


The day has been stressful for all new students on campus. Getting to experience another phase of life can be exciting in the beginning but worse when you realize how much work you have to put into it. The same is for June Ajisafe, the main Character of the story, beautiful, young, intelligent, and none the less a Virgin. 

Everyone might have one to say about their first kiss or maybe their first love, but not June Ajisafe, she has vowed to be a child of God and keep her purity intact regardless of everything or temptations that comes her way. Even though she is at the age when all her peers have experienced one or two knowledge of their sexual life, but not for June who haven't had her first kiss yet. 

Her mother's words always ring in her brain whenever she tries going against her will.


June might have had her chance of living the way she wants, instead she chooses to abide by her mother's words of advice so she won't fail in life. But as much as she tried getting her minds of things relating to sex or relationship, her four roomates always have one thing or another to say about sex. They munched on gossips relating to sexual talk that June finds rather irritating and bothering. 

As she had in mind to rest after the stressful day at school, she couldn't find one moment of peace as her roommates cheered loudly and giggled about boys.


Her eruption brought laughter among the girls. It's not the first time June finds their discussion a bother, since they thought she might just be pretending not to follow along, but this time it's clear that June might be hiding something from them. 


Adeola asked being scarcastic. She is the light skinned among the ladies, beautiful and has a statue of a grown Adult. She finds June a little weird and different from the rest of the girls she shared a room with. The rest have been accommodating and approachable but not June.


As the rest thought she was joking they cracked themselves up with laughter. They didn't believe her right at the spot until she made it clear once again that she is really a virgin and plans to stay that way for some time. Her roomies just  jeered at her response, they didn't understand why a fine girl like June will keep her body till marriage. 

As June couldn't withstand their jester, she left the room for outside and took a stroll to probably clear her head. Her phone rang a while after and it was her mother who called to check up on her like a monitoring spirit.


"Orientation Night"

The best night ever that the new students get to enjoy will be the orientation Night organized by the senior students. Most of the time it's for the benefit of the pervert male seniors who would want to take advantage of young pretty newbies. All Academic departments have organised their own orientation party to welcome their Juniors among them, and as much as June tried excusing herself out from their midst, it wasn't easy for her to come up with a good excuse for not going. Everyone in her department will be there, and it's a very good opportunity for her to mingle and make friends, especially with those that will contribute greatly to her academics.

  Alcohol was served to the new students by their doting seniors to welcome them to their midst, and also a way to get them intoxicated so as to take advantage of the girls. A guy sitting next to June, probably one of the seniors who have allocated seats to one another so as to find the easiest prey. He kept on touching June's thighs, and he did that knowingly but acted like it wasn't a big deal. June tried avoiding him by shifting to her other side but the Male senior followed suit like a stalker. The scary event got June worried and made up her mind to speak for herself. 

"Sir, you can't touch me without my consent?"

Her confrontations erupted everyone's attention as she didn't speak calmly but rather aggressively at the male senior. 

"I never did such a thing, and if I did you shouldn't raise your voice at a senior. Don't you have respect at all?".

He complained, defending his illicit actions. The rest seniors acted on their peer behalf, they wrongly scolded June for being over sensitive and disrespectful to which June replied as being self defense. She stands up for herself to defend her integrity. 

"Then leave if you can't stand us!".

One senior with an eyeglass said out of annoyance. He can't stand the sight of June who thinks she is everything. Other female students had allowed the Seniors to assault them but not June.

"Then I will gladly take my leave."

June left the room clearing the odd air. The Seniors had resumed their shameful acts and the rest have involuntarily stayed to avoid being on the Seniors bad radars. 

Kemisola, a nerdy young girl, had walked out after June left. June's courage had also summoned hers, and had left the party to meet her hero. She introduced herself to June, and since that day they've become friends.