
Chapter 67

Shaking my head, I made her look into my eyes. "Trust me. You can do this. You'll find your mate and he'll take the Alpha position. You'll take over as Luna and you'll be great at it. Or you can be an Alpha" I stated.

Gar quickly shook her head. "There is no way that I'm gonna be an Alpha. Luna will be hard. Maybe not impossible. But I'll try" she said, taking in a breath of air. Her worry diminished, making the atmosphere less stress-filled. "We still haven't had our birthday party" she reminded me, bumping our shoulders together.

We are really bad at planning things. But we're really good at procrastinating! It's not something to brag about; however, being good at something is fun to brag about. "We can do it in a few days. I'll have Jeremy call some people from other packs, and we can have a celebration and whatnot. You and Dave might even find your mates" I teased.