
Chapter 41

Men were pushing back other men, who were trying hard to get in the room. I saw my mate in the crowd trying to get past the wall of men. His eyes were darker than black. Growls filled the my ears, making me wince. "Get them out the house!" Em commanded. The men gave a stiff nod before pushing the crowd away.

Alex and Stewart quickly returned, each holding three bags of ice. They wordlessly walked to the bathroom. "Come on" Em urged. She helped me stand; and I wobbled to the bathroom. I was put on top of a bed of ice at the bottom of the tub. Once I was sitting, another bag of ice was poured on me.

I watched as the ice surprisingly melted away once it made contact with my skin. Almost half of the ice cubes were melted, and another bag of ice was poured out. The pain subsided, but the heat didn't. I closed my eyes and continued to take deep breaths. "What the fuck?!" a voice shouted, making my eyes snap open.