
29 Holding the Taste

"Um I think... we need some time to get to know each other more Dad." Royan gave that answer to my father. Because I never opened my mouth. Confused!

"You must agree that we are engaged first, right, Nez? Then the marriage can be in six months or a year, I think that's better." He decides for himself what he thinks he wants.

"Ooh, it's up to the person who goes through it, if you really want Royan that's okay, Inez definitely doesn't mind, first get to know each other," said my father while stroking my shoulder.

"Dad and Uncle, Eh ... Papa why did you just meet? and suddenly matched us. I apologize beforehand, but this is difficult for me to say, it's also difficult for me to accept, I just want to be more open at the beginning, so that later I don't there's another problem. I actually already have a boyfriend and he was ready to propose to me, but Dad suddenly proposed to me because of you, I didn't want to hurt my father or tarnish his good name, so I followed Dad's decision, but honestly I was very heavy." I dared to open my mouth, while lowering my face because I was afraid to say this, especially when there was my father.

Let everyone know the truth. Royan suddenly touched my hand and I wanted to pull it but I didn't like having Papa Mama there. He told me that they all knew about my situation and they would wait for me to slowly open up to Royan.

"I'm not in a hurry, I will wait for you, we will get to know each other in marriage later, I will help you accept me." Said Roy.

"We already know Nez, your father told you, Royan also told me" Mama said.

"Then are you not angry? Why do you still want to be with me?"

"Because everyone has a story and everyone has a past, apart from a lot of monkey love, only after marrying whom is true love, we want Inez and Royan to be real love, this is our experience as parents."

Papa Royan, Mr. Ronald said that the three of them were friends and old friends who were very close when they were still in school and continued their college years, answering my question earlier, but with the passage of time Mr. Ronald and my father who had busy schedules caused them to never meet again, Mr. Ronald, who continued his studies in Germany, rarely returned to Indonesia, while my father finished college and went straight to work, from there the communication was cut off, until unexpectedly after decades they were met at the Jakarta airport when my father was going to go abroad too because he got a promotion from my father's boss. to exchange employees there.

That's where they talked while drinking coffee, letting go of each other's longing. Royan's condition, which is very depressed by love, causes his father to be eager to set him up with the child of his old friend. Without thinking, does this daughter want to? what is the son of his old best friend like? My father agreed without investigating. What a strange father, if I'm lucky I can be happy, otherwise the opposite will happen to me. My father really dared to take risks for his daughter's future, being stupid, I had no other way to refuse.

"Because you don't know each other well, that's why I want you to get married to Royan soon, so you can get to know him more closely, when he becomes your husband it will be easier for you to get to know him." Add my dad.

"It's okay Dad, we still need time, Inez has to solve the problem first, I'll wait for her" concluded Royan.

in front of us all pretending to be patient, is it really a man like him patient? or just to get sympathy? Arman is a patient figure without any frills, it's really a loss for my father to let him go.

We can set a date for their engagement, in a month how about?" My father added. Then they all nodded in agreement.

They all know I already have another man? but they are still interested in asking me? don't they think that I have done anything with my lover or is it still holy or no? I looked on in amazement or maybe that's how bad the other side of their son is besides the other side who looks handsome, classy, ​​exellent and rich? So, I don't want to know as long as there is a girl from a good family who wants to marry her child in the hope of being able to change it.

To be honest, I was really scared, I didn't know anything about Royan, his behavior, his character, his demeanor, plus his father said juvenile delinquency was like a photocopy of him. What will happen to me in the future? Thousands of questions raced through my brain. I will not be able to change someone, it is Arman who has changed me a lot.

"Ehm ... everything impressed Riyanto, this delicious dinner, our atmosphere and the conversation of our sons and daughters earlier. Was very interesting. We definitely miss visiting again, but now we want to say goodbye, okay? Next time you come to my house."

Everyone was still laughing with joy at this meeting, only I was indecisive. We shook hands and said goodbye. Mama Micellin kissing the right and left cheeks with my mother and I, like confused people who only obeyed and followed. Royan also greeted me.

"I'll say goodbye, Nez? Don't be sad. You won't be wrong if you choose me, see you later" His words always sounded over confident.

Never not! whether it's arrogance or superiority to him. I again shed tears while hugging my mother. We all stood up as we drove them home to the yard. Royan got into the car and Papa Mama got into another car.

maybe they both went straight from work to home, so they brought their own cars. I then whispered to my mother.

"Mom, I want to go to the shop. Mrs. Titik want to buy sanitary napkins." I said goodbye to Mother, and she nodded slowly while stroking my face.

I immediately spurred my motorbike hard as an expression of the turmoil in my heart and the annoyance that had happened earlier, the tears grew louder in the direction of the accelerating gas motor that I was holding. I went to my beloved field for a moment to cool my heart that was too hurt again, the expanse of my sugarcane field which witnessed many stories and twists and turns of every moment that wrapped around me.

"Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhh....!!!!!." I screamed as loud as I could to get rid of my tears as loud as I could. accompanied by water that is also milli from my nose. In one month I will be engaged to Royan? What about Arman? As soon as time has passed, suddenly I want a fiancé. I will be getting closer to my forced marriage. I can't imagine it! Far from Arman alone I am very sad, let alone separated from him?

I dropped my body resting on my knees, no words no more sound I let out. Only my tears, only my limp at this moment, my eyes somehow feel dizzy and this head feels heavy. Without me knowing I was staggering and drooping in the grass that I stepped on.