
Chapter 67

"If that's your full speed, then you're a pretty slow Alpha." Alex stopped walking.

"You just deflated his big ego," Ingrid commented in my head. I snickered.

Alex stalked towards me. "Let's race."

I tilted my head in confusion. "I don't even know which way to go."

"Its a few miles straight ahead," he stated while nodding forward. I nodded and we stood next to each other. Alex started counting down. "One. Two. THREE!"

We both took off running. We were head to head until I saw the faint outline of the mansion. There is no way that I could speed up.

"We don't have to. Powers," Ingrid said. I mentally slapped myself. Alex didn't say anything about using my powers. I saw a tree root up ahead. I focused on it, and when we ran by, it wrapped itself around Alex's ankle.