
Jujutsu Kaisen: Kashimo

Reincarnating into a world of Jujutsu as Hajime Kashimo, watch as he traverses the world and fights the strong! __________________________ Just writing this for fun!

GoldenOsiris · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Kashimo vs Gojo

Until suddenly they both disappeared...


Their punches clashed as they appeared up in the air, and a large explosion of cursed energy went off, causing violent winds that pushed the students off the grass, forcing them to grab whatever they could to stabilize themselves.


The two fighters came back to the ground as they engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Gojo's blindfold was already off as he sent out a flurry of punches as did Kashimo, their fists would rapidly clash at blinding speeds as their smiles got wider.

Kashimo abruptly crouched as he did a sweeping kick, but Gojo hopped up and brought his foot crashing down.

Kashimo raised his forearm and blocked the kick as he grabbed Gojo's foot and threw him into the air.

Gojo did a flip mid-air and landed roughly as his feet were dragged against the ground for a few seconds, before stopping.

Kashimo swiftly appeared before him with his fist extended toward Gojo's face.

Gojo grinned as he dodged under the punch and smashed his fist directly into Kashimo's cheek, sending him flying black.

Kashimo forcibly stopped himself as he dug his feet into the ground.

Spitting out blood he smirked, "Is that all you got?"

Gojo had a wide smile as he replied, "I've got plenty of where that came from!"

He suddenly disappeared before reappearing in front of Kashimo, who seemed to expect it as they came into a battle of martial arts again.

Kashimo sent out a powerful punch in between their fight, causing Gojo to reply in equal force as their fists clashed once again.


A large crater of dirt was created around them as they continuously fired punches at each other.

Gojo seemed to have outsped Kashimo as he landed another powerful blow against his chest, forcing Kashimo to dig his feet into the ground once again as he stabilized himself.

Kashimo relaxed his hands in front of him as he smiled crazily, "Not bad!", Electricity suddenly started oozing out of him as it flared widely, destroying the surroundings, describing his lively mood.

"Haha! Bring it on!" Gojo dared as he rushed toward Kashimo, who also dashed toward him.

Kashimo flicked his hand forward as a zip of lightning zoomed onto Gojo's figure who simply slid under it casually.

As Gojo was sliding, he watched with exhilaration as Kashimo did a front flip over him.

Their heads were but mere inches away as Kashimo flipped past him.

He landed on his feet as Gojo was already standing a few dozen feet in front of him.

'Now!' Kashimo inwardly commanded to himself.

A bolt of lightning suddenly appeared behind Gojo as it zipped toward his back from his 'blind side'.

Gojo didn't seem surprised as he swiftly took notice of this and side-stepped it as it zoomed past him.

He glanced toward the cause of the lightning, which seemed to be Kashimo's staff that he planted in the ground earlier.

But Kashimo himself speedily took that opening as he appeared above Gojo with his electrified fist striking down.

Gojo raised his arm, blocking the fist with his forearm seemingly with a calm smile as another crater was created with explosive winds thrashing around their surroundings.

"Still holding back on me!? Give me all you got!" Kashimo shouted out from above Gojo as he could tell Gojo was pulling his punches and speed.

"Well don't mind me then." Gojo smirked as firmly grabbed Kashimo's hand that he blocked and abruptly started sending out a multitude of punches from his opposite hand directly into Kashimo's gut.

Kashimo gritted his teeth with a smile as he took all the punches.

'Fuck! I can only imagine how worse it would be if he used his technique to make his punches even stronger.' Kashimo inwardly thought as Gojo finally let go of him and tossed him across the ground.

Kashimo tumbled against the ground for a few seconds before finally flipping and landing back on his feet.

His clothes and hair were dirtied but Gojo himself seemed relatively fine.

Gojo didn't wait as he vanished and reappeared in front of Kashimo who suddenly sneered with his hand already raised, his index finger pointing at Gojo sparked for a quick second.

Causing a bolt of lightning to appear directly in front of Gojo as he narrowed his eyes.

'If I could teleport I could easily dodge this, but this one seems rather different... I see!' As if time stopped, Gojo observed his body and noticed some foreign energy inside him.

'Positive charges! He must have been slowly injecting me with positive charges so I didn't notice. So when he discharges his own negative charges/cursed energy, it will immediately lock onto me and can't be dodged regardless if I teleport or not, unless I forcibly dispel it.' Gojo surmised.

Since Kashimo's cursed energy property regards electricity, he used its rules as an idea. Just like how in science, opposites attract, Kashimo used this fact by slowly injecting positive charges in the form of cursed energy into Gojo, bit by bit so it wouldn't be noticed, and then discharged negative charges in the form of cursed energy from himself, causing a guaranteed hit.

Gojo unexpectedly flared his cursed energy outwards as the lightning bolt randomly vanished from the air.

Kashimo didn't seem fazed as he once more took the opening and punched, reinforcing his fist with immense cursed energy as his eyes momentarily turned white from his focus.

Gojo quickly raised both his hands as Kashimo's fist made contact with his crossed arms.


Gojo was blown back by the explosion as he was sent flying in the air.

The explosion of cursed energy completely decimated hundreds of feet around them.

As smoke shrouded the entire field in smokey debris, scorched fields with rocks and dirt sprawled everywhere could be seen.

The students themselves seemed to have defended each other as they punched away all the debris.

"Who won!?" Panda questioningly exclaimed as the debris stopped falling.

Everyone seemed interested in that questioned as they approached the main crater and looked down at it.

Once the smoke disappeared, both individuals were still standing as they calmly walked toward each other.

"Hahaha! Not bad Kashimo!" Gojo laughed.

Kashimo sighed with a smile but said nothing.

All the students ran down the deep crater as they approached the two Special Grade Sorcerers.

They seemed surprised at Gojo's eyes not being blindfolded and seemed mesmerized before quickly getting back to the topic.

"Woah that was awesome!" Itadori complimented with stars in his eyes.

The rest seemed to have the same sentiment as they nodded in agreement.

"To think you guys caused this much damage without cursed techniques..." Maki muttered as she glanced around, the entire field was scorched by a simple spar when they probably weren't even trying their best.

'Imagine if they did use their cursed techniques...' She shuddered at the thought of the immense destruction.

"So was it a tie?" Megumi questioned since both were still standing.

Kashimo scoffed, "Are you kidding? I got my ass handed too me..." He glanced down at his dirtied clothes before glancing back at Gojo's clothes which seemed mostly clean.

"Gojo-sensei! How did you make his lightning bolt disappear!?" Itadori questioned.

Kashimo decided to answer as he replied, "He simply flared his cursed energy to the limit so my negative charges/cursed energy would be released from his body with the exuding cursed energy."

Kashimo then explained how since Gojo dispelled his negative charges/cursed energy from his body, his lightning didn't have a destination as it simply vanished. And while that isn't how science works, it was a rule that Kashimo's cursed manipulation had.

He could either simply discharge lightning bolts to where he was aiming, or he gives it a fixed location like the one he used against Gojo which was considered a guaranteed hit unless they discharge the energy from within as he did.

Panda nodded interestedly while Itadori seemed to be the only confused one.

"Doesn't that mean you were close to winning?" Maki asked from beside Panda.

Gojo was about to say something but Kashimo beat him to it as he shook his head, "Nah! The only reason that even caught Gojo by surprise was that he was restricting his Six Eyes, since we made the rule of no cursed techniques... If he didn't restrict his usage on his Six Eyes, he would have already noticed and stopped it before it even started."

"Oho! You could tell that much?" Gojo glanced toward Kashimo with a proud glance.

"Why did you even restrict that? Your Six Eyes aren't even considered a cursed technique... You were just born with good eyes." Kashimo remarked with an unimpressed look.

Gojo stifled a chuckle, "Meh just felt like it! But just good eyes huh?" He questioningly whispered with a nostalgic smile.

"You idiot!" A lady-like voice came from the top of the crater as three individuals slid down and approached.

"What is the meaning of this Satoru Gojo and Hajime Kashimo!?" An old man with a guitar questioned angrily.

"Haha! We were just having a spar." Kashimo replied with a mocking tone, not hiding his disdain.

"What he said!" Gojo added with a playful smile from beside Kashimo as he relaxed his arm on his shoulder.

"You call this a spar!? And of course it's the two arrogant bastards at the center of this!" Utahime exclaimed from beside the old man.

Principal Yaga sighed as he intervened, "We thought it was an enemy attack, but it seems it was just you two."

"You two better fix this-" Utahime stopped talking as she noticed the two of them seemingly vanished.

Her face grew red with anger as she glanced toward the students who just awkwardly looked at her.



Kashimo and Gojo could be seen on the roof of one of Jujutsu High's properties as they glanced down at the beautiful grassy landscape.

"It seemed like you wanted to talk to me." Gojo remarked while leaning against the railing with a calm smile, his blindfold was already back on as it covered his shimmering blue eyes.

Kashimo nodded, "Yeah um...."

He stopped talking as he thought about whether or not he should tell Gojo about future information under the guise that he simply has a good information network.

'I'd rather not put more on his plate but it's best if he knows...'

Kashimo then shrugged inwardly as he started to speak, "Well for starters I have much information that I gathered over the past years and I was gonna share it with you, but no one else can know... Not really sure on who we can trust."

Gojo raised a brow at Kashimo's cryptic tone before nodding, "Sure!"

Kashimo then started speaking as he first talked about there being a secret group of curses led by the thousand-year-old Kenjaku who possesed Geto's body. He talked about Kenjaku's goal of putting Gojo in the prison realm, he talked about the plan for the Shibuya incident. He then finished it off about the Culling Games.

Gojo's calm expression didn't change the entire time he talked, as if his brain was sifting through all the information carefully.

"I see, so you also believe there to be a traitor? I had similar sentiments..." Gojo muttered.

Kashimo suddenly ruffled Gojo's hair, "Haha! As expected of you, straight to business!"

Gojo chuckled as he fixed his hair, "I don't think I've had my hair ruffled since I was a baby."

"Well as for your question, I have figured out one of the traitors... It's that Mechamaru guy." Kashimo said with crossed arms.

Gojo nodded with a frown, "Mechamaru huh?... Theirs more than one?"

"Yeah, but I've concluded that there are multiple corrupt higher-ups."

Gojo's expression turned grim, "It must be this so-called Kenjaku's doing, he's most likely using Suguru's connections."

"Bingo!" Kashimo confirmed with a thumbs up.

Looking at Gojo's frown, Kashimo put a hand on his shoulder, "Remember I've always got your back, and so does all your students and friends... But I'll be the shoulder you can lean on."

Gojo's frown turned into a smile as he looked toward Kashimo, "Then who do you have to lean on? All you do is hang by yourself."

Kashimo lightly tapped his shoulder as he smirked, "Of course I got The Strongest Sorcerer to look after me..."

"Indeed you do." Gojo whispered under his breath as he went back to leaning on the railing.

"But seriously, you need to find a girlfriend, maybe Utahime will do you good." Kashimo suddenly commented.

"Pfftt! I could do better than that! Don't you think Yuki is better?" Gojo questioned with a smile full of mischief.

"From the pictures I've seen, she's definitely got the body but I hear she has a rather eccentric personality, so no." Kashimo retorted.

"Shoko? Mei-Mei?" Gojo questioningly muttered.

"Hey! Hey! Leave some for the rest of us!" Kashimo exasperatedly stated as he dashed toward Gojo, who nimbly dodged.

"Don't you have Maki?" Gojo snickered.

"Hmm, Maki huh?" Kashimo stopped running as he rubbed his chin with an interested smile.

"Meh who knows! I'll have to figure it out later, the pros and cons... I don't wanna date someone who becomes a nuisance later on." Kashimo murmured.

"Oh and I'm sure you don't believe I simply have a good information network." Kashimo suddenly added.

"I'm sure you have your reasons for lying, I trust your judgement."

Kashimo unconsciously smiled as he stayed silent.

"Well let's go, I have a mission to be at, we can talk more about this later." Gojo said as he started to walk away with Kashimo beside him.
