
Just Another Beginning After the End | TBATE

The Beginning After the End details the story of King Grey's life after his reincarnation as Arthur Leywin in a new world. However, who's to say he was the only one? Before King Grey departed from his world, before he became King, he had friends that stuck with him, even in his narrowmindedness. Among these friends was Arias, who lived the entirety of his life devoted to his friends but was stabbed through the heart by his most cherished and precious friend. Now, reborn as Asher Aureus, he has a second chance to finally live his life the way he wants to. However, old habits die hard. Especially when it comes to the ones you cherish.

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39 Chs

The Dancer of the Sun



I'm back with another chapter.

This one is surprisingly long at 3k+ words.

It also took a lot of time to write. No matter what I did, I just couldn't find a perfect way to write it. In the end, after many drafts, I came up with this.

Hope you enjoy! Happy reading :D

Asher POV

[Round 5 — Semifinals, Match 2]

—Crik, crik

I cracked my neck as I walked onto the arena's stage once again.

It honestly felt like a long time had passed, but only around a week had actually gone by.

Now, of course, it sounded relatively quick that an entire tournament of this scale could be done in just a week. After all, that meant that 32 duels were held in a day at one point (there were 64 participants initially). But efficient planning and tournament structure helped make the tournament move along much faster.

Each duel was limited in time, and if neither side yielded for all 3 minutes, the judges would proclaim a winner. (There were 6 judges, 2 from each race) This and multiplying the amount of time allotted for each duel helped the tournament keep a stable run time for each day.

Healing magic also proved extremely useful as it would restore contestants back into optimal condition for the next day.

But, as Murphy put it, what can go wrong, will go wrong.

This program and structure would've held true and completely sound if not for a certain oddity that the tournament planners had not planned for. This oddity was known as Asher Aureus.

Namely… me.

Of course, for the first few rounds, my existence wasn't that much of an issue. There were plenty of other exciting battles that took all the allotted time with nail biting moments and dramatic conclusions. But as the tournament progressed, especially for the quarterfinals where there were only 4 matches with 45 minute run times, the fact my duel didn't even last 5 minutes was a problem… or so one would think.

Have you guys ever heard of Mike Tyson?

He's a super, super old fighter from before Revitalization, so most people didn't know of him.

Anyways, from what I read, during that period, fighting wasn't a matter of deciding countries' fates but rather a source of entertainment, and this guy was a storm of his era. Anyways, despite his fights often lasting just a single punch, his fights attracted countless fans. This would become the so-called "Mike Tyson Effect," as it was dubbed in my old world.

Why bring this up, you ask?

Well, this effect was taking place now.


The crowd exploded in cheers when I appeared.

I could see several people in the bleachers holding banners with my name on them with several affectionate symbols. Then, one of the signs caught my eye.

Does that one say, 'Asher, come here we have candy'?

Fans are scary.

—And now! We commence the second match of the day!!

The announcer's voice cut into my thoughts.

"…So loud."

I rubbed my ears as the host announced the matchup.


3rd Person POV

[In the human VIP box]

"…That guy… will definitely… DEFINITELY LOSE!"

The boy who was speaking intermittently between huffs and puffs of anger was Curtis Glayder, heir apparent and prince of the mighty Kingdom of Sapin.

"…Be quiet, Curtis."

"Whuh? Bu—"

"Don't embarrass yourself anymore."

Curtis's mouth hung open, opening and closing halfway multiple times, unable to find rebuttal. Eventually, he just sat down grumbling with a scowl on his face, glaring at Asher. He had been betting against the elf every match and had lost every single one of his bets.

On the other hand, Kathlyn, who had deeply respected her brother as the prince of the kingdom and as her older sibling, shook her head in disapproval and muttered.

—Stupid brother.

She quickly ran over to her mother's side before Curtis could say anything.

The Queen chuckled, and the king smiled while he poured himself a drink, but his smile was a facade. In truth, he was worried. Very worried.

The elvish contestant Asher Aureus had been playing on his mind for the last few days. The existence of an elf child like him, the humans' long-time rival, was nothing but worrisome. Plus, the fact that he had been clean sweeping his enemies, even managing to defeat his last one without even touching him, certainly wasn't helping.

At this point, the king's hopes were left with the human's favorite:

Claire Bladeheart.

Blaine sipped on his whisky as he sat back down.

'It's more than likely that he'll make it through this match. The dwarf is definitely talented but not nearly talented enough.'

Blaine massaged a temple as another migraine formed.


—Between the contestant Doradrea Oregaurd the Golem of Terra, and the contestant Asher Aureus the Angel of Death, our match begins!!

The crowd exploded with cheer and excitement. A match between the elvish and dwarven favorites was something that they had been dying to see.

Unlike the crowd, however, Doradrea wasn't excited at all. In fact, she had thrown up 3 times before coming here (though she vehemently denied it) because of how nervous she was.

"I didn't sign up for this…"

She muttered as she tried to avoid eye contact with the elf boy in front of her.

Doradrea was arguably a simple girl. Her goals in life were to become strong, get a buff, hot guy, and live the rest of her life in luxury.

In that sense, she could be described as rather worldly.

And following that logic, she definitely didn't want to live her life as a cripple cause some crazy kid went and blew her off into the promised land. She had a life to live, and she was planning on living it.

The only problem was that she couldn't live with herself if she surrendered to some random shrimp kid. But that wasn't the main thing. If word ever got out, her friends and family wouldn't ever let it down and tease her about it for the rest of their lives.

In other words, she had no choice but to lose "honorably," though, in reality, she was just going to get beat up.

—Counting down! Three!

When the host began counting down, she took it as a signal and slammed her eyes shut, bracing herself.


Unable to handle the arduously slow countdown, she peeked out from her left eye.

She saw a pair of golden eyes gleaming intently at her, like the way a predator eyed its prey.

Doradrea turned away instantly.


"Please, oh your divine eminence Mother Tiera abounding with mercy and grace, protect your child…"

Backed into a corner where she truly had no other choice but to accept the incoming pain, she began, for the first time in all her life, praying.

Yes, Doradrea Oregaurd, who refused to pay homage to the god of the dwarves all her life, was praying.

If anyone who wasn't present ever heard of this, they'd laugh it off, saying that it must've been a different girl.


She scrunched up protectively almost immediately.

But the impact never came.

After a few agonizing seconds, she cracked open her eyes to try and get a look at what was going on.

But the second she did, she was given a chance to witness a terrifying blur come swinging mere millimeters away from her eyes.

Raging wind pressure blasted against her face blowing her hair back and her soul along with it.

—What's this? Wind magic??

The announcer tried to figure out what was going on, but a word from the judges exposed what really happened.

—My apologies! It wasn't wind magic at all! It was augmenting!! Pure augmentation gave the illusion of a blast of wind magic!!

But none of this entered Doradrea's ears.


After all, her eyes had rolled back, and she was currently collapsed on the ground, fainted.


Asher POV

I stared at the girl in front of me who was frothing from her mouth.

"…Did I overdo it?"

I rubbed the blood that was starting to trickle down.

The move I just used was an application of Flash Thunder.

Flash Rend.

In the same way I used Flash Thunder to instantly move, I could use it on specific parts of my body to make semi-artificial instantaneous movements. For example, in the case of Flash Rend, I could mimic a swing with enough power to create a blast of wind.

Of course, it lacked the same intensity and speed of Flash Thunder as doing so would probably rip my arm off. Maybe in the future, though.

In any case, the reasons why I didn't use it to physically strike was because one, I'd feel bad hitting a girl who was shaking in her boots, and two, unlike Flash Thunder, Flash Rend was a slashing move. In other words, I would've probably have cut her face into two if I did use it on her.

I sighed in disappointment at being unable to fight and turned to leave.


3rd Person POV

[Round 6 — Finals]

—Before we begin, a word from our royal highnesses!

At the host's words, the Kings and Queens of Dicathen rose from their seats.

Their royal garments fluttered gently in the breeze present only at the elevation of the Cloud Platform, and their crowns glistened in the spring sun.

—It has been a long yet short 9 days. In this time, we have watched the future of Dicathen battle and show the splendor they have to offer.

After Blaine, Dawsid spoke.

—Now, we arrive at the conclusion of this monumental advent of a new age.

Alduin spoke next.

—May this historic event pass down through time as the moment that humans, dwarves, and elves made true peace.

The crowd applauded and cheered.


After the cheer began to die down, the host brought the attention back to the tournament.

—We introduce Claire Bladeheart, the Dancer of the Sun!

The crowd, especially the humans, exploded in cheer as a red haired 13 year old girl appeared, waving and smiling.

—And on the other end, Asher Aureus the Angel of Death!

This time the spectators unanimously roared in excitement as the elf boy who had won his fights in short yet spectacular ways slowly walked out, his now-signature white cloak fluttering.

—Two prodigies among prodigies, geniuses among geniuses of different blood and of foreign lands!! Standing atop all other contestants!! Between these two heaven-defying talents, who will rise supreme!?

The announcer hyped the match with everything he had. This was it. The final match of the tournament.

Claire Bladeheart drew her sword, exhaling.

Asher Aureus did the same, opening his eyes clearer than glass.


Asher POV

…I was honestly kind of excited.

Sure, I didn't feel as much a sense of accomplishment as I would've if I had some difficulties making it here. And that wasn't just a pipe dream either. That semifinalist (Doradrea, was it?) could've put up a fight if she hadn't passed out.

But I guess it must've been because of the epithet… Angel of Death sounds awesomely terrifying if you ask me.

Anyways, I returned my attention to my opponent.

Her flowing scarlet hair in the sunlight looked like strands of ruby, shimmered, and her grey eyes, though a dull color, still looked like a pair of gems.

…Tch, she's probably one of those over-achiever normies.

I internally huffed.

"I ask for a duel."

The girl's voice interrupted my complaints.

"Not a demonstration of ability, but a true duel."


I stared at her for a moment.

A true duel, huh?


How refreshing, a cultured kid.

I smiled.


Her eyes widened like she hadn't expected an answer.


Of course, as much as I wanted a proper duel, I didn't want to spend my time playing pat a cake with a kid. I found that while holding myself back to train with someone weaker than could be beneficial, that only applied if the person I was holding back for had something to offer.

"…Only if you block the first attack."

It was a pretty tough condition considering the types of people I've fought in this tournament, but that was the bare minimum that was required to keep up with me.


She nodded with a resolved face. I widened my eyes at her confident answer but smiled. Youthful confidence like this was important after all.

"Then, to a true fight."

I lifted my sword.


She lifted her rapier in kind.

—Counting down!!

It seemed the host had some extra energy today, considering he has two exclamation marks.


Acupoint settings and mana distribution completed.


I leaned my center of gravity forward and dug my feet into the ground, my eyes locked on my target. She had her eyes closed, her sword at the ready.


I exhaled.

With a thunderclap, flash.


Flash Thunder.


With the greatest intensity of mana and the loudest roar of thunder that had ever been seen and heard in this tournament, I burst forward like a bolt of lightning.

I accelerated at a speed that my eyes couldn't keep up with, the sensation of myself ripping through air invigorating my senses.


However, rather than being met with impact like I was expecting, I suddenly saw a clear blue sky.

An unconscious smile crept up my face.


I spun around in midair and landed on my feet, quickly reorienting myself.

—What's this!? For the first time, someone has managed to defend themselves against the Angel of Death!!


I kept my eyes on my opponent, who was breathing heavily caked with sweat yet still keeping her eyes locked on me.

I glanced quickly at my blade. Surprisingly, my sword was still in perfect shape, a testament to her skill with the sword, deflecting my attack while keeping our swords undamaged. The next level beyond would be to damage my blade while keeping hers safe.

In any case, I spoke with a genuine smile, glad to know my expectations had been proven utterly wrong.

"Let's begin out 'true duel.'"

She markedly looked at me before breathing in and out deeply.

"…Yes. Let's."

She smiled as she readied her rapier and reassumed a different stance.

Our gazes hardened, and we dug our feet into the ground.

Then, as though we planned for it, we dashed forward simultaneously, swords at the ready.

When we were about to make contact, her sword bent and redirected mine.

… She's faster than me.

I changed my strategy immediately.

A single movement of my sword must be equivalent to at least 3 or 4 of hers.

I channeled my mana to my eyes. The only advantage I probably had was my overabundance of mana, but that was similarly my only weakness.

In any case, the presence of mana in my eyes increased my dynamic visual acuity giving me the ability to take in even the tiniest movement of the most delicate hair. It was unfortunate I lacked lightning magic since I could've also enhanced my reflexes beyond what they were.

And for the record, this was something that only applied to me, both in my old world and this world. I think it had something to do with a unique physiology I had that transferred over to this world. I can't be sure.

Anyways, I quickly scanned my enemy.

Wind fire dual attribute augmenter.

The flowing yet sharp movement of her rapier and the explosive power each blow had were evidence.

All in all, the only way for my long sword to counter would be…


Or, more accurately, Intuition. Something I honed after years and years of fighting and combat.

The best way to employ said ability was something you'd think appeared in a fantasy novel…

I closed my eyes.

When the ocular senses, the senses that you consciously depend on most, are absent, things your eyes could not have seen can be felt.

I let all my senses take over.

I felt the changing wind currents, I smelt the tiniest movement of odors, and I heard even the faintest sounds made by the rustling of clothes.

And reacted.

—Tak ssk ssk

I winced at the rapier, grazing my left bicep and right side.

Not fast enough.

—Tak ssk Ta-ssk

My sword grazed it.


—Ssk Tak Tak

Even faster.

—Tak Tak Ssk


I began to lose myself to the ecstasy of fighting—true fighting as in fighting an opponent who was on my level and exploring my limits. But due to this, I was unaware of my acupoints beginning to close little by little to accommodate my demands for speed.


Claire POV

All my life, I had been an undisputed prodigy. I awoke early at the tender age of only 11. My swordsmanship was something even my uncle, an AA rank adventurer who now served as guild master of the adventurer's guild, acknowledged and personally cultivated.

But now, I was wondering, was I truly a genius?

The small elf boy, who I initially dismissed as a one-trick pony, was getting better and better by the exchange, adapting to my swordsmanship at a terrifying pace.

This caused me to come to the painful realization of something. I was arrogant.

Arrogant to believe I was a genius.

If I were to put us into comparison, I'd be a local talent while this elf in front me… was the prodigy of the age, the genius of the era.

He wasn't some self-proclaimed talent like me…

He was the real deal.

I scoffed at myself, wondering where I had found the gall, despite all my family's teachings of humility, to think of myself so greatly.

—Tk tk

Rain began to fall.

After he finally managed to block all three of my thrusts, my sword faltered, as did my psyche.

Could I… even compare?

My sword's tip, which had never once shaken, began to shake as I questioned my own worth.

My sword began to sink.

"…What are you doing?"

Asher's sudden voice pulled me out of the quagmire I was sinking into.

"This is a duel."


The rain began to pour.

"Here, in these hallowed grounds, we fight to the bitter and bloody end."

He pointed his sword at me.

"So, raise your sword Bladeheart! Does your name not mean a heart as sharp as a sword? Lift your blade!"

His rallying cry caused me to unconsciously lift my rapier.

"You are my opponent who requested a duel! So, duel!"

He swung his blade at me, and I defended, the now muddy dirt splashing up.

He didn't stop.

He swung and swung from the left, right, top, diagonal, below, and every which way between as I was slowly pushed back, desperately defending against his ridiculously heavy blows.


He shouted.

"Fight like your life depends on it!"

He shot out several jabs, replicating my own technique before kicking me in the core. I hit the ground on my bottom, wincing before looking up.

A pair of golden eyes looked down at me.

"…Cause one day, it might."

I stared at the elf for a moment before speaking.

"…How do I know if I can?"

I didn't know why I asked the question. It just felt right.

"By proving yourself here and now."

The words weren't anything spectacular. In fact, they could've come off as rather cringe in any other situation. But for me then, beaten both inside and outside, the words held a subtle encouragement that I needed.


He smiled and nodded ever so slightly.

I bit my lower lip and nodded, forcing myself up.

He was right.

What time was this to be moping around?

This train of thought caused a surge of confidence to rise, and I reminded myself of who I was.

I'm Claire Bladeheart, Dancer of the Sun.


...At this point, I should've just called this ff Just Another Therapy After the End.

I've unintentionally made Asher a therapist XD

Anyways, I'm sure this is becoming obvious but we're getting closer to the end of the tournament arc which really marks the first original arc I've ever written. Hopefully, I'll be able to end it with a banger.

Thank you all so much for reading.
