
just u and me called destiny.!!

just u and me various problems and finally joined together to create a complete family!!

swisskisnu · Urban
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31 Chs

truth and fear revealed..

Alison I trust you because I loved your but ???swiss you have say what but..??

alsion it's about Samuel and his life.. your family will accept him..I know they will take him back and won't return to me.. and they will make him heir but they used my child against me ...even your grandpa knows me.

because iam Stella twin sister..you got..it

Stella with you in Russia..

look am swiss in India

we are similar in skin tone ,etc..but character are different.. because she loves shopping and take care of family ...but am love only family after everything..even you and my parents..

my first priority is my son...can you say..me..??

did you take a revenge who killed my sister.?

Alison said..yes..

shit of you Alison,you just cut his branch not a tree.. you didn't kill him and you just cut his branch..just kill the main person and find the reason for killing the family...of yours.. before think of your son Samuel just think your son with my sister Stella... decide and find..untill am taking back my son to my villa. bye Alison I know he will safe ther and I will wait for you..bye

swiss went to Australia..but she doesn't know her fate is going to make her life is hell just like Stella..

hi am Larry,she is my girl Stella..she was taken by Alison from me..so I should teach him lesson by killing Stella nd his son.. Because I love her more than him... am the king of indian ocean... Australia and I am a king maker... and I will kill everyone one and torture them to dead. what Stella gave me..I should repeat her. and her family..

it's my turn to see stella and her son... every one thinks that Stella is dead even Alison but Stella is alive and she is alive and growing her son as my son.. Because I erased his memories and stored his memories with new memories as a dad .and his responsibility is to kill Alison and Stella..

he loves Stella very much and also hate her that much .swiss went to Australia and she went to her new house..she went near to house of Larry where Stella is kept ..

swiss enter the house..and she was clearing the mess and I said Samuel..stay there don't make your self dirt baby..after clearing the mess.i took him and went to super market to buy some food stuff and next day I arrange a baby take care nanny and I went to my office..but it's fate or curse I don't know..Samuel and Larry son peter(means Stella son..new name as Peter)..

sameul saw him and he was walking

.Larry and Peter came house after finishing his school he saw Samuel was playing in garden and shouted brother...smiled..Larry went near to him and hold him in his hand as where is your Momma.

many came out, as ok am sorry sir..I was in kitchen...it's ok mam.please take care of the child..

Larry and Peter went inside but Peter feels strange when he hold Samuel in his hand. .. evening , 5:30 pm..I came to home and nanny went to her home..and I took baths nd take care of baby..and playing with Samuel and said baby , Momma will protect you..

days passed ,Samuel and Peter become so close Because it's summer vacation..swiss went to office and nanny is also taking care of Samuel but most of the time he is with Peter and Larry..Larry was happy to play with him and Peter is also enjoy the company ...

one fine day, halloween came ...so Larry wants to invite swiss and Samuel..so he came to house..

swiss was making a chocolate for kids and Samuel was getting ready for Halloween Because Peter said he will take him for Halloween party..swiss was smiling at him and Samuel it's for you and Peter brother too..and Momma kept few boxes of chocolate her..if your friends will come take that...

wow..my little ghost..looks cute.. suddenly bell rang..swiss went to open the door...when Larry turn to swiss ..side..he was shocked by seeing swiss ..

swiss welcomed Larry..hi am Samuel mother swiss..Larry was shocked by seeing swiss and he sat on the couch..the wall is full of pictures..

when he saw Alison pictures in wall..he was shocked..and he saw Stella pictures which she wears a dress which Larry gave for her birthday..in Russia..

Larry turned to swiss and ask who is she...swiss smiled and replied ,that's my twin sister and that my husband Alison...he is in Russia... business man...

here ,take a glass of water .mr.larry...!!Larry takes the glass and said..thanks..is Samuel ready....yes!!..he is ready...!!swiss called Samuel....

Samuel rushed downstairs and hugged Larry and said bye to swiss..and they went outside but Larry turn to swiss... again and again...until he gets in the car.....swiss was smiling and said bye to them..