
Chapter 55

My eyes widened. I looked back and forth between my brother and Hope. "How do I do this?" I asked. Hope grabbed my hands and positioned one over Matthew's wound and the other on his head.

"When you shift, you imagine yourself in your wolf form. When you heal, just imagine yourself healing Matthew. Imagine the blood going away, imagine the wound closing, imagine him healthy," she said.

I closed my eyes and focused on Matthew. I pictured him in his room. We were playing with his Legos while Alex was playing with Elise. We had pillow fights. We ate breakfast together. We watched movies. I tucked him into bed a night. I pictured the gash closing up and leaving just a faint scar, the size of my thumb. I heard a gasp and I opened my eyes.

All the blood was gone. Matthew's eyes fluttered open and he started blinking. "Matthew?" I asked.

"Ema?" he asked and tried to sit up. "My brain hurts," he groaned.