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One year later

I'm already sick of these bloodsuckers chasing! And most importantly, I could only find ten third-generation vampires, and just fucking fourth and fifth. In general, for the search for the third generation, I use a special ritual, when a vampire converts someone or he has a child, a connection appears between them, and if you use the soul of a vampire, for example, of the fourth generation, you can catch this connection and find the vampire who converted him. Vampires of the third generation are a special case, since the second generation was exterminated, they are the closest to Cain in generations and you can use them to find Cain.

By the way, all third generation vampires have now fallen into Torpor. Thorpor is a special state of a vampire close to sleep until someone wakes them up. And due to the fact that they were sleeping, they could not offer at least some resistance while I took their souls. Yes, no epic fight, just came, took the soul and left no buzz.

Well, it is also worth telling about the successes of the tit-dragon. He has become much stronger than he was initially, now in his usual state without a glove he is equal to the lower demon, and with a glove he can even compete with an average one. And he was able to activate the power of the transfer, and now he can use the glove of the second revelation (that glove from the rating game with Raiser) for five minutes. Not bad for a start.

Well, as for me. For starters, appearance, due to the fact that I got the abilities of Shigaraki, I turned a little pale and increased in height, and my eyes turned red. As for my powers, my pure physical abilities are now higher than that of the evil dragon, but lower than that of the dragon of the emperor, and my magical powers have almost reached the level of the emperor, and I have mastered blood magic well, which is why I can change my body as I want. The mogu is in the Armor of the Soul Eater for a month and a half. And now I can completely control the decay, All for One also raised the level. Well, I finally mastered the full dragon form, in it I look like a large, purple western dragon, in this state I am stronger than the dragon emperors when they were alive, and I can compare with Crom Cruach. I think I have enough strength for now, but that does not mean that I will stop developing.

Now I am in the Alps. What am I doing here? I'm looking for where my bloodhounds disappeared, but six of my golems that I sent in search of vampires disappeared here, and I wonder who is so brave that touched my toys? I sensed three ... vampires? Yes, it is vampires and strong stronger than vampires of the fourth generation, it seems my bloodhounds have done their job well. All these vampires were now in an artificial dimension, the entrance to it was in the cave where I went. When I reached the place, I found a huge gate, I opened it and entered the artificial dimension.

It was a big old castle, as original. Three vampires were waiting for me in the throne room of the castle. One was a huge pumped-up hulk, the second looked like a real ancient vampire, in other words, looked like a walking corpse, and the third looked like a typical aristocrat.

-Strange I thought that all third generation vampires fell into Thorpor." I said.

- As you can see, no. And by the way, were they your golems who attacked us? - asked the revived corpse.

-Well, yes, I came to take your souls and find Cain." The three vampires laughed at my words.

-Ha ha ha, seriously? Do you really think you can beat us?

At these words, I simply took off my mask, thereby releasing my aura. After that, the vampires stopped laughing and visibly tensed so much.

-I think I have a chance." I said while creating the Soul Eater Armor on myself. And the battle began.

These vampires are not only strong opponents themselves, but also work together. While the hulk like a tank goes forward, a walking corpse is selected from behind and tries to chop you to pieces, and the aristocrat throws armor-piercing magic at you. But who are they and who am I? Having blocked the blow of the hulk, I sent my hand back, creating a huge fireball that tore off the corpse's hand, and from the spells of the third, I simply put a barrier of reflection, and his own magic flew into him, one of the spells hit his leg and he fell.

-Now it's my turn .- I said creating a wave of Infinity which threw Kingpin to the other end of the hall. Then I dodged the claws of the one-armed one and shot him with an infinity laser, one is ready. A spell flew into my back, but the armor saved me. I sent a fireball at the enemy, he blocked it, but by that time I managed to run up to him and tear off his head. Kingpin had already managed to get up and attack me, but I successfully dodged and shot in his face with a laser. They were all dead, the last blow of the laser put an end to this whole battle, I took off my armor, the battle was over. Having collected their souls, I left this dimension. And he went to his pocket dimension to perform the ritual.

After 5 hours.

Central Asia, where Cain is now. Having quickly recovered, I headed there. Once on the spot, I discovered an artificial dimension, in which the progenitor of all vampires is hiding. It took some time to hack the dimension, yet Cain really did not want someone to find his refuge, how unlucky he was that I am!

I made my way inside the dimension and the scenery ... I was not impressed, an ordinary large crypt, vampires have absolutely no imagination at home. After going a little further I found a huge gate, yes, I feel they are waiting for me. When I opened the gate, I saw a huge spacious hall, and in the middle of it sat an average-sized man with a beard and long black hair, yes, that's him.

—Greetings, I suppose you are the one who killed my grandchildren?" Cain spoke.

-Well, yes, and where do you know from?

-The connection between us lets me know what's wrong with them. And you know, I'm grateful to you.

-I killed your grandchildren, and you are grateful to me?

-Yes, they were the ones who killed their parents, and they wanted to bang me too.

-It must be a shame when your descendants want your death.

-There is such a thing. Although Archangel Uriel warned me that my children will be greedy goats who will destroy each other and try to kill me. Yes, and you clearly did not come to drink tea with me, right?

-It all depends on your answer. Is your father Samael?


-Then I came to kill you- I said while creating armor on myself.

-Is there enough strength?" He said, turning into a huge flying bat.

He rushed at me, I tried to dodge, but he touched my hand. Fast! Pushing him away with a wave of infinity, I created five spears that I threw right at him, he dodged and again rushed at me, I jumped back, placing magic mines on the floor, he blew up, but it practically did not damage him. Concentrating the energy of the souls in my hand, I released it, creating a huge foggy wave that destroyed everything in its path. Cain was torn off a couple of fingers and thrown a decent distance. He concentrated his blood in his hand and created a huge wave of blood, I tried to dodge but Cain caught me in bloody chains, the wave hit and hit me into the wall. Painful, but not fatal, having healed some of the wounds, I noticed that Cain disappeared from sight. I felt danger and jumped to the side, where I was standing, a huge spear of blood landed, which exploded, the shock wave threw me back and laid on my shoulder blades, and part of the armor generally flew off. I noticed that Cain levitates over the hall and creates spears weaker than the previous one, but several at once. Rising from the ground, I created a barrier that blocked the spear attack. I touched my hands to the ground using Decay destroying everything around and creating a nice distraction, when Cain was distracted I flew up to him and used Decay which destroyed his hand. He pushed me away with his remaining hand, but I managed to grab his wings and he fell.

—And you are not a miss. But not enough for me! "Cain said, restoring his hand and increasing in size. When I realized that the case smelled fried, I began to turn into a dragon.

After a couple of seconds, there were two in the destroyed hall. A huge humanoid monster with four arms. And a huge purple western dragon. The dragon flew up and began to bombard his opponent from the air, while the vampire fought off the blobs of infinity and counterattacked with spears of blood.

Half an hour later

Both fighters did not look very good. The vampire was missing an arm and had several through holes throughout his body. The dragon only had half of its right wing and lacked part of its left front paw. Both creatures decided to end it all now. The dragon began to collect the remnants of the energy of infinity in his mouth, and the vampire began to collect the remainder of the energy of the blood in his hands. And then the creatures fired at the same time. The dragon beam destroyed the spears of blood and reached its goal. Cain was defeated. The dragon absorbed the soul of the first vampire, and began to shrink, acquiring a human form.

It was the hardest fight since I got into this world. I certainly knew that Cain was strong, but not that strong! I got out of the remnants of Cain's dimension and teleported home. The first thing I noticed after teleporting home was Ophis, who looked at me with panic in her eyes, did not understand what was wrong? I examined myself and noticed my stump of a hand and almost completely flayed skin ... Yes, I probably should have registered in the pocket dimension. Oh, I just realized how damn painful it is!

-Hi little sister I'm back.- This was the last thing I said before fainting.

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