
Jujutsu Kaisen: King Of Sorcerers

An ordinary otaku from our world dies and ends up in another world—sounds pretty standard, right? But here's the twist: he wakes up in the chaotic world of Jujutsu Kaisen, a place so wild that even its own main character doesn’t always feel like the protagonist. The only silver lining? He transmigrated 150 years before the main story kicks off. The downside? He has absolutely zero talent. Zilch. Nada. So, what's a guy to do? Desperate times call for desperate measures, and our MC had no choice but to become the ultimate bootlicker for Kenjaku, the era's big bad. He even became Kenjaku’s assistant, helping him cook up a serum that could give someone the techniques of all three major clans: Gojo, Zenin, and Kamo. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Well, not so fast. Kenjaku, being the backstabbing mastermind he is, betrays our MC and buries him alive. But here’s the thing—our MC is the protagonist, so dying isn’t in the cards, is it? Before getting buried, our MC had one last stroke of genius (or desperation) and injected himself with the serum. Fast forward 150 years, and he wakes up from his dirt nap to find out he now has the abilities of all three major clans. Talk about an upgrade! And thus begins the legend of the king of sorcerers

Pepe_ · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Is This Finger Tasty?

"Well, is he really a gentle and troubled person? I don't know how Kenjaku ended up with such a gentle child." Ryujin thought with a amused expression on his face

"Seems like all the original sin lies within Kenjaku."

Ryujin stretched lazily, casually kicking open the iron door with ease, and continued to follow Itadori Yuji.

As he trailed behind Itadori, Ryujin couldn't help but notice when Itadori Yuji suddenly stopped on the first floor, only to leap effortlessly up to the fourth floor.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, so this is Kenjaku's most successful work? With a body like that, it's no wonder it was prepared for Sukuna, But Still, it's a shame Sukuna has his eyes on Fushiguro Megumi's body. Torako is just a temporary vessel for him."

Ryujin muttered under his breath as he marveled at Itadori Yuji's physical prowess, while at the same time, his mind raced as he considered how to survive in this new era.

With Li Zi and Nine cursed fetuses at his side, he was strong—a combination of Okkotsu Yūta and geto, in a way. But compared to them, his spell power still felt a bit lacking.

He wondered if the blood manipulation technique and the pair of Six Eyes he possessed would prove useful. Facing Kenjaku directly, he wasn't sure if he could win one-on-one. That guy has been alive for a thousand years and know countless tricks.

And if Kenjaku ever figured out his true identity and used the contract, Ryujin knew he'd have no way to retaliate...

But Since he had awakened in this era, why not borrow the power of the Six Eyes, The one who was more of a mc than the actual mc of this anime, Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru, the strongest in the world, would definitely be interested in the fact that kenjaku had taken over his boyfriend, geto's body, right?

Following Gojo Satoru could help him improve his abilities. As long as he stuck with the protagonist group, he'd have a chance to meet Gojo Satoru.

"Alright, tonight, let's play along with the main storyline! Just let everything happen naturally" Ryujin thought with a sukuna like smile on his face.

"I just hope that before Gojo Satoru becomes kitkat Satoru, he gives me a chance to manipulate him into facing Kenjaku one-on-one.

Ryujin silently followed Itadori Yuji's method, jumping up the tall building with ease.

Inside the school, Itadori had leaped from the first floor to the fourth floor. At the most critical moment, he kicked away the Cursed Spirit that was about to devour Reiken-senpai.

"I won't let anyone die!"

Fushiguro Megumi's face was filled with shock when he saw Itadori Yuji save Sasaki and Iguchi, and then take down the Cursed Spirit with a single punch.

Ryujin, hidden in the shadows, couldn't help but want to comment.

"Itadori's body is something else. To take down demons with just his fists? Not bad at all! Truly a fine piece of work."

Ryujin continued to watch quietly, observing everything that unfolded.

"Is this a Curse?!"

Itadori Yuji's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the creature in front of him. The monster was nothing like he had imagined—it was hideous, beyond words.

As he started thinking about how to pummel the grotesque Cursed Spirit with his fists, the creature was suddenly ripped apart right before his eyes. Two dogs, one black and one white, lunged at the remains, tearing into the Cursed Spirit with ferocity.

Itadori Yuji blinked, his gaze shifting to Fushiguro Megumi, who was casually rubbing his shoulders. He then looked at the two dogs, their black and white fur contrasting sharply, and for a moment, he was at a loss for words.

"I wanted to ask why you showed up here," Fushiguro Megumi said, his tone carrying a hint of condescension, "But you did a decent job."

Itadori Yuji's face fell slightly at the remark.

"What's with the attitude?" he muttered, then pointed at the dogs. "Hey, what's up with those dogs? They're... eating the Curse?"

He looked at the two dogs, still gnawing away at the Cursed Spirit, and felt a strange curiosity rise within him.

These weren't just any dogs—showing up late and then munching on a Curse? Definitely not your average bark-and-chase kind of mutts.

"They're my shikigami. You can see them, right?" Fushiguro Megumi replied, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. He glanced back at the two dogs, who were finishing up their grim meal.

"Ordinary people can't see Curses. It's only at the moment of death or in situations like this that they become visible."

Itadori Yuji nodded, taking it all in with surprising ease. "Oh, I see. I've never seen a ghost or anything like that before in my life."

His tone was almost too relaxed for the situation, and it caught Fushiguro Megumi off guard.

"Aren't you scared?" Megumi asked, raising an eyebrow.

Itadori Yuji rolled his eyes at him. "Huh? I was pretty scared at first. I mean, people do die from this stuff, right? But now... I just want to make sure that when people I know die, they die the right way."

"But, honestly, I'm still a bit confused," he added, as he bent down to pick up Sasaki, who had fallen unconscious. As he did, something wrapped in a talisman slipped out of Sasaki's pocket.

Itadori grabbed the item, revealing a strange, ancient-looking object. "Is this what you were looking for?" he asked, holding it up.

"Yeah, that's it. A special grade Cursed Object. It's a miracle that this finger wasn't eaten by some low-level Curse," Fushiguro Megumi said, his voice cold and serious.

Ryujin, watching from the shadows, couldn't help but find the whole situation amusing. [These two sure are taking their sweet time chatting. Do they really need to be discussing this right now?]

Itadori Yuji, still holding the finger, frowned slightly. "Why would anyone want to eat this? Is it supposed to taste good or something?"

[Crunch, crunch, tastes like chicken! Don't worry, Yuji, you'll find out soon enough. And Fushiguro, if you don't move fast, things are gonna get messy again.]

Ryujin chuckled to himself, his eyes drifting to the ceiling where traces of the Cursed Spirit still lingered. He knew the real show was about to begin when Yuji would inevitably eat the finger.

"What are you talking about? It's not for eating! Consuming it gives you immense cursed energy, but it's extremely dangerous."

"Now, hand it over before something bad happens," Fushiguro Megumi said, his face tense with frustration as black lines practically formed on his forehead. He couldn't believe he was having this conversation right now.

The moment Fushiguro Megumi lifted his head, his face drained of color, a wave of panic washing over him.

Behind him, the two divine dogs—his loyal shikigami—immediately sensed the danger and rushed to his side, growling low and ready to defend.

"Run!" Fushiguro Megumi yelled, his voice laced with urgency. He shoved Itadori Yuji away just as a massive Cursed Spirit crashed down from the ceiling, slamming into him with brutal force.

The impact sent dust and debris flying, obscuring the scene for a moment. As the smoke cleared, Itadori Yuji's eyes widened in horror at the sight before him.

A gigantic blue Cursed Spirit loomed over them, easily ten times the size of a normal person. But what made it truly grotesque was its tongue, writhing with a dense cluster of eyes that stared in all directions.

The Cursed Spirit had Fushiguro Megumi in its clutches, holding him like a ragdoll.

Despite the dire situation, Megumi struggled to cross his hands, forming the familiar hand shadows needed to summon his shikigami. "Nue!" he managed to shout, preparing to call forth his second shikigami.

But the Cursed Spirit wasn't about to give him that chance. With a vicious swing, it hurled Megumi aside like he was nothing.

Megumi's body slammed into the ground with a sickening thud, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood from the sheer force of the impact.

The attack had not only interrupted his attempt to summon Nue, but it also destabilized the two divine dogs, causing them to lose their form and dissolve into the air.