
Chapter 42

Shawn took a step closer to my mate. "Just let it in. You might have to go through the pain, but you're not alone."

Emashook her head and backed away from her best friend. "I-I don't want to turn it on."

"Why not?" Shawn questioned softly.

"Cause everything will come back. Every feeling, Shawn. The guilt, the jealousy, the fear, the regret. Everything. The pain." Ematook a deep breath. "And it's not one at a time anymore. When I turn it on, its all just gonna hit me. All at once. I can't handle that."

"We'll all be here, Ema," I said, making my presence known.

She turned around and glared at me. "I don't want you here," she snapped.

"Too bad. Cause I'm not going anywhere," I stated defiantly and crossed my arms.