
Just hold my hand (Kylo Ren X reader) book I

Alice_Comino · sci-fi
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22 Chs

Chapter fourteen

There was a big room where all the data that the spacecraft needed was stored. There were tall pillars around the perimeter and the rest was empty.

There were only two people there.

Poe and Kylo Ren.

You felt like your soul had got ripped in two parts.

They were facing each other, Poe holding a blaster and Ren holding his lightsaber. They were about to fight and you didn't know whose victory to hope for.

"Why are you doing this Ren? This is not you, this is not what being a hero is! You're bringing sorrow and destruction in the galaxy! You're wasting everything Leia and Han have given you since you were a child! Kylo Ren is just a mistake, you, Ben Solo, belong to the Light! Don't make the same mistake your grandfather did! "

"Dark gives me power! How can you, you stupid pilot, think that you could pull me to the light?! I am the Supreme Leader of the First Order, I am the king of darkness! I am building the most powerful army in the galaxy and I will destroy the Resistance!"

Poe shouted "You killed your Father ! You murdered Han Solo and broke your mother's heart!"

Ren raised a hand and Poe started gasping for air. You felt your heart racing in fear. He was like a brother to you, you couldn't loose him. You started to concentrate in order to try to enter Ren's mind and talk to him.

You hadn't trained for that, so you weren't able to do it.

You finally found the strength and screamed "REN, NO!!!!"

He raised his head to you and said telepathically "I have to ", then he went closer to Poe and pointed the lightsaber to his chest. You were frozen, you couldn't breath.

Then you heard the sound of three shots coming from blaster and saw Ren falling down.

Poe took his lightsaber and was about to stab him. You used the Force and the weapon got out of his hands. You shouted "Poe don't do that, you're not a murderer!"

You ran to the two men ignoring the pain that was consuming your body and you kneeled down next to Ren. He was still and laying in a pool of blood. You frenetically took off his helmet and started to cry as you saw his lips were purple and he was extremely pale. You rest your head on his chest, hoping to hear his heartbeat.

Poe couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He understood he had lost you.

"Y/n... you don't belong to us anymore... Leia was right.."

You looked at him. "What does Leia have to do with this?"

"When she found out your location she organized a rescue squad to take you back. But then as she saw you and Ren get closer she started to understand that she was loosing also her daughter as she lost her son before..."

"I can't let him die..."

"You love him Y/n... take care of yourself, but you lost us all, you' ve made your choice...", tears started filling his eyes.

He took out his communicator and said "failed mission, let's go home.".

He looked at you one last time and then ran away.