
Chapter 37

I know that I lied to you, a lot. But I really love you. You're the best daughter anyone could ask for. And I would never lie about that. I wish I could say that I'm sorry you missed out on the luxurious life that you could've had with the Royals. But that would be a lie.

I'm not sorry that I kidnapped you. It may sound malicious and sadistic, but its the truth. By kidnapping you, I got the best daughter in the whole world. I got to raise an incredible young woman, who I am extremely proud of.

I love you so much, Alicia.


I sighed and walked over to the cells. I plopped myself on one of the beds and set the note down next to me. Anthony planned this for when he died. I've always known that he loved me- I never doubted that- but I at least thought he would be remorseful about taking me. I was a baby, and he took me away from my parents. Maybe he was a little crazy.