
Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju

In a world where cursed energy reigns supreme, Hiroshi Senju emerges as a force to be reckoned with, wielding the ancient and formidable Shinboku no Jumon. With unwavering confidence and boundless charisma, Hiroshi navigates the complexities of the sorcerer world. P.S Cover not Mine, Tell me if you want it taken down, but it looks cool so I put it here.

Impulsive_69Author · Anime und Comics
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70 Chs

The Strongest

With Hiroshi's triumph over Satoru Gojo, Hiroshi Senju ascended to the pinnacle of power, but for the Senju Clan, achieving supremacy held a deeper significance. Hiroshi wasn't merely the strongest; he had become the modern-day God of Sorcerers, inheriting a title not claimed since the days of Senju Hashirama.

Just as Gojo Satoru had once dubbed himself the Honored One upon enlightenment, Hiroshi now bore three titles: The God of Sorcerers, The Strongest, and The Lord of the World.

"Ah, The God of Sorcerers, huh? I quite like it," Hiroshi smirked as he ascended aboard the cruise ship, casting a final glance back at the now diminished island, realizing it was scarcely recognizable as land anymore, reduced to a mere fragment afloat in the sea.


"There's the God of Sorcerers," Suguru teased Hiroshi as he approached.

"Haha, that's me," Hiroshi replied in jest.

"Cheers, Sorcerer God," Shoko offered him a beer.

"Cheers" Hiroshi replied, raising his drink.

"So, Hiroshi, about that tattoo on your face?" Suguru inquired.

"Ah, that's a secret art of the clan, Sage Mode. It utilizes natural energy in conjunction with cursed energy to enhance my attacks and capabilities," Hiroshi explained.

"Natural energy, you say?" Shoko asked, intrigued.

"Yes, the natural energy of the planet. Let me demonstrate," Hiroshi said, conjuring a ball of cursed energy on his palm, colored black. As he infused it with natural energy, the cursed energy became more dynamic, shifting into a thicker white hue.

"I see, so it enhances energy in a way," Shoko concluded.

"In a way," Hiroshi confirmed with a nod.

Satoru woke up in the infirmary of the ship, his mind clouded with flashes of his domain being shattered from the outside and Hiroshi's declaration of "Game over" echoing in his memory. Upon seeing Satoru awake, Takumi Gojo approached, concern etched on his face. "You okay? You did your best, Satoru," he reassured his son. Satoru nodded in acknowledgment but recognized that he still had a long journey ahead. "I did, Father. But I still have a long way to go," Satoru replied, his determination shining through. "Where's Hiroshi and Suguru?"

As Satoru entered the area of celebration, the music abruptly ceased, and the room fell silent. Perplexed, Satoru's expression was met with questioning looks. Hiroshi, Suguru, and Shoko approached him, offering drinks and food. Seeing his friends, Satoru smiled and grabbed a glass of beer, deciding to indulge despite his usual aversion to alcohol. "Continue! Play the music louder!" he declared, downing the beer in one gulp, savoring the camaraderie of the moment.


"What did you do in our last domain clash, Hiroshi? You had additional hands for a brief moment," Satoru inquired as they sat down, Suguru and Shoko listening intently, eager for details. "I achieved the Open Barrier Domain, a divine domain, so to speak. The additional hands were a semi-finished form of a clone," Hiroshi explained as he summoned ten pairs of hands, demonstrating briefly before they vanished.

"It's mainly used for my Domain Expansion now," Hiroshi continued. "But a barrierless domain is like painting in the sky or water without a container," Suguru remarked.

"Water without a container? Picture it as a river or something," Hiroshi casually replied.

The trio exchanged looks, silently conveying their thoughts: "Easy for you to say."

The party continued into the night, with food and drinks flowing freely. Hiroshi couldn't help but notice his Oji, drunkenly boasting about his nephew being the God of Sorcerers. Before assisting his Oji, Hiroshi made a mental note to document such embarrassing moments for future trolling.

A few minutes later, Hiroshi found his friends, mainly Satoru and Suguru, engrossed in a heated game on a console, playfully arguing over who was the superior player. Their banter brought a chuckle to Hiroshi's lips.

However, Shoko was notably absent from the gaming session. Further into the room, Hiroshi spotted her enjoying the night breeze, her hair dancing in the wind. With a pair of beer cans in hand, Hiroshi approached her.

Seeing Hiroshi, Shoko accepted the beer can, skillfully opening it. The ice-cold beer provided a welcome relief.

"So, what's your answer?" Hiroshi inquired, his gaze drifting toward the moon.

"I'm still thinking about it," Shoko replied. Hiroshi nodded, understanding her contemplation.

"What are your plans after graduating?" he asked.

"I plan to go to Med School," Shoko revealed.

Hiroshi then reached into his pocket and retrieved a red tulip, offering it to her. "You know I'm not really good at expressing things, so let the flowers tell you," he said with a slight smile.

"How romantic," Shoko chuckled, accepting the flower, a blush tinting her cheeks.


The next day, Hiroshi, Suguru, and Satoru gathered together.

"I've been meaning to tell you this, Satoru," Hiroshi began, his tone serious as he glanced at Suguru.

"What? Why so serious, O God of Sorcerers?" Satoru chuckled.

"Anything you hear in this room will stay among ourselves, alright?" Hiroshi emphasized.

"Alright, alright," Satoru agreed.

Hiroshi turned to Suguru and said, "Suguru, Kenjaku will be after you."

"What? Why?" Suguru was taken aback, recalling his earlier conversation with Hiroshi about Kenjaku.

"Simply because of your cursed technique," Hiroshi explained.

As far as Hiroshi knew, Kenjaku would utilize Suguru's body after the events of JJK 0. With Suguru's demise, Kenjaku would use Idle Transfiguration by the end of the anime. "I knew I should've read the manga," Hiroshi thought, cursing his past self for not doing so.

"In the future, there will be a Special Grade Cursed Spirit called Mahito who can manipulate souls. Kenjaku will control Mahito using your body to further his plans," Hiroshi elaborated.

The realization that someone could manipulate his body sent shivers down Suguru's spine.

"Wait, how do you know all this, Hiroshi?" Satoru asked, intrigued.

Hiroshi simply gestured to his mind. "The world is showing me the future," he stated confidently. Though Hiroshi was undoubtedly bluffing, his connection to nature as a weapon made it somewhat believable. Moreover, the trust between the friends over the years allowed this claim to slide.

"I'm not saying that you will lose, Suguru. Given your Cursed Technique's inherent versatility, I'm sure you won't lose if Kenjaku doesn't open a domain. But if he does, then I'm uncertain. However, I do know that he possesses an open domain, just like mine."

"An open domain?" Satoru inquired. Having been defeated by Hiroshi's open domain, he realized the power it held. Yet, Satoru already had an idea on how to counteract an open domain.

"Since it's an open domain, you can escape and use Domain Amplification to protect yourself. What if I invert my domain's barriers, making the outside stronger and the inside weaker?" Satoru pondered.

Suguru paused to consider, then asked, "And what do you suppose we do?"

"As much as possible, avoid isolated areas without trees," Hiroshi advised.

"Trees?" Suguru was puzzled.

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" Satoru smirked.

Suguru then realized that where there are trees, Hiroshi knows everything.

"What a convenient ability, God of Sorcerers," Suguru teased.

"If you're planning to really delve into suspicious cases, then bring me or Satoru along. Although you are strong, Suguru, we're dealing with a millennia-old sorcerer who can switch bodies and whose morality knows no bounds. Did I mention that he—or she—endured backshots just for his plans to come to fruition?" Hiroshi said seriously, but the absurdity of the statement made him chuckle.

"Backshots? No way," Satoru laughed.

"Yes, way," Hiroshi joined in the laughter.

Meanwhile, Suguru remained deep in thought.

"Also, Kenjaku can't hide the stitches on the forehead of the body he's inhabiting, so the moment you see stitches on someone's forehead, it's likely him. I might sound crazy and alarmist, but I don't want to lose a friend over a simple mistake," Hiroshi said, gazing at Suguru Geto.

"Enough of that serious stuff. The three of us are strongest together. How about we jump the King of Curses the moment he regains his full power?" Hiroshi smirked.

"Sounds fun," Satoru said.

Suguru smiled. "Still the same Hiroshi."

"What will you do after graduating, Hiroshi?" Satoru asked.

"Probably teach, I guess? I am already the wealthiest man on the planet," Hiroshi replied.

"Hmm, where?" Satoru inquired.

"Kyoto? I mean, that's where the Senju Clan is based, and I wish to change the losing streak of Kyoto. Come on, last year at the exchange event, the Kyoto Sorcerers were destroyed within five minutes," Hiroshi explained.

The defeat of the Kyoto sister school made the trio chuckle.

"Ah, I almost forgot!" Hiroshi exclaimed.

"What?" Satoru and Suguru asked in unison.

"Potential Man," Hiroshi smirked.

"Potential Man???" Suguru and Satoru were baffled and looked to Hiroshi for further explanation.

"The world showed me a vision of the current practitioner of the Ten Shadows," Hiroshi half-lied.

"The Zenin Clan's technique?" Suguru confirmed.

"And what's his connection with this Potential Man?" Satoru asked.

"This Potential Man is Megumi Fushiguro. I think he's in preschool now, but what better way to teach him? We can teach him how to be a sorcerer. Imagine a sorcerer raised by the three strongest sorcerers of the modern era," Hiroshi suggested.

"I don't know, Hiroshi. If this Megumi, as you say, possesses the Ten Shadows, wouldn't the Zenin Clan have something to say about it?" Suguru questioned.

"So what? Can they fight the three of us? I doubt it," Satoru smirked.

Seeing his two friends already in unanimous agreement, Suguru sighed and finally concurred.

Megumi Fushiguro's fate had been changed.


February 2009 marked two years since Hiroshi ascended to the title of the Strongest. During this period, Suguru Geto had achieved a complete Domain Expansion, earning him the title soon recognized by the Sorcerer World: Suguru Geto, The Lord of Pandemonium, owing to the nature of his domain.

The trio, comprising The Honored One, The God of Sorcerers, and The Lord of Pandemonium, stood as the strongest sorcerers of the modern era. Their existence not only bolstered the strength of curses but also led to the materialization of Special Grade Cursed Spirits every few months.

Meanwhile, the Senju Clan had solidified its economic dominance over the waters of Southeast Asia. This control wasn't achieved through military prowess, but rather through economic prosperity. Across the region, the Senju Clan had stealthily invested billions, unwittingly coming to own a quarter of each nation's economy. While the clan could extend its ownership further, Hiroshi exercised caution, preventing attempts to seize control over entire economies. Such actions would undoubtedly draw the attention of governments worldwide, making the clan vulnerable to scrutiny and retaliation.

Looking ahead, Hiroshi set his sights on Europe. Leveraging the recession, he identified the Baltic States as his entry point into the European market. Additionally, in the United States, the Senju Clan had managed to acquire trillions in assets amidst the economic downturn. Through a combination of strategic investments and political lobbying, they secured nearly 10% of the nation's wealth. It became evident that, indeed, money made the world go round, and Hiroshi skillfully navigated these financial waters to further his clan's influence and power.


A car pulled up in the neighborhood, and Suguru broke the silence. "Is this the place, Hiroshi?" Despite Hiroshi's intervention to prevent Suguru Geto's fall, he had taken control of the remnants of the Star Religious Group. It was reshaped into an organization that collaborated closely with the Senju Clan to modernize cursed energy—a goal Suguru had always aspired to achieve ever since the day Hiroshi convinced him now he works towards a goal to better the use of Cursed Energy and eventually if possible rid the world of Cursed Energy or Everyone can use Cursed Energy. While the organization primarily consisted of non-sorcerers, a select few had been exposed to cursed energy. One should never underestimate the potential of humanity.

Meanwhile, Suguru had formed his family, comprising Miguel, Larue, Mimiko, Nanako, Manami, and Toshihisa Nagi.

As Hiroshi stepped out of the car, followed by Satoru and Suguru, he confirmed, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be it."

"Looks shabby," Satoru remarked as he scanned the area.

As they surveyed their surroundings, they noticed a kid with a backpack walking back home. Hiroshi approached the kid, with Suguru and Satoru trailing behind.

"You're Fushiguro Megumi, right?" Hiroshi inquired.

Turning around, Megumi was met with varying expressions from the trio. Suguru wore a serious demeanor, Satoru looked surprised, and Hiroshi sported a smile.

"And who are all of you?" Megumi asked, slightly annoyed. "And what's with your faces?"

"He looks like his father," Suguru remarked, clearing his throat. "Satoru, why don't you explain?"

As Satoru began to explain, he made some odd gestures. "Listen, your dad is from a big-shot clan called the Zenin clan, and they're obsessed with strong powers. But they're also scumbags, which disgusts us."

"That's why your dad left the family and had you," Satoru continued. "And now you're one of the few who can see those things, right? And you've noticed the power within you, right? Most people discover their techniques between ages 4 and 6—a perfect time to sell off a kid."

Suguru nudged Satoru slightly. "Stop being weird, Satoru. Hello, Megumi. My name's Suguru Geto. Your dad entrusted us with taking care of you."

Clearing his throat, Hiroshi interjected, "About your da—"

"I have no interest in knowing where he is or what he's doing. It's been such a long time; I barely even remember him, though I have a general understanding of what you want to say. Tsumiki's mom hasn't been home either," Megumi interrupted.

"Megumi's home!" Tsumiki exclaimed.

"That means they're done with us and they're enjoying themselves out there, right?" Megumi continued.

Hiroshi simply gazed at Satoru and Suguru. "You can ask any of us about your father, although it would be quite interesting to hear it."

"So, what'll it be? Do you want to go to the Zenin Clan?" Satoru asked.

"What will happen to Tsumiki? Will she be happy there? It all depends on that," Megumi responded.

"Absolutely not, that I can guarantee," Hiroshi interjected, startling Megumi.

He chuckled. "Okay, leave the rest to us," Satoru said, holding Megumi's head along with Hiroshi and Suguru.

Megumi was slightly annoyed by their actions.

"So, I reckon you're gonna come with us, then?" Suguru asked.

"What a blessing you have now, Megumi, just like your name," Hiroshi chuckled.

Hearing this, Megumi was left baffled. "At that point, I didn't realize what Hiroshi Sensei meant by that until later on in my life," he thought.


February 14, 2010,

Hiroshi stood in the middle of an empty park, holding an empty bouquet. Shoko's voice broke the silence, "Hiroshi, sorry for being late."

"No, you're right on time," Hiroshi replied as he handed her the empty bouquet. "Hmm, there are no flowers," Shoko observed.

"They're here," Hiroshi stated confidently as the surroundings burst into life. "Just not in the bouquet."

"Wow..." Shoko was speechless as she admired the blooming flowers. "What a Valentine's, huh?" She noticed the bouquet had three colors—pink, white, and red—comprising roses, chrysanthemums, carnations, and asters.

"So, what will be your answer, Shoko?" Hiroshi asked.

Shoko gazed at Hiroshi, her eyes searching for answers as she posed the question, "Why me?" Hiroshi responded with a knowing smirk, pulling her into an embrace. "Why not you?" he replied softly, his tone carrying reassurance and affection.

"Let's see where it will go," Shoko blushed slightly in response.

March 2010,

Hiroshi, Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko graduated from Jujutsu Tech. What was supposed to be a simple ceremony became a grand event, thanks to Hiroto and Takumi's desire to celebrate the milestone. Masamichi Yaga, the new principal of Jujutsu Tech Tokyo, arranged everything grandly with donations and help from the Senju and Gojo Clans.

For Hiroshi, the Senju Clan was there; for Satoru, the Gojo Clan; for Suguru, his sorcerer family; and for Shoko, her sorcerer parents.

That evening, Hiroshi introduced Shoko to Hiroto, leaving the old man cackling in joy.

June 2010,

A luxury sports car, a Koenigsegg Trevita, pulled up at the University of Tokyo—one of the four unique sports cars in the world.

"You know you don't have to do this every day, Hiroshi," Shoko remarked, planting a peck on his cheek as he sat in the driver's seat.

"Anything for you, babe," Hiroshi smirked. "What a luxury, the God of Sorcerers escorting me," she chuckled, stepping out of the car. It was also the year Shoko began attending med school.

Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo started working as mentors at Jujutsu Tech, occasionally going on special grade missions.

Hiroshi Senju began working as a mentor at Kyoto Jujutsu High. When he arrived, Principal Gakuganji and a few faculty members were awaiting him.

"Yo, old man," Hiroshi greeted Gakuganji nonchalantly. "Still nonchalant as ever, God of Sorcerers," Gakuganji remarked.

"Well, being the strongest does have its perks. Anyways, have you prepared for the renovation of the school?" Hiroshi asked.

"Anytime you want to start, God of Sorcere—" Hiroshi interrupted Gakuganji. "Old man, call me Hiroshi. If you can't, then call me by my last name. The title is too long," Hiroshi chuckled.

"Mr. Senju," Yoshinobu said formally.

Kyoto had been in the hands of the Senju Clan since the Heian Period, when it was named Heian Kyo. Even though it couldn't yet match Tokyo Jujutsu High in sorcerer quality, it could still produce sorcerers stably. Yoshinobu Gakuganji, a product of Kyoto Jujutsu High, supported the Senju clan and was part of the conservative group.

Kyoto was essentially the most stable part of Japan due largely to the presence of the Senju Clan. Barriers, big and small, were scattered all around the city. While they didn't affect normal people, they would immediately alert Senju sorcerers if cursed spirits manifested.

"Let's begin with the renovation, Principal," Hiroshi said.

Kyoto Jujutsu High would undergo a full renovation under Hiroshi's guidance.

March 2011,

Nanami and Haibara Yu graduated from Jujutsu Tech. Nanami was classified as a Semi-Grade 1 Sorcerer upon graduating, and Haibara Yu held the same grade.