested.

Justin smirked which made me rolled my eyeballs. Hello, I should be the one smirking because I'm winning this competition.

"Well, I think Steffany is right" papa agreed. "Let's try Justin's dish first" he added.

That being said, everyone started serving Justin's dish. I was just secretly smirking and shaking my head at those building a mountain on their plates, they don't know what they're serving.

When everyone's done serving, they nodded at each other and began eating at once. But their faces contorted in disgust immediately after taking the first bite, and they began spitting out the food and dumping their plates on the table.

"Justin,what's wrong? You were a great cook" mama said as she reached for a glass of water to rinse her mouth.

I burst into fits of laughter as everyone was reaching for glass of water, they glared at Justin who was staring at me with a smile. I stopped laughing and frowned at him, why's he smiling at me? Why doesn't he look surprise?

"Let's try Steffany's dish" papa said.

They all looked scared because my fried cabbage doesn't look so palatable, then I cleared my throat and sat on a chair.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" I said gesturing at Justin's beef and Noodles.

They nodded in agreement and decided to give it a try, they started serving themselves and when they were all done serving, they stared at papa as if they're waiting for him to take the first bite.

Papa took a deep breath, then served the first spoon and shoved it in his mouth. He chewed slowly for a few seconds, then started shoving down the remaining fried cabbage on his plate.

"Papa, how's it?" One person asked.

Papa couldn't speak since his mouth was filled, he nodded and continued shoving more in his mouth.

The others soon joined him and everyone began moaning in appreciation, I smiled and held my head proudly.

One of the little girls rushed to me, she glared at Justin before turning back to me with a smile.

"Mrs Steffany, I was wrong, I should have joined your team" she threw one more glare at Justin. "Is it too late to join your team?" she asked.

"No, darling" I pinched her cheek softly.

Another girl jumped forward.

"I wanna join your team too" she also glared maliciously at Justin. "Handsome boys sucks at cooking" she added.

Ok, kids are just something else. How can they forget their favorite person because of a simple meal?

Soon all the kids are standing by my side and begging to join my team; poor kids, they don't know I won because I cheated.

"Justin said his wife is as beautiful as a mermaid, but, that's not true, Mrs Steffany is more beautiful than a mermaid"

Oh? They are showering compliments on me because I won the competition?

"Yeah, she's the prettiest girl I've seen" another kid said in support.

I winked at Justin as the kids were showering compliments upon compliments on me, but he simply smiled and shook his head.

One of the kids caught Justin's action, then she asked.

"Is Mrs Steffany your wife, Justin?"

He moved closer to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a short kiss on my lips, making the kids cover their eyes and giggling.

"Yes, isn't she as beautiful as a mermaid?" he asked them.

"No!" They chorused.

We both narrowed our eyes at them, but they chuckled before one of them spoke again.

"She's more beautiful than a mermaid, she's an angel"

I blushed.

"So... do you like my wife?"

"Yes!!" they shouted, the boys' voices were the loudest.

Justin scorned at them.

"You tiny men, get your eyes and dirty minds off my wife" he pulled me impossibly closer. "She's mine and mine alone!" he said possessively.

I shook my head. He's jealous of these little boys, he really need to grow up and stop being a baby.

"Mrs Steffany is mine, I stood by her earlier!" the little boy who volunteered to join my team, my first teammate said and snatched my hand, then pulled me away from Justin.

Justin gaped at the boy.

"Are you seriously fighting with me over my woman?"

"She's my woman!" the boy stated firmly.

Justin looked at me as if he's expecting me to come to him, but I did the opposite. I squatted to the boy's level and kissed his cheek.

"He's my man!" I told Justin, which made the boy grin widely.

"Nooooooo!" he shouted.

I carried the boy and ran off with him, the other kids joined us too.

"Give me my wife back!!" Justin shouted as he chased after us.

The kids and I laughed at his desperation, but we didn't stop running.



"We'll visit you some other time, ok?" Justin told the kids.

We're done with our visitation for today, and we had a lot of fun with the kids, now we're ready to go home.

They pouted in discontentment instead of replying Justin, we laughed at their expression and waved at them anyway; they waved us back.

"Byeee" they chorused as we walked towards the car.

Julius already had the door open, we waved at the kids once more before sliding in and Julius drove off.

"They are so gonna miss us" I said sadly as I could feel their sadness.

"Are you indirectly reminding me of how you successfully and effortlessly snatched them from me? Huh?" he reached for my waist and pulled me closer. "You friends snatcher" he held my ear between his teeth softly.

"You can't pin the blame on me, they're just curious and wanted to try someone new" I replied.

He huffed and pouted his lips sulkily.

"Are you angry?" I asked.

"Of course, you trickily snatched my friends" he replied. "You think I don't know you added extra salt in my dish?"

My mouth fell open as I wondered how he managed to find out, or could it be he saw me?

He pinched my nose softly.

"I purposely led the kids away because I wanted to give you an opportunity to play dirty" he rolled his eyes. "I don't wanna disgrace my wife in front of those kids, but I can't help getting angry that you actually used the opportunity very well" he pouted his lips even more.

I bite my lower lip sexily as my eyes stayed fixed on his pouted lips. He's so sweet and childish at the same time.

"Is there a way out for me? Is there any way I can stop you from being angry?"

He looked down at me immediately I asked those questions, his face leaned closer to mine and he looked directly in my eyes lovingly; his eyes sometimes drift towards my lips too.

"How about a hot make out session?" he suggested.

I bite my lower lip harder and nodded slowly, but suddenly remembered we're still in the car and there's another presence.


"Julius?" he called.

"Yes, sir" Julius answered, tilting his head slightly.

"I wanna make out with my wife, do you mind?"

Julius quickly shook his head.

"No, sir, not at all" he replied and instantly put up the glass partition, completely blocking us from his view and creating enough privacy for us.

I gaped at Justin, but he simply crashed my lips on mine and started kissing me aggressively. I had no time to resist, so I began kissing him back.