
Just Another Sybby Adventure

Ah, yes. Sybby, it is I. The author of the 'Just Another' fanfics. The ''ROB'' that helped the 'Marauders.' Well, funny enough? I got fucking reincarnated. This is purely for my own enjoyment, and how I would interact in a situation that most MC's find themselves in.

SyberisLevoca · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

And I wack, wack, wack.

Deciding it be best to take a more physical class, he clicked on Sword and Shield, the moment he did he felt something flex inside him as if something was responding, deep inside him to a newfound power.

He also felt... Better?

Deciding to finally stand from his sitting position he began to stretch, getting used to his body. He felt no pain, from his arthritis or back problems so he felt great, flexing backward he leaned all the way back.

He felt good, and when he pats himself down he felt 'Studier' so to speak, and bringing up just the changes to his stats he noticed why.

Class: Squire

Strenght: 12

Dexterity: 12

Vitality: 14

"So that's what it feels like to rise a state, I wonder if you can rise a stat by practicing with it? Guess we'll find out."

Continuing his stretching he pulled open his system again, going to journal.

With his click a book appeared, much like a large bound journal from the 'Olden' days, it opened up, showing nothing.

The system was meant to be simple, right?

''Journal entry: Explore training dungeon.''

As he spoke, in fancy cursive his words 'Explore training dungeon' appeared. Giving a nod he understood its use, the Journal was made for him to take important notes, tracking quests, so on so forth.

''Do you think it's automated? Maybe I can make it so as I collect things, it increases.''

/There is only one way to find out, try it later.\

Moving on in his system he opened his inventory, a little gift box was all that was in the first slot. Deciding to try something he first thought to himself. 'Open Gift Box.'

As he did, the icon flashed before multiple things appeared, and focusing on the five things that appeared he could see a description of them.

Shortsword F: Something every adventurer holds at one point or another, nothing to note.

Wooden Shield F: Metal lining to hold the wood together, nothing to note.

Leather Armor E: A magical armor that adjusts to the side of the individual, includes small clothes. Magically repairs itself with time.

Health Potion F: Able to heal minor cuts and bruises with ease, helps clot blood.

Mana Potion F: Helps restore mana. To many can cause 'Mental Exhaust.'

Focusing on the term mental exhaust another screen appeared.

Mental Exhaust: A state of Mana overuse, shares a similarity with sensory overload, hard to concentrate, harder to see.

He then spoke out loud. ''Equip shortsword."

In his right hand, a sword appeared, his hand caught around its hilt. The weight felt comfortable, despite its seeming basic creation it was well made, a few practice swings and he offered his left arm as if he was offering it to a woman. "Nova, can you interact with the system?''

/Equip Wooden Shield\

The shield appeared being held upon his arm holding it for a moment he began to roll his shoulders a bit, getting a feel for the both of them before he thought mentally once more.

'Equip Leather Armor'

The moment he did it appeared on him his shorts and shirt disappearing to for only a moment show his naked body before then trousers, a shirt, and then leather armor appeared over it.

Doing a few more stretches he then began to take a few practice swings. "This is good, I feel great.''

/I like the name Nova, thank you.\

With his practice swings out of the way he looked to his waist where he would usually sheath a sword, and sure enough, it was there, sheathing the sword with ease he rolled his neck and shoulders. ''Anytime, now let's leave this place and enter the dungeon, wonder what the first thing will be?''

Walking across the cave, he noticed that now the fire had a sound to it, walking over he warmed his hands, just to see if he could. Sure enough, he could, he'd need to remember this if he was ever in a situation where he needed warmth quickly. Once he deduced that he moved on, leaving the save he came out into a hall. Walking down it he found a door to his right marked simply 'Training 1'

Opening the door he entered into a massive room, dotted around were gelatin beings that somewhat kind of... Wiggled forward to move.

"Slimes? I'm either lucky or fucked.'' He walked over to one, he stood right next to it practically and it didn't do anything other than somewhat, wiggle at him.

He crouched down, keeping his shield forward as he pushed it against the slime, with little resistance it rolled a bit, pinning it down the slime seemed to wiggle around beneath his shield.

After a moment he pulled his shield back and checked the surface of it, he didn't see any wear to the wood. so instead he put his bare hand forward and touched it.

Other than it feeling like jello that moved by itself, he didn't feel anything tingling or bad about holding. "No corrosion on my shield or hand doesn't seem aggressive..." He willed his journal to make a section for a bestiary, so he could basically have a hunter journal as well. Noting things down as he found them out.

"Green in color, smell?" He gripped it, though when he gripped it too hard, it popped loudly, the moment it did he quickly looked up to the other slimes however, they didn't seem to care at all. Turning back to the popped slime, light particles were fading between his fingers and into the ground, what looked to be a copper piece was left. Pocketing it into his inventory he moved on

Seeing it popped he moved to the next green slime, reacting as the first one did, just wiggling at him. This time he scooped it up into his shield, leaning in he sniffed it. ''Kind of fruity?" He looked at the slime a bit before he set it back down, using his sword he poked it. The sword sunk in, he even pushed the sharp blade into it firmly but it still just formed around it with ease. "Resistant to blades and piercing."

He punched it and it once again burst loudly, this time it left two copper pieces, and what looked to be a ball of slime. Green in color.

(Like edible water, kind of green. Picture)

Picking it up he raised a brow, sniffing at it a bit, placing it into his inventory before focusing on it.

Edible Slime-Green: A ingredient used in most potions, can be consumed much like water. Magical in nature.

Seeing that without hesitation he popped it out of his inventory, and down the hatch. At first, it rolled on his tongue before he bit into it and it gushed instantly. Much like a gusher but far more liquidy he swished it in his mouth before swallowing. ''Kind of taste like fruity water? Cool, even feels refreshing."

He then, began a slaughter, punching slimes with his bare hands, stomping them, anything. As he killed, more would eventually spawn and he continued to do so.

He actually also learned that if you rolled a slime together, they would merge together. The only thing that became different was their size and how much wiggled about them. They still didn't act aggressively.

He rolled all the slimes together into he got a rather large slime out of it, just up to his waist. Punching it once, there was no effect and it just wiggled at him, like it was taunting him for his weak punch.

He just kept walking, wacking until after the fifteenth hit or so it finally popped. It was the same sound, good. Meaning even if he popped a large one, it wouldn't rupture eardrums, unless he needed to really get a big slime for the sound to increase.

However, along with 3 copper and a few pieces of edible slime, was a book.

Picking up the book he read the title, and it simply said. 'Summon Slime.'

"A magic book? Cool.'' Flipping it open he sat down on the ground and began to slowly flip through it, it was pretty simple in the application, and once he was sure that he got it down the book slowly faded away.

"Neat." He put out his hand and clenched his face a bit, flexing his fingers before relaxing his hand, he then began to focus. Trying to find his mana.

It wasn't hard, finding something that wasn't always there, but now he needed to inflict his will over it, pulling it from his body and pushing it to his outstretched hand he opened his eyes and focused before he spoke out.

"My name is Seth, and by my voice, by my will. Mana, I commend thee, bring forth a familiar of slime!'' Suddenly it felt like he got really tired as a magick circle appeared in front of him, and from it simply appeared another green slime, much like the ones around it.

Holding his head he leaned into his hand as he breathed out. ''Damn, now I know what forcing mana feels like... I can only do this once for now, and I shouldn't do it unless I'm sure I'll be fine.''

He took a few deep breaths before he then focused back on the slime, as he did a little window appeared beside it.

[Slime Familiar]

Able to consume certain materials to varying effects.

Seeing this he pulled a copper from his inventory and offered it to the slime. ''Can you eat this?''

The slime as if understanding rolled to his hand and took the coin into its stomach. He watched as it just sort of floated inside it but there was no change.

He focused once more and the window appeared, this time however there was a countdown.

[Slime Familiar]

Digesting Copper Coin "71:59:45''

"Three days huh? Well, I won't call you useless, know how many strong slimes exist?'' He pets the slime, and it seemed to wiggle into his touch. "I'm going to call you Puyo until I can come up with something better.." It then wiggled up his leg, slowly finding its way onto his shoulder where it slowly began to shrink before it was the size of about a large jawbreaker.

''Neat, see? Already useful. I've got another friend.''


"I'd consider you my first friend, actually. I don't really have any, though it's weird that technically, I created you... But I made it so you'd just be another person... Hm.''

/That's sweet of you Seth.\