
Just To Meet You

*COMPLETED* "If you don't believe me, then follow the family rules." Her eyes closed as she faced her fiancé's accusations and distrust. She inwardly convinced herself. 'This is the last time I'm giving my heart to you, Peter. If you choose her, then we are over.' With a blade in his hand, he charged forward. He watched as the sharp tip of the weapon meets her soft, porcelain chest. Shocked by her unmoving body, he pulled the blade away from the broken skin. Her white top was dyed scarlet while the blade had already dropped to the floor, making a "clang" sound. "Why didn't you dodge?!" Peter Sin attempted few steps forward to apply pressure on her wound. It hurt, but she held in her cries. Blood squirted to his sleeve and shirt when he forced the blade out of her wound. Holding the bloody mess near her heart, a broken smile cracked on her face as she retreated away from the man in front of her. "At the end, you still chose her words over mine. You've never believed in me, but it doesn't matter anymore. Let's break up. Even if we pass by each other in the future, we'll be nothing but strangers." He tried approaching her again, but failed as she strode backwards in larger steps than before. "Mister Sin, goodbye." "Selina!" He screamed, but held back from chasing after her lonesome figure. His heart was a mess as he fell onto the ground and stared at the blood stain on his clothes. __________________ Selina Gu drove straight home where she had prepared herself to announce her failed engagement to her mother, Katrina Gu. Pressing her wound, she slowly leaned against the wall to bring herself to the living room where her mom's voice echoed loudly. Selina: "So, all my life..I've been nothing but a chess piece. Are you done with your game?" Katrina: "...Daughter." Selina: "Daughter? Do you know how many years and efforts I've wanted to hear you call me daughter? But all this is fake. Just an act. I've always convinced myself I'm the one who could do better because I wanted to hear a compliment from you. But you? You've forced me to the edge and suffocated me!" _____________________ Katrina: "It's mother's fault! Don't jump. I'm begging you!" Bryan (Selina's brother): "Did you get bullied? Brother will protect you. Please, come back down! It's dangerous to stand at the edge! You don't know how to swim!" "I don't want to play this game anymore. I'm tired of my life. Didn't you want revenge? I'll complete it for you. Sorry, brother." Selina fell forward with her eyes closed. She didn't struggle as she desired to forget everything. ___________________ Assistant: "Mister Hui, after multiple investigations, we have confirmed that the girl you have been searching for is Selina Gu." _________________ Awakening from her coma after a month later, Selina woke up hearing a familiar voice by her side. Although she couldn't recognize him, her instincts told her he wasn't going to harm her. "Selina! You're awake!" Jason Hui tossed his laptop to the table, ditching the video meeting he was in and hugged her. "Does it hurt anywhere? Are you thirsty? Hungry? I'll go get a doctor!" He spat out countless questions, confusing her greatly. ________________ Jason held her hands, "It's okay if you don't remember me. As long as I remember our promise, that's all it matters. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." _________________ "Jason Hui!" "Wife, if you're not happy about something you just have to say it. No need to shout. You'll get a sore throat." Selina pointed to the rubber band on the counter, "I forgot to tie my hair, but my hands are dirty from marinating meat. Do you know how to tie girl's hair?" A minute later, a messy ponytail was created and Selina looked at him with a speechless expression. Noting to himself on his calendar, he typed, "Learn how to do wife's hair." Image in book cover does not belong to me. All credits to the author of image in book cover.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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321 Chs

An Early Morning's Alarm

Author's note: Sorry for the long wait. I've been trying my best to get well to write. Thank you for your patience! I will try to write when I can again XD Fighting~


"Ugh!!! I hate your alarm!" Selina slouched, sitting halfway up in bed with one hand combed in her bed hair. Her eyelids weighed like 125lbs dumbbells, attempting to lift itself but to no avail.


The nightmare chaser alarm of a rooster's morning call immediately shook the last bits of sleepiness out of her head. Her petite body was loosely hugged by the shared blanket on the bed.

As the alarm set to an explosive ear-piercing crowing into her ears on max volume, she smiled eerily at the sleeping figure next to her.

'It's amazing how he could still be asleep when his damn alarm is right by his ears!!!!' Her inner thoughts stiffened the smile on her face. After staring at the large bulge next to her, her eyes aimed at the culprit that woke her from her sweet dreams.


"Shut up!" Selina stretched out her leg, landing on top of Jason while her other arm reached out to turn off the alarm before it successfully called out again.

"Nmmph....." Jason, whose stomach suffered a sudden heavy attack grunted in surprise. His fingertips were the first to crawl out of his blanket, followed by his bed hair. While yawning, his arms stretched out to his abdomen to feel what fell onto his body.

As his fingers trace, Selina's arms crossed on her chest. Finally, he felt the warmth of her ankles and slid up to her thighs. After giving her skin a few strokes, he smiled and woke up entirely. "Good morning, wife. So active this early?" He regretted speaking these words when he met his wife's smile.

"Your majesty, how great of you to finally wake up to your royal concubine's weight. If not for this position, I bet you'll still be asleep with your lovely rooster tune playing as a lullaby." Selina wanted to sleep an extra hour today before heading to work because of the excessive exercises they've done last night. They didn't stop until 4 in the morning.

"Ah? This is why I had a dream of a rooster laying gold eggs and chasing me around! My hair was almost pecked bald in my dream!! Hahaha. I swear I'll change my alarm tune. How does making it Beethoven's Symphony No. 5?" Jason tried his best to dissolve her anger, however, she did not seem convinced.

"So, your majesty. Tell me exactly how a rooster's COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO alarm changing to a DUN DUN DUN DUN will help my weak soul from getting scared awake? Hmmm? If you had that rooster's crowing on max volume, yet it didn't wake up, then how will you wake up to the Beethoven's DUN DUN DUN DUN?" Selina refused to budge from where she was sitting until he answers her question.

"Umm, honey! I-"


"HOLY-" Selina jumped when the loud ringtone played from Jason's cellphone. At the same time, her phone also rang a soothing melody next to his phone. She patted her heaving chest as she took her phone and urged him to answer his call.

"Hello?" Both of them answered at the same time.

"Huh? Tonight?" Once again, they exchanged eye contact with similar responses.

After two minutes of listening to their mother's words, they nodded in unison and hung up. Forgetting all about the alarm incident, Selina pointed at her phone. "My mom called and said we are having dinner tonight with an old acquaintance. I told her we will be going."

"My mom said the same thing. The person we will be reuniting with is Zhou Lun. We all call him Grandpa Lun because he is pretty close to our family. However, a tragic accident occurred many years ago, so he moved overseas with Grandma Lun. I thought he wouldn't come back ever again, but he seems to have come back recently." Flashbacks from the hospital appeared in his mind, making him wonder whether the person he saw was Grandpa Lun.

"Oh, then we might be meeting altogether. Probably the same place and time. Oh well, I will go wash up and get ready for work." Selina combed her hair backward and tied it into a bun with the rubber band on her wrist.

Sitting up, Jason wrapped his arms around her waist. "Not going to rest for a little longer? We still have time before we have to get ready." It was only 6 A.M. and they didn't go to bed until after 4 A.M.

Originally, he wanted her to skip work and rest for a day. Unfortunately, after taking over the company, she had a lot of projects to review and other works to complete. Hence, even though she had insufficient sleep, she refused to take a day off.

"Darling, if your alarm wasn't set this early, I would still be sleeping. Since I'm awake anyway, I might as well get dressed and conceal these dark eye circles before heading to work. Plus, a cup of milk tea can keep me awake for a whole day." She pinched his chin lightly before giving him a peck on the cheek.

As she climbed out of bed, she took the clothes she prepared last night for work into the bathroom with her. Shortly after she entered the bathroom, the sound of water rushing down the drain could be heard.

"I'll wash up in the other room too. Since we have time, I'll make her favorite scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. Hmm, we should have time to eat together too." Jason grabbed his robe and started changing their bedsheets.

Although changing bed sheets is quite time-consuming, he was used to organizing their bed first thing in the morning. It has been his habit for many years, so he still replaced the dirtied sheets before heading to take a shower.

By the time Selina came out of the restroom in her work attire, she noticed the room has been tidied up. Smiling, she walked down the stairs to smell the freshly cooked breakfast from the kitchen.

"Wow! Hubby is the best!" She nearly drooled at the sight of her favorite breakfast. Both plates were neatly placed on the table with sliced fruits and a pitcher of orange juice on the side.

"Come and eat while the food is still hot." Jason untied the apron and hung it in the kitchen.

"Okay!" She giggled childishly as she took her seat and filled up two empty glasses with juice.

"I will drop you off at work today and pick you up around 6 for dinner." The couple had a habit of exchanging their daily schedules with each other to ensure they wouldn't be interrupting each other's plans. After hearing his plans, Selina nodded and devoured her perfectly seasoned scrambled eggs.

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