
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Queen

It is the story of a girl who wants to live and a ROB who doesn't understand the concept of living, granting the girl her wish to live and reincarnate in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen . . . (A/n): The story is divided into two parts. the first part will be normal power struggle fanfic and the second part will be wish fulfillment

dreaming_dog · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


A scene straight out of the apocalypse just unfolded in front of me, a massive creature with multiple heads and limbs is hurdling towards me in a crazed state of mind.

wtf is happening, cant these creatures mind their own business, I was just walking home damn it, now I have to deal with this what shitty luck, I should have stayed home today.

I jumped out of the way just in time to dodge that crazed charge by that ugly creature, that green abomination unphased by anything skitted to a stop, turned, and again ran towards me again with full force, damn it, I noticed him on the edge of my perception, as he charged on me, I again dodged him just in time, but this time he grazed me, 

that graze sent him into a more frenzied state, and his hunger for human flesh brought him to insanity, he roared with full force creating echos, drooling, and his tongue hanging out, 

the creature in his insanity found a moment of intelligence and thought of a new attack, as he saw that charging at me would get him nowhere, he instead thought of another attack pattern, he stared at his own body and plucked out one of his limbs, and used as a projectile and threw it at me with all his might,

I was stunned by his sudden surprise attack and wasn't able to react in time to his attack, his limb hit me square in my right arm, nearly tore it away from my body, and the bone in my right arm shattered with blood leaking out of the cut the limb created, this wound nearly knocked out my 6-year old body, I just stayed consciousness with the shear willpower in me, getting unconsciousness here will mean certain death, I gather up all my will power and started making distance, for now, I have no offensive power the only power I possess is my perception, my only and realistic way to exit this situation is to escape, I see no other viable path in this situation, other than to run.

the creature seeing blood from his attack lost his last shred of sanity and became a mindless puppet of his hunger, in his mindless state he rapidly started to tear off his limbs one by one and throw them at me as projectiles, one by one his limbs rained on me like a rain of arrows, they flew at me with full force, as I dodged the first one it created a crater in the ground, in horror I looked at the barrage of limbs, these were more powerful than before, in horror I dodged another one heading straight to my head, I dodged just it time that it did no damage to me, I dodged two more before I realize something, these attacks were easy to dodge because of the creatures crazed state, and another thing the limbs that the creature is throwing are not regenerating, they are closed as a bud but not regenerated as I expected because of his risky manover, he was wasting his only advantage againsed me his body so I thaught that it had the meance to compensate for that but I was wrong, the creature is so mindless that it is losing its advantage, so the amo Is finite and from my counting, only three hands and two legs are remaining, so it will be easy to defeat him, if I provoke him a little more and ensure he will remain mindless and loose his advantage, 

while dodging his attacks I worked on my plan, the beast became more crazed when he saw my blood so I took a gamble and bet that tasting my blood would make him a true mindless beast incapable of anything but to repeat his action, so while dodging his remaining attacks i approached near him and stopped with just enough distance that he was not far from my perception, dodging his attacks from this distance was more difficult but I managed somehow, 

from my estimated distance I initiated my plan, I picked up a rubble stone from the nearby crater and laced it with my blood, and carefully aimed that stone on the face of the creature, as the creature momentarily stopped to pluck its hand, with the full help of my perception and with my remaining strength I threw that rock straight at the face of the creature,

the rock missed but a drop of blood did manage to enter the creature's mouth.

"Rrrrrrroooooaaaaarrrrrr" the creature roared with insanity when he tasted blood, all hell broke loose in his mind and somehow he became more mindless than the beast he was before, instead of ripping of his arm, the creature ripped half his torso with it, it threw that peace of its body with such force that the air rippled and created a short sonic boom, the arm landed on a nearby home and demolished it within seconds, 

the creature inraged ripped his last remaining lim other than his hand, and shot it in the trees cutting down a dozen within seconds, the creature with no other limb to attack through ripped his head off and threw it towards me, though the through was weak it was enough to create a crater on the ground just below my feet,

the body of the creature fell and became lifeless but the same couldn't be said for the head, the head of the creature rolled around on the crater with its tongue attacking everything it touched,

I have succeeded in my plan and finally escaped, but I don't want to i want to have revenge for what this bastard has done to my hand, i wanted to kill him so very much but i lack an offensive power or an offensive tool for that matter, 

I wish I had a weapon right now, something like a sword, a knife would also be fine to end his life, I wish from all my heart that a weapon would appear my hand and I could end this miserable bastard's life,

as my prayers had been answered by the heavens, suddenly my left hand started glowing and out of nowhere a knife materialized in my hands, the knife was gold in color with a vibrant black guard,

"haahaha, this is for my hand, die you monster" I roared at the top of my lungs as I hold that knife tightly and humped and stabbed that bastared right in the forehead, 

the monster cried a final cry of pain and withered in the wind as fine black particles and with the monster also flew my strength and I collapsed right in that crater unconsciousness,


{5 minutes later)

five minutes later after sawa fainted an old man parked his car on the street and entered the battle zone that was created between sawa and the monster, 

"looks like there was a fight and the curse has been eliminated, I should inspect just in case" muttered the man under his breath, the old man first erected a vail in the surroundings to flush out the curse if it's still alive, after that he thoroughly inspected the battle area,

as the man was inspecting the craters he found something unexpected and quite alarming

"what the hell What is a little girl doing here in this condition she is nearly at death's door because of her injuries trauma and blood loss, a hospital won't cut it we have to find a healer and quick" 

the man in a panic called his headquarters and assisted the help of a healer asap, he picked up sawa carefully from the crater and placed her on his back when he picked her up he noticed a unique knife in Sawa's hand, the man was intrigued by the knife and inspected it more thoroughly and found trace amounts of curse energy in the knife, the man pockted the knife and left with sawa to his headquaters.