
Chapter 82

Antonio nodded. "We appreciate that. Now, let's find the son of a bitch"


'Just be careful, okay?' Em said softly through our mind-link.

I know that I should probably be happy Em worries about me; it means that she cares. But with the pregnancy, I know that its not good for her or the baby if she's stressed out in any way. Which is why I didn't tell her about Odin. I told her that we were still looking for the witch; which isn't a lie.

I didn't lie. I just kept a few things out. Like the fact that I know which coven he comes from. And that I know his name and location. And that we are on our way to him. But technically, we're still looking for him. The locator spell only narrowed it down to a five-mile radius, so we still have to look in that area.