
Jujutsu Kaisen: Immortal

Death is equal, Death comes for all; such a convenient lie. If death was equal then I should have gone by now. If death come for all then I should be in death most wanted list. For me, Death didn't come and life continued reincarnation after reincarnation. Till I decided to search for solution for my eternal torment. This is my story, the story of an being who's death has be denied. ~~~ There are a few things that you need to keep in mind before you read the Fan-Fiction. •There will be a Harem. Even if I said harem, there will a limited number of women and will have slow romance. And you can rest assured that there will be no pokemon catching. •MC presence will change many part of the story. •There will be no NTR elements. •MC is Immortal. Even if his body dies his soul will never cease to exist. •MC is a neutral faction, which means he is neither evil or good. •There will be lots of fight. •None of the characters in this fanfiction is mine. ~~~ Author Note: l know, I know, some you don't want to add romance to Jujitsu Kaisen to some degree I agree with that statment, but come on, some of you wish that all the characters have a happy ending not some gruesome death. So before you drop this fan-fic atleast give it a try, who knows maybe you will like it. •••• And for my hard work—do some charity by giving your pitiful Power stone, doing so you not only support me but you are also giving me the inspiration to continue writing this Fan-fic. •••• Don't expect professional-level writing in this fan fiction. Just think of it as a way to release some of the stress from your daily life. Thank you and I hope you will enjoy my fan fiction. •••• I posted some advanced chapters on Patreon, If you want to support me, check it out. Support me in Patreon: patreon.com/Clockwork439

Clockwork_055 · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 24: Mei Mei

While Sukuna and Yuji were in the mind world getting drunk. Gojo was in the Jujutsu High with other sorcerers namely Principal Yaga, Mei Mei, Shoko Ieiri and Kiyotaka Ijichi.

Principal Yaga was a tall man with a muscular frame and tan skin. He had short, spiky, black hair on top with the rest of his head shaved. He has thick eyebrows and his facial hair consists of a moustache and goatee combination.


Next to him was Mei Mei. She is a grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer who works independently and only in exchange for money.

She is a woman with light peach skin and small, sharp dark brown eyes with thin eyebrows. She has long blue-tinted silver hair normally styled into two braids, one that covers her face and the other that hangs behind her head down past her shoulders.


And next to Mei Mei was Shoko Ieiri, Shoko was the school's primary doctor.

Shoko is a tall woman with long brown hair that extends past her shoulders that she sometimes ties into a ponytail when working. She has soft brown eyes with dark lines under them, making it appear as if she's underslept. Shoko has a mole underneath her right eye and thick brown eyebrows.

Shoko wore a white lab coat over a blue turtle-neck swear and darker navy blue pants that reached just above her ankle. She finishes her outfit with cream-coloured high-heeled shoes.


As Gojo and the other sorcerers gathered at Jujutsu High, a palpable tension hung in the air. Each of them wore a serious expression, a stark contrast to the usually lively atmosphere of the school.

In front of them was the severed corpse of the Soul Eater, its body sliced like bread. You could stitch it together to make the full body; it was that perfectly cut.

Principal Yaga, towering over the others with his muscular frame, stepped forward to examine the remains. His brows furrowed in concentration as he surveyed the perfectly sliced body of the Soul Eater.

"This... this is unprecedented," Principal Yaga muttered, his voice echoing in the solemn atmosphere of the room. "I have never seen a curse like this. Its body looks like rotting away, but even after two days, it doesn't have any change. It looks just like when it arrived."

"So what is it?" Principal Yaga asked as he turned to Gojo.

"The truth is, I don't know," Gojo admitted with a furrowed brow, his expression reflecting at the lack of answers. "The only thing I know for certain is that it's not a cursed spirit."

Principal Yaga's brows furrowed in concern at Gojo's admission. "Not a cursed spirit?" he echoed, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Then what exactly are we dealing with?"

"Soul Eater," Gojo repeated.

"Soul Eater? What's that? And where did you get that name?" Principal Yaga asked, his tone betraying a mix of curiosity and concern.

"From Yuji, and Yuji knows that because Sukuna told him," Gojo explained with a casual wave of his hand, his tone as breezy as a summer day at the beach.

Principal Yaga's unease deepened at the confirmation of Sukuna's involvement. "Sukuna..." he murmured again, his voice heavy with concern. "If he's connected to the Soul Eater, then we're facing a threat unlike any we've encountered before."

Gojo's expression remained usual as he continued. "Unfortunately, I couldn't get a direct conversation with Sukuna," he admitted, his frustration evident. "Yuji is currently on bed rest after the incident. While he didn't sustain any serious injuries, the battle with the curses took a significant toll on him."

Mei Mei, her sharp eyes narrowing in thought, stepped forward, her smile didn't leave her face. "If Sukuna is involved, then we need to find out what his motives are," she remarked.

Shoko Ieiri, her brow furrowed in concern, approached the group, her gaze focused on the discussion. "We also need to consider the possibility that Sukuna may have other allies or plans in motion," she added, her voice tinged with worry. "We can't afford to overlook any details."

Principal Yaga nodded solemnly, his expression grave. "Agreed," he said. "We'll need to gather as much information as we can and remain vigilant. The safety of our students and the public is paramount."

Mei Mei, her sharp eyes narrowing in determination, stepped forward. "I'll use my connections to gather intelligence," she offered, her tone firm. "There's bound to be someone out there who knows something about this."

"But my services are not for free," Mei Mei continued in her usual blunt manner, her tone unwavering. "If you want valuable information, you'll have to pay the price. And Gojo, I heard that your family business is making a lot of profit this year."

Gojo raised an eyebrow at the mention of his family's business, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, is that so?" he replied coyly, his tone tinged with amusement. "Well, I suppose I could spare some funds for the greater good."

Mei Mei's lips curved into a satisfied smirk as she nodded in acknowledgement. "Good," she said simply, her sharp gaze never wavering. "I'll get to work right away."

With that, She made her way towards existence. Mei Mei's hips swayed like a pendulum, a confident swagger in her step as she exuded satisfaction with the deal she had just made.

After all, for her, money is her bitch. If you have money you can own the world, that's her mindset.


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