
Chapter 54

Stupid mouth. That was supposed to be for my mind not for someone to hear. "I went into his office to hang out with him, but he wasn't there. So I started cleaning his desk. I found this letter that Anthony had left me, and I didn't even know that Jeremy took it. It was for me, not him. Anyways, so I continued to clean and I found this notepad. It had theories about my kidnapping. So of course I read it; it was about me" I stated.

Ryan stayed quiet as I continued my story. "Then, Jeremy busts into the room and snatches it away from me. He told me that I have no right to read it. So I told him that he had no right to take my letter" a bitter laugh escaped my lips. "But he said that he could read it because its about his mate. And he deserves to know what goes on in his mate's life" I stated.