
Jujutsu Kaisen: Second Life Sorcerer

In a twist of fate, a young man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Kaito Murakami, a student in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Guided by a mysterious system, Kaito must navigate the treacherous world of curses and sorcery. With newfound abilities and a second chance at life, he embarks on a journey to master his powers to protect himself and the ones he cares about. - Jujutsu Tech is a college and not a high school (Does not affect plot, just makes characters 2 years older) - Will be additional curses - Probably won't be a harem but you can offer up the love interest (No Maki) - MC has no knowledge of plot First story so give constructive criticism please Updates will be 2-3x a week.

KyotoBeenPaid · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Glimpse of Us

I kicked off my shoes, the carpet a luxurious change from broken concrete, and stripped off my grimy, sweat-stained clothes. They hit the floor with a satisfying thump, like I was shedding more than just fabric.

The shower beckoned, steam curling into the air. Every muscle screamed in protest from the day's fight, and the idea of the hot water working its magic was almost overwhelming.

I stepped under the spray, letting the heat wash over me. With each stinging burst, the factory, the lingering sense of unease, all of it melted away. In here, it was just me, the hiss of the water, and my own ragged breaths.

The sliver of soap was a luxury. I scrubbed at my skin, letting the scent of something cheap and floral fill the steamy air. My reflection in the fogged-up mirror was blurry, but what I could see made me smirk. Nobara deserved a clean-cut version of me tonight.

The shower did its job, and by the time I emerged, the ache in my bones was down to a dull throb. I took my time drying off, then hesitated before the bag I'd barely touched since we'd arrived. 

I dug through my clothes, finally settling on a button-down shirt - a decent blue, and a pair of brown pants. Both items bought on my first date with her. 

Checking myself out in the mirror again, I grinned. Not bad. With a newfound spring in my step, I grabbed my phone. We hadn't set an exact time, so I fired off a quick message:

"U ready for me to show you how Hokkaido does date night? Meet u in the lobby?" 

I headed down to the lobby and the place looked almost absurdly normal compared to the day I'd had - business folks with their briefcases, families with bored-looking kids.

Then I saw her. Nobara, leaning against the wall by the entrance, a splash of fiery red in a sea of muted tones. I caught my breath. She'd ditched the usual jujutsu uniform for a dress, something that clung to her curves in a way that made my brain short-circuit for a second. 

"Yeah, well, it's a special occasion. Figured I owed you at least this much."

Her eyes sparkled as she stepped closer, and then she threw her arms around me in a hug that was pure Nobara - fierce and genuine at the same time. I held her tight, breathing in the scent of her shampoo and for a few precious seconds, the missions, the curses, the whole terrifying world we lived in melted away. 

Pulling back, she gave me that look, the one that appraised every detail. "I knew you buying that shirt was a good idea," she teased, her grin widening. "I approve."

"You look... wow. That dress..."

Her laugh filled the space, rich and warm. "Thanks," she said, and there was a hint of shyness under the usual confidence, which only made her more endearing. "A girl's gotta get out of uniform once in a while, right?"

"Definitely," I agreed, finally finding my stride. "So, ramen at the best spot in town, then... something a little off the beaten path. You in?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, intrigue replacing the amusement. "You had me at Ramen, Kaito. Lead the way."

The neon haze of Hokkaido buzzed around us, washing Nobara's face in a rainbow of colors. Her hand slipped into mine, our fingers tangling together as if magnetized. I'd lose myself in the way the lights shimmered in Nobara's eyes, but then she'd always catch me staring. Her hand would squeeze mine, that subtle smile playing on her lips. 

Our banter bounced along with our footsteps. We'd shift from goofy jokes to training stories to quiet dreams. Dreams of a time when nights like this weren't a stolen luxury. Her laughter bubbled up, full and bright, and a warmth bloomed in my chest. I'd find myself making dumb jokes just to hear it again, to watch that cute little way her nose scrunched up with true amusement.

The scent of the ramen place hit me before we even reached the door - rich broth, sizzling pork belly, an almost physical promise of comfort. I'd spent far too long on reviews and forums, determined to find the perfect spot for Nobara, a taste of the real Hokkaido.

Inside, the place pulsed with its own energy. Locals chattered over steaming bowls, dishes clattered, something sizzling in the kitchen filled the air with a mix of ginger, garlic, and soy that set my stomach rumbling. It was cramped and worn, one of those hidden treasures you wouldn't find unless you knew where to look.

Somehow, we lucked into a booth near the back. As we slid in, my leg brushing against hers, a hint of her perfume drifted my way. It was something warm and floral that made me want to lean in just a bit closer.

The menus were battered and splattered with broth - a testament to all the meals they'd seen. Our heads bent together over them, debating toppings and broths. While we waited, I started noticing little things: the way she'd twirl her chopsticks when she was thinking, a tiny scar on her collarbone I'd never seen, the fire in her eyes when she spoke of the future. 

Suddenly, the bowls of ramen landed before us, steam painting wispy shapes in the air. I raised my sake cup. "To thriving," I said, voice barely above a whisper but thick with meaning. "And to more of this."

Nobara clinked her cup against mine, a flicker of understanding in her eyes. Then, something warmer, a spark that set my heart thrumming. "To us," she breathed back. Two words, but I heard a promise in them. A promise that no matter what was ahead, we'd face it as one.

The ramen was a symphony of flavor - rich, savory, hitting all those spots only comfort food can. We talked and laughed with mouthfuls, and with each bite, I felt this perfect, simple moment etching itself into my memory.

Our bowls emptied, but neither of us rushed to leave. The sake warmed my belly, my fingers playing absentmindedly with the little ceramic cup. The buzz of the restaurant faded to a comforting hum as the conversation shifted, settling into a quieter rhythm.

Nobara's laughter softened, the neon-bright edge fading from her eyes. She took a long sip, then set her cup down with a quiet clink. "Sometimes," she began, her voice barely louder than the clatter around us, "sometimes I feel like I'm unraveling. Like a thread pulled too tight, ready to snap."

My stomach did a slow, sinking roll. I wanted to say something, something reassuring, but the words felt heavy and wrong. So I reached across the table, my hand finding hers, the warmth of her skin a grounding presence.

"The things we see, the stuff we go through..." She paused, a muscle jumped in her jaw. "It messes with you. I try to brush it off, act tough, but sometimes..." She shook her head, a flicker of frustration and something more, something softer, in her eyes.

"what gets you through?"

Her gaze met mine, and something between us shifted, the air crackling with unspoken honesty. "You," she admitted, the word almost a whisper. "I only have so many seats open in my life and somehow, you've taken the biggest one." 

A wave of warmth washed over me, mingled with a fierce protectiveness. "I feel that too," I admitted.

We sat for a while, the silence more comfortable than awkward. This was a side of Nobara I rarely saw, the vulnerability hidden beneath her usual bravado. And somehow, it made her even more incredible in my eyes.

"Let's get out of here," she said finally, a flicker of her usual fire returning. "Somewhere quieter."

The night air was cool against my skin, a welcome contrast to the warmth of the ramen shop. We walked side by side, hands clasped, the streetlights painting long shadows that danced together. It felt different, this closeness. Not just the thrill of stolen moments, but a shared weight, a silent understanding forged in the fire of everything we'd faced.

"Thank you," she murmured, leaning her head against my shoulder for a brief moment.

"Always," I replied, squeezing her hand. 

The city lights softened, replaced by the flicker of stars overhead, a scattering of diamonds against the night's velvet. The air held a crispness, a stark contrast to the heat of the restaurant, and it made me shiver slightly.

We strolled the twisting paths, the city fading to a backdrop hum. With each step, a piece of the tension built by the day's work seemed to melt away. Nobara gave a small shiver, and without thinking, I draped my arm across her shoulders, pulling her into my side. She leaned in, the scent of her perfume, warm and floral, mixing with the clean chill of the night. We fell into a companionable silence, just enjoying the presence of each other.

Our wanderings led us to a bench facing out over a small pond. Moonlight danced across its surface, shimmering like it was inlaid with silver. My heart pounded with a strange mix of nerves and anticipation. There was something about this pocket of stillness, this stolen piece of the night... it felt right.

I turned to Nobara. Words fumbled in my head, too messy to form into something that matched what I felt inside. So, I let my actions speak instead. My fingers brushed the hair back from her face, cupping her cheek with a touch I hoped was gentle. Her eyes met mine, and I saw a flicker of hopeful uncertainty reflected back.

Leaning in, I closed the distance between us. Our lips met, a tentative press at first, then something more insistent. It was soft, it was sweet, it was every feeling I had for this incredible woman poured into a single touch.

Breaking away, I found Nobara breathless, a small, happy smile tugging at her lips. And then, her eyes darkened, filled with a heat that matched my own. I knew this wasn't the ending of our night, but just the start. A start filled with fiery promise, a silent vow exchanged beneath a canopy of stars.

The walk back to the hotel was a blur, the tension between Nobara and I so electric I swore I could see sparks. Her hand kept brushing mine, sending jolts up my arm straight to my racing heart. I couldn't stop stealing glances at her, the moonlight making her skin glow, her eyes dark with promise.

The elevator doors had barely closed before Nobara was on me, pressing me back against the wall. Her hands danced over my chest, fingertips featherlight, then pressing to explore the lines of muscle beneath. I gasped as her lips found my neck, trailing kisses that burned like brands. Each touch was a tease, a whispered hint of what was to come.

By the time we stumbled out onto our floor, I was practically shaking with need. Nobara wasn't faring much better, her cheeks flushed, her breathing heavy. We half-ran, half-danced down the hallway, stealing desperate kisses, hands grasping at clothes and skin and hair.

Fumbling for the key card, Nobara finally got the door open and we nearly fell inside. The moment it shut behind us, the rest of the world ceased to exist. There was only her and I, the heat building between us, the unspoken desire hanging heavy in the air.

Clothes became obstacles to be removed with haste. Buttons scattered, zippers were yanked down, fabric tossed carelessly aside. I couldn't get enough of her - the silk of her skin under my hands, the taste of her on my tongue, the little gasps and moans spilling from her lips. She charted my body with hungry touch, nails tracing a fiery path down my back, teeth grazing my collarbone, hands venturing lower, lower...

We tumbled onto the bed, a tangle of limbs and ragged breaths. Every nerve in my body was alight, every sense heightened to an almost painful intensity. Nobara arched under me, a goddess in the dim light, and I worshipped her with hands and mouth and body.

When I finally sank into her, it was like coming home and discovering heaven all at once. We moved together, a primal rhythm as old as time, chasing that golden edge of bliss. Sweat slicked skin, hearts pounding in sync, breaths mingling in the scant space between desperate kisses.

Nobara's nails dug into my shoulders, anchoring me to her as she cried out, my name a prayer on her lips. I followed her over the edge, white-hot ecstasy coursing through my veins, vision sparking behind my eyelids.

Afterwards, we lay tangled together, limbs entwined, her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair, marveling at the softness, the way the sweat-damp strands clung to her neck. She traced lazy patterns on my skin, each touch a tiny aftershock of pleasure.

In that moment, with the sweat cooling on our bodies and our hearts slowing to a contented rhythm, I felt a peace I'd never known. Here, now, there was only us, this perfection, this connection deeper than the physical.

Nobara shifted, propping herself up to look at me. Her eyes, usually so fierce, were soft with an emotion that made my breath catch. "Kaito," she whispered, and in that one word, that simple utterance of my name, I heard everything she couldn't quite say. I love you, I need you, I'm so glad you're mine.

"I know," I whispered back, cupping her cheek, drawing her down for a gentle kiss. "Me too. Always."