
Chapter 32

Alex turned to me with his arms crossed. "So what's it gonna be? This-" he motioned to me. "or your kids?"


Needless to say, I chose my kids. I would've choose them over anything. I still would. That day, Alex helped me turn back on my emotions; and everything was different from then. We were still searching for Alicia; but we made time for our friends and our kids. I would occasionally break down, but Alex was always there. As Gar and Dave got older; we spent more and more time with them.

It hurt to have their birthday pass and wonder what Alicia was doing. If she even knew it was her birthday. Now I know.

Honestly, even though losing Alicia was so hard; I wouldn't change a single thing. What happened shaped who she is now. What happened changed all of us. I like how we all turned out, and I don't want to change it.