
Jungle hustle


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4 Chs

Dragon cub

After Lila returned to the village as a hero, she was hailed as a savior and praised for her bravery. The villagers threw a great feast to celebrate her victory over the dragon and the dragon's fiery breath was put on a display as a proof of the great accomplishment.

Lila was proud of what she had done and was glad that she could help protect her village. But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a bit of regret. She knew that she had had to take the dragon's life to save the village, and the thought of it weighed heavily on her.

She decided to go back to the forest to pay her respects to the dragon's remains, and when she got there, she found something unexpected. She found that the dragon's body had transformed into a small dragon cub, that was still alive, and she was surprised to see that the dragon was not harmful at all, just misunderstood.

Lila took the dragon cub back to the village, and as she explained the story of the dragon's death, the villagers saw the dragon cub and realized that they had never really known the dragon's true nature. From then on, they welcomed the dragon cub as a new member of their community, naming it "Flicker" and Lila became his caretaker.

As Flicker grew, it became the village's protector, and they lived in peace and harmony, with no more fears of dragon's terrorizing their village. Lila became known as the Dragon Whisperer, and the villagers saw her as a bridge between human and dragons, and she continued to spend her days teaching about the true nature of dragons, and how to coexist peacefully with them.