
Jujutsu Kaisen: Immortal

Death is equal, Death comes for all; such a convenient lie. If death was equal then I should have gone by now. If death come for all then I should be in death most wanted list. For me, Death didn't come and life continued reincarnation after reincarnation. Till I decided to search for solution for my eternal torment. This is my story, the story of an being who's death has be denied. ~~~ There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you read the Fan-Fiction. •There will be a Harem. Even if I said harem, there will a limited number of women and will have slow romance. And you can rest assured that there will be no pokemon catching. •MC presence will change many part of the story. •There will be no NTR elements. •MC is Immortal. Even if his body dies his soul will never cease to exist. •MC is a neutral faction, which means he is neither evil or good. •There will be lots of fight. •None of the characters in this fanfiction is mine. ~~~ Author Note: l know, I know, some you don't want to add romance to Jujitsu Kaisen to some degree I agree with that statment, but come on, some of you wish that all the characters have a happy ending not some gruesome death. So before you drop this fan-fic atleast give it a try, who knows maybe you will like it. •••• And for my hard work—do some charity by giving your pitiful Power stone, doing so you not only support me but you are also giving me the inspiration to continue writing this Fan-fic. •••• Don't expect professional-level writing in this fan fiction. Just think of it as a way to release some of the stress from your daily life. Thank you and I hope you will enjoy my fan fiction. •••• I posted some advanced chapters on Patreon, If you want to support me, check it out. Support me in Patreon: patreon.com/Clockwork439

Clockwork_055 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 25: Special Curse

In the bustling city of Tokyo, amidst the labyrinth of crowded streets and the constant flow of pedestrians, a man dressed in the traditional attire of a Buddhist priest made his way through the urban landscape. His robe draped loosely around him, swaying gently with each step, as he moved with a sense of purpose through the bustling crowd.

Despite the cacophony of noise surrounding him, the man maintained an air of tranquility, his serene expression untouched by the chaos of the city. The gentleman was none other than Suguru Geto or at least was, now he is Kenjaku.

Kenjaku current body is a tall, slim, and muscular man with long black hair partially tied up in a man bun while the rest drapes down his back. He has thin black eyes and bangs that occasionally cover the left eye. His earlobes are large enough to fit fairly large circular earrings. And most noticeable thing other than his Buddhist outfit is the large stitch mark in his head.


In fact, large stitch mark in on head is his kink. Actually, Kenjaku is an ancient curse user who has existed for over a thousand years using his innate technique, which allows him to transplant his brain into other people to control them. He has inhabited different individuals throughout the centuries and assumed their identities.

Currently, he is assuming the identity of Suguru Geto.

"Was that also included in your plan?" A voice heard from his left. From a normal person's perspective, Kenjaku appeared to be alone, but he was, in fact, not.

Kenjaku's lips curled into a sly smile as he turned to face the source of the voice, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and intrigue.

"It was not, in fact, even I didn't imagine Sukuna's finger would bring out such a mutated curse, Jogo." Kenjaku admitted, his voice laced with a hint of surprise. "You, Mahito, and Hanami were one thing, but this... This is something entirely different." He said addressing Jogo.

Jogo had a humanoid shape but his physical appearance was distinctly that of a cursed spirit, in fact, he is a cursed spirit. He was relatively short compared to his other companion, who was at side listening to him. Jogo had a hunchback posture, and carried a cane with him. Jogo's head was shaped like a mountain, specifically a volcano.

Jogo had pale gray skin but the top of his head faded into a brown color where the volcanic opening was. He had a single cycloptic eye, two openings on the sides of his head that served as ears, and black teeth—because he is not brushing his teeth regularly.


Jogo is unlike any other cursed spirit, He was born of humanity's fear and negative association with volcanoes and other fire-related natural disasters. This resulted in a highly intelligent cursed spirit with massive levels of cursed energy even for a special grade. As nobody from Jujutsu sorcerers has encountered or survived to tell Jujutsu high about Jogo, he is remained as an unregistered special grade cursed spirit.

Hearing what Kenjaku said, Jogo stopped his walking and turned to face Kenjaku, his expression a mixture of frustration and defiance. The flickering light from the nearby street lamps cast eerie shadows across his pale gray skin, accentuating the volcanic opening atop his head.

"So you're saying we wasted a precious finger and got nothing in return?" Jogo's voice rumbled with suppressed anger, his single cycloptic eye narrowing in suspicion.

Kenjaku regarded Jogo with a calm demeanor, his gaze unwavering. "On the contrary," he replied smoothly, his voice carrying an air of authority. "What we obtained may not be what we expected, but it presents us with a unique opportunity to advance our plans."

Jogo's brow furrowed in confusion, his frustration evident in his clenched fists. "And how exactly do you propose we do that?" he demanded, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Kenjaku's lips curled into a knowing smile, his eyes gleaming with an inner fire. "We adapt," he declared, his tone firm and resolute. "We utilize the resources at our disposal and turn this setback into an advantage. The cursed energy within this mutated curse may hold the key to unlocking greater power than we ever imagined. But the body is under Jujutsu sorcerers possession."

"The body is under Jujutsu sorcerers' possession," Jogo repeated.

Kenjaku nodded, his smile unwavering. "Indeed," he confirmed. "But we have our methods, don't we?"

A mischievous glint flickered in Kenjaku's eyes as he spoke, hinting at the clandestine strategies he had in mind. Jogo's curiosity piqued, and he leaned in closer, eager to hear Kenjaku's plan.

"Let us orchestrate a little chaos," Kenjaku suggested, his voice laced with anticipation. "We'll create a diversion, draw their attention away from the body. In the meantime, Mahito will make his move."

Hearing Kenjaku, Jogo asked.

"So are we dropping the plan for Gojo Satoru."

Kenjaku's smile widened, his gaze locking with Jogo's. "Not entirely," he replied cryptically. "Gojo Satoru remains a formidable obstacle, but we must be strategic in our approach. For now, our focus lies elsewhere. So let's just focus on our primary goal."


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