
Just To Meet You

*COMPLETED* "If you don't believe me, then follow the family rules." Her eyes closed as she faced her fiancé's accusations and distrust. She inwardly convinced herself. 'This is the last time I'm giving my heart to you, Peter. If you choose her, then we are over.' With a blade in his hand, he charged forward. He watched as the sharp tip of the weapon meets her soft, porcelain chest. Shocked by her unmoving body, he pulled the blade away from the broken skin. Her white top was dyed scarlet while the blade had already dropped to the floor, making a "clang" sound. "Why didn't you dodge?!" Peter Sin attempted few steps forward to apply pressure on her wound. It hurt, but she held in her cries. Blood squirted to his sleeve and shirt when he forced the blade out of her wound. Holding the bloody mess near her heart, a broken smile cracked on her face as she retreated away from the man in front of her. "At the end, you still chose her words over mine. You've never believed in me, but it doesn't matter anymore. Let's break up. Even if we pass by each other in the future, we'll be nothing but strangers." He tried approaching her again, but failed as she strode backwards in larger steps than before. "Mister Sin, goodbye." "Selina!" He screamed, but held back from chasing after her lonesome figure. His heart was a mess as he fell onto the ground and stared at the blood stain on his clothes. __________________ Selina Gu drove straight home where she had prepared herself to announce her failed engagement to her mother, Katrina Gu. Pressing her wound, she slowly leaned against the wall to bring herself to the living room where her mom's voice echoed loudly. Selina: "So, all my life..I've been nothing but a chess piece. Are you done with your game?" Katrina: "...Daughter." Selina: "Daughter? Do you know how many years and efforts I've wanted to hear you call me daughter? But all this is fake. Just an act. I've always convinced myself I'm the one who could do better because I wanted to hear a compliment from you. But you? You've forced me to the edge and suffocated me!" _____________________ Katrina: "It's mother's fault! Don't jump. I'm begging you!" Bryan (Selina's brother): "Did you get bullied? Brother will protect you. Please, come back down! It's dangerous to stand at the edge! You don't know how to swim!" "I don't want to play this game anymore. I'm tired of my life. Didn't you want revenge? I'll complete it for you. Sorry, brother." Selina fell forward with her eyes closed. She didn't struggle as she desired to forget everything. ___________________ Assistant: "Mister Hui, after multiple investigations, we have confirmed that the girl you have been searching for is Selina Gu." _________________ Awakening from her coma after a month later, Selina woke up hearing a familiar voice by her side. Although she couldn't recognize him, her instincts told her he wasn't going to harm her. "Selina! You're awake!" Jason Hui tossed his laptop to the table, ditching the video meeting he was in and hugged her. "Does it hurt anywhere? Are you thirsty? Hungry? I'll go get a doctor!" He spat out countless questions, confusing her greatly. ________________ Jason held her hands, "It's okay if you don't remember me. As long as I remember our promise, that's all it matters. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." _________________ "Jason Hui!" "Wife, if you're not happy about something you just have to say it. No need to shout. You'll get a sore throat." Selina pointed to the rubber band on the counter, "I forgot to tie my hair, but my hands are dirty from marinating meat. Do you know how to tie girl's hair?" A minute later, a messy ponytail was created and Selina looked at him with a speechless expression. Noting to himself on his calendar, he typed, "Learn how to do wife's hair." Image in book cover does not belong to me. All credits to the author of image in book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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321 Chs

Doesn't Justify Anything

"Shut up! What gives you the right to tell anyone whether they can or cannot love someone? For someone as selfish as yourself, forget ever speaking about love." Rosanna walked over to Michael , maintaining a safe distance from Master Liam.

"I can't believe you held a grudge against our family and separated us for so many years. Even without Eric, I would not have chosen to marry you. I've told you many times I do not wish to marry someone I don't love. And later, you met your wife and had Antonio. Everything was fine, but you were too focused on getting your hands on more power that you neglected your family."

A sigh escaped Rosanna's mouth as she continued speaking. "Your deceased wife visited our family by herself once where she told me about her illness. You weren't home to even care for your son. She worried for Antonio knowing her health was getting worse every day. As her husband, you never asked about her and only knew to regret after her death. Regretting is one thing, but to shift blame onto everyone else is another."

"After many years of fighting over power, even if you aren't tired, we are. You separated my kids from us and had plans to kidnap them for your use. If you still don't see all the wrong things you've done just to gain power, then I don't know what else to say. There is nothing to say." Rosanna shook her head before backing away from where she stood.

Master Liam widened his mouth as if he had something to say. However, Rosanna's following questions made him close his mouth. She asked, "After getting all the power you want, what do you have? If power was what you wanted the most, then how happy are you right now? Does having power matter in the end? These questions don't need to be answered by anyone but yourself."

She turned her attention to Antonio, who seemed super glued to the spot he was standing on. "Antonio, whatever happened between you and Lia is between the two of you. Although no outsiders can tell you how to feel, I do honestly hope you can distinguish right from wrong. You know your dad had committed many crimes and should not be let off."

Antonio nodded to her words as she continued speaking. "Therefore, no matter what you say or do now, we won't let your dad off. We're making him face the consequences he planted for himself. I hope you understand that he did something wrong, so no matter what excuses you come up with, it does not justify anything at all."

"I understand. Number 1..." Antonio walked up to Number 1, blocking his path.

"What?' Number 1 didn't express the urgency on his face, but only he knew how tight his fist was clenched with the thought of Number 2 in the hospital.

"Where is Lia? You and Number 2 sent her on her flight, didn't you? You should know where she went. I want to see her. I owe her too much. I want to...I have some things I want to say to her." Antonio looked into Number 1's eyes without any signs of backing off.

"I won't tell you." Number 1 put away the dagger in his hand and signaled his underlings to take Master Liam away.

Before Number 1's underling could take Master Liam away, Antonio stood in their path and asked Number 1 once again. "Please tell me where she is. I need to see her and tell her my thoughts. It is very important."

"I suggest you move out of my men's way. I am not Lia, so I will not go easy on a blind fool. For someone who failed to see her effort when she was here, you sure have a lot of requests. I will never tell you where she is at because this was her request before she left. She doesn't want anyone to find her. She just wants to live a peaceful life." Number 1 replied, straightforwardly rejecting Antonio's request.

After a minute of silence, Number 1 walked past Antonio with his underlings following from behind.

"But I just want to tell her my feelings! Is it that much to ask?!" Antonio shouted. "Just this one time...I promise I won't interrupt her peace. I just can't miss this chance! I-"

"What is your point? What is the point of you telling her how you felt when all along you've ignored how she felt? Did you really not know she was struggling between you and your dad? To fulfill the freedom you wished for, she was a slave to your dad's missions. Countless missions...There were countless times when she came back and Number 2 bandaged her wounds for her. Because she loved someone who didn't love her back."

Number 1 signaled his men to exit the building as he continued speaking to Antonio. "Yes, she may be stupidly in love that she was willing to go above and beyond for someone she cared for. However, this does not give you any right to use her feelings as a weapon every single time you wanted something to happen. Have you never known about her feelings? Were you not aware of her situations?"

"I- I-" Antonio stuttered.

"So by telling her your feelings, what do you expect from her afterward? You want her to come back to you and treat you like a lord while she is worth less than an atom in your eyes? Is that it? You keep saying you don't want to destroy her peace, but by interrupting her life from here onwards, you are affecting the peace she wants."

Before Number 1 turned back around towards the exit, Rosanna, Eric, and Michael stopped him from leaving. "Wait!"

"Hm?" The cold expression on Number 1's face changed to one that is slightly friendlier than before.

"Where is Selina? Since it was your partner earlier who disguised as Selina, then where is she now?" Rosanna asked as the three of them walked up to Number 1.

"Oh, right! That's what I forgot to tell you. Selina is with Jason right now. She is back at the hospital with him. If you want, you can catch a ride with us. The vehicle outside should belong to you guys. It has flat tires, so you won't be able to get it working. We'll talk about what happened at the hospital." Number 1 replied.

It's been a while since I've last updated. Sorry for the long wait and thank you as always for waiting patiently for my updates! I do try my best to write and update. After completing this novel, LAFG and perhaps Our Love Repeats At Zero, I may or may not be contracting my future works. This will depend on certain circumstances. However, I'll be sure to announce it if I do contract. Thank you all for your support!

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