
Chapter 7

A/N: Well, it's my birthday today, so... I'm just going to upload today's chapter and tell you all that I might take a few days off writing. Have a good day, everyone.


"Wait, I have a a A B-BROTHER!?"

(Flashback ended)

After the meeting ended, I immediately asked my father if my brother was okay. All he said was that the kid was safe, but instinct and experience with my father say otherwise. He's acting, and I know it's really hard to tell. I know the look in his eyes when he's truly sad; I have seen it only once in my life, and that's when my mother died. He never acted like he does now. It's almost as if he... junior's mouth open, letting his jaw drop to the ground while his eyes widen open with his eyebrows raised, he knew he had found a very big piece of the puzzle now the reason was why would he do it like this.


???? POV

In a structure like a castle, you could see a man with silver hair dressed in a black suit with a green vest standing at the top of the tower, looking at the open window with a cup of coffee, waiting for something or someone. It is not until a crow flies into the room that the man moves and closes the window before sitting down in his fancy leather chair.

"Qrow it seems I have a job for you."

A man sitting on the opposite side of the silver-haired man takes a full swing of his flask before even acknowledging his words.

"Yeah, yeah, just tell me who you want me to spy on this time, you creep."


Edward POV

Matt and I asked Madam Everly if she knew anyone who would let us work, so we could earn some money for a huntsman or huntress to teach us fighting skills. So far, all she has told us is that she would ask her friends if anyone needed our services. Matt wasn't too happy about getting a job, but when I told him why we needed one, he immediately folded. I swear, kids are way too easy to manipulate sometimes. On another note, terrible news: Madam Everly said the public school is going to open its doors for new students. You see, I haven't been able to join school because they don't accept new students in the middle of a year, so yeah, I have to experience that hell again. I just hope I don't have to deal with stupid children or, even worse, annoying ones. Why world, just why?


(Two days later)

Qrow POV

Why does Ozpin want me to spy on some stupid gangsters? I still don't get why he just doesn't take control of them. Why even waste our time on them when we could just arrest them or kill them all? I could be doing something more productive, like looking for Salem and her little pawns in this game. Hell, I don't even know why ozpin had to send Summer alone. Why couldn't he just wait? If only he could have told me before, I would have gone with her.


"I just wish it could have been me."


Lord Xiong POV

'The plan is coming along just perfectly. I just need to set up a CF-R meeting, and I will finally win. Mistral will be mine, and there's nothing she can do about it; all I've got to do is play the long-term game, just like I did with vale'

if you enjoy the story so far please give me all those delicious power stones 🤤🤤