
chapter twenty eight

I cringed at the sound of wood being dragged against the rough concrete and felt myself freeze when I sensed Steven's presence behind me. The hair at the back of my neck stood at its ends and I tried to steady my uneven breaths.

"Once upon a time..." Steven started to say and I looked up to see him making his way to the front of the room. "There was a man with a happy family. He had a son and a wife." Is he talking about himself now?

"His business was going well and his income was more than enough to support his family," Steven continued. "One day, a wealthy and powerful businessman approached him and asked for a cooperation between the two of them." Was the businessman Ethan's father?

"The businessman offered to support the man's business and should anything happen, he would lend his hand. The man was persuaded and agreed to the cooperation. The cooperation was going well, until he suddenly started to lose money. The businessman persuaded him to sell his shares and he did so." At that, Steven paused to snicker at himself whilst shaking his head.

"One day, he was called to a board meeting for the shareholders and it was then that the man found out that he had been backstabbed by the powerful businessman. The businessman bought his company's shares and took over his position as CEO of the company, and combined both the companies. He became unbeatable." Upon hearing that, my eyes widened and I could not believe my ears. Is Mr Ford really such a person?

"After compensating the man, he kicked him to the curb and left him to fend for himself. The man, left with no choice, kidnapped the businessman's only son, but was thrown into jail for 10 years instead. As if that wasn't enough, his wife left him and in a matter of days, he lost everything," Steven finished with a sombre look. "Now, who do you think is at fault?" He asked mockingly and looked at Ethan who was silent all this while. It must've come as a shock to him.

"Why are you so quiet now?" Steven laughed. "Your happiness was built on someone's misery. How the hell do you feel?!" Steven barked and with a swing of the rod, Ethan fell to the ground. "Ethan!" I called out, worried but Ethan, who was in a state of shock, did not have much response.

"Finally, after ten f*king years. I've captured you again. Now, I can get my revenge, once and for all," Steven let out an evil laughter at that.

"I don't believe you," Ethan finally bit out and that seemed to enrage Steven. "Stop deceiving yourself child. Looks like you need some beating for you to come to your senses," he shouted as he started to swing the rod again. "No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Stop!" I shouted again as I yanked on the roped tied around my hands.

"Xavier, get that bitch out of my face!" Steven ordered his son and I was dragged out of the room by Xavier. "No, wait, stop!" I protested but was ignored. "Xavier! Untie me!" I shouted, but Xavier took no heed to my words and led me to another room. "Sorry, but this is the only thing I can do for you. You do not want to get beaten by him," Xavier apologized before locking me in the room.

"Xavier! Come back! Xavier!" I called after him, but he did not turn his head back.


I was getting impatient and no words could describe how worried I was for Ethan. Is he okay? What if Steven beats him to death! What if... All sorts of thoughts filled my head and the more I think, the more anxious I got. After what seemed like eternity, I heard the door knob turn and in walked Xavier...with a badly injured Ethan behind him.

My eyes widened at the sight. "Ethan!" I shouted when I saw that he was barely keeping his consciousness. "Ethan!" I tried again, but he did not reply me.

After tying Ethan against a chair next to me, Xavier left the room, a frown on his face.

I turned my head and faced Ethan who was trying his best to keep himself together and tears pricked at my eyes. Ethan slowly turned to face me and gave me a small smile before wincing from the pain the cut on his lip brought.

"Why the hell did you come!" I asked, my voice breaking as tears threatened to spill out. "How can I not come when that a**hole had captured you?" He answered, sounding weak. "You were the one he wanted. He wouldn't hurt me," I told him. "I wouldn't take the chance, especially when the woman I love is in his hands," Ethan replied and that was it. It was like something within me broke and my tears rained down my cheeks.

"Ethan..." I cried. "I'm just glad you are okay," he told me. "But you are not okay," I mumbled. "I'm fine as long as you are," he tried to calm me down with a gentle smile but that just made my cry harder.


It had been three days. Three days since we were captured. My stomach was growling from hunger and my throat was parched. Ethan and I were fed only a meal a day, and we were barely keeping ourselves awake. Xavier had "kindly" disinfected Ethan's wounds, but no matter what we say, he wouldn't let us go.

It was night time now, in a few more hours, it would have been four days since we had gone missing. I wonder if any of our family members noticed. I'm pretty sure they did, but why is it that nobody has found us. I was worried about Ethan, he's getting weaker by the day. I am afraid that he would not be able to make it out of here.


It was hard for me to fall asleep despite the fatigue my body is feeling, and I was annoyed when I was woken up by Steven's loud booming voice. Shyt. It had been four days since I last saw Steven and he is looking as bad as I last remember him, if not, even worse.

"How are you feeling? Or should I say, how are you surviving?" He smirked. Ethan and I both ignored him as he went on. "Oh, you guys won't answer me," he finally figured out as he shook his head. "This won't do. I'll make you talk," he muttered as he walked to the end of the room and fetched himself a bat. Why the hell are there so many weapons here?!

I freaked when I figured out what he was going to do. "No," I squeaked. "What? I couldn't hear you," Steven eyed me menacingly. "Don't touch her. You can hit me all you want," Ethan warned and I turned to look at him. "No, you can hit me, don't hit Ethan anymore!" I pleaded.

Steven laughed sadistically. "Haven't you heard of the saying beggars can't be choosers?" He asked and with that he walked over to me. He was about to swing the bat when all of us heard the blaring police sirens.