
Chapter 76

That's what the mate-bond does to you. "But I swear to god, I don't do it on purpose. I'm trying to be a good mate, I really am. I don't mean to do all this shit, it just happens" Really. A good mate? He fucking used an Alpha command on me. And all he says is 'I'm sorry' and 'I don't mean to.' Sometimes apologies aren't enough.

I couldn't help it, I quickly unmuted the phone. Then, I snapped. "Yeah. Shit happens"

"I'm so so sorry" Oh my god. He added another 'so' that makes it so much better. Please, note my sarcasm. "I know that apologizing is never enough, but I will always, always regret rejecting you" Alex stated. He sounded so sad and broken. I know that he didn't mean to do it, but it still hurt.

I want to forgive him, just not right now. I don't think I'm capable of forgiving him, yet. "I just-" I sighed, looking for the right words. "I need time, Alex" I said quietly.

"Okay" Alex agreed. "I love you, so much, baby" Alex said.