
Just Another MHA Fanfic

(Thank you to LordValmar for the new image) Oliver, a calm man who had enjoyed his life to the very end, given the choice as all those before him to reincarnate. Leaving it all up to chance, he spun a wheel.

SyberisLevoca · Anime und Comics
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Well, update I guess.

I know I disappeared... I'm sorry, A lot of things happened at once and I was in a bad place. I can not promise much, since I honestly don't remember my own stories, my notes were lost in some of the events that happened so I don't have those anymore... I can't promise I'm back.

But I'll try my best, the novels here might be deleted as I open a new account and start fresh since I've lost the routes I've wanted to take with everything, but I am around again, even if it's only a little bit as I can.