
Jujutsu Kaisen: Against Odds

A reincarnation/transmigration story of someone overpowered in his previous life being transmigrated as Mai Zenin(male). After fearing his sexual orientation, he finds out that he won the jackpot of reincarnators, a SYSTEM. See how someone with a cheat moves through the harsh world of Jujutsu Kaisen. ----------------- Potential Red Flags: 1. The MC will be gender-bent for the first 2 chapters. 2. This is a SYSTEM story if you've not read the tags. So, he will be overpowered. But not until later. 3. This is at around 200k words long. So, pretty short. But it's JJK, so it's fast-paced. 4. It's JJK. So, don't expect any romance whatsoever. 5. The trend right now is with Gacha. So, the system is related to that. 6. Most important. I'm writing this because I wanted something for Mai. I felt it was unfair for her in the story. ----------------- You can go read the story now. The story is also posted on s.c.r.i.b.b.l.e.hub. Disclaimer: I'm not the creator of the image nor do I own its patents or copyrights. I request the owner notify me before getting the image removed. Thank you.

Bakuboy · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

The Goodwill Event Part 03

("")- speech when used through earpiece comms.

As everyone was dealing with their own issues, Mai decided to annoy others. Because of the quirk Homing, Mai can redirect bullets onto a target of his choosing. But the change of direction cannot be too much or the bullet will collapse.

Using that strategy, it becomes harder for others to predict where the sniper is.

Within a week of practice, Mai was able to use Homing within a range of 500 meters.


("Mai, your sister's here. Mechamaru is fighting Panda. We can't find Inumaki.") Miwa spoke with a hint of nervousness.

("Alright. Take a roundabout turn via your 9 o'clock and join Mechamaru. There's no reason to fight her in CQC if you already know she's gonna mop the floor with you.") Mai spoke.

("No need for that last comment.") Miwa ran away as fast as she could but it would only take 3 or 4 seconds for Maki to catch up.

Unless someone bothers her.

As using metal bullets causes lethal damage, Mai receded to using rubber bullets.



-Maki's side-


With her superior senses and instincts, Maki was able to deflect the bullets but it caused her to slow down.

"Tch. Where the hell is she-he?"


"Ouch. Damn it. She's going for Panda." Realizing that Miwa and Mechamaru double-teaming on Panda would make it harder for him, Maki stopped caring for the unnecessary stamina loss and used full strength to chase Miwa.

Still, Maki couldn't break through as she didn't expect Mai to waste so many bullets just to stop her.

"Where the hell is she getting these bullets from?" But using too many bullets also had a disadvantage. It would give away Mai's position or the general direction she was from.

Using that info, she realized she can't do it alone. Taking cover, she dialed Toge.

"Oi, Toge. Mai is bothering me too much. If you're near Panda, go help him. He's being double-teamed -"

"Fish flakes!(Nope)"

"or if you're towards the southeast, Mai is there somewhere. Go deal with herr-him."

"Mustard leaf(I'm on it)."


-Mai's side-

"Hmm. Looks like she gave up or.."

'she asked for help.' is what Mai thought as he sensed Toge's presence getting near.

"Fall down!" Mai heard a loud voice. Then came the Cursed Energy trying to poke into Mai's brain.

Unfortunately, it was too weak and all Mai felt was a baby's touch.

"Yeah. That's not gonna work, buddy." Unlike others who protect themselves with Cursed Energy to not face any issues, Mai didn't bother because he knew his mental capabilities were too strong to be affected by Cursed Speech.

"I thought you would go after Cursed Spirits," Mai said taking a combat stance.

"Tuna mayo.(had to do something)"

"Oh. Did my sister ask for help?"


"So what now? If you want to fight, I'm all for it but you're at a disadvantage."

"Sesame." He said and took a combat stance.

Unfortunately for him, Mai shot all six bullets at once leaving only one way out.

Toge instinctively moved in that direction not expecting Mai to be in that spot. But within a blink, Mai appeared in front of Toge.

After spending a week of brawling with Todo, Mai learned a few tricks on how to use Cursed Energy for movements.z

With a burst of Cursed Energy in legs, one could gain momentary superspeed.

Like the Blink Step or Soru.

Although it would take months for someone, Mai learned it in a glance and became adept at it while fighting Todo.

"Cavia-(Shit-)!" Mai knocked him out with the anime neck chop enhanced with Cursed Energy.

"That was easy. I guess I'm really strong."


'An emergency. Well, Inumaki should be knocked out for a few minutes at most.'

("Maai-saan. We need help.") It was Miwa's voice and it looked like Maki already caught up to her.

'Damn. The plot really helps the Tokyo team.' Even though it didn't even a minute with Toge, Maki was already onto her.

("Alright. Get ready to attack in 5..4..3..2..Now") As Mai said those words he started blasting bullets at both Panda and Maki.

It looked like Panda didn't yet turn into his Gorilla mode.

("Mechamaru. Did you damage his core?") Mai asked and started running in their direction as the trees were densely packed there.

("I did. But somehow he got up and attacked me.")

("Alright. That must mean he either has more than one core or he bluffed you. Either way, Kasumi! Go help him. I'll occupy Maki for now.") He said that and changed his attacks to Maki.

"Where the hell are you getting these bullets from?" Maki shouted while dodging them at high speed.

'Her physical strength is top-notch. I wonder how much strong she'll be after I take away the remnant Cursed Energy in her.' Mai thought as he stopped shooting at her.

'Should I use Observe? Nah.'

He didn't bother using the Observe skill on every single thing he saw.

It was important to learn how to sense and understand things by yourself and as long as it wasn't life-threatening or highly complex, Mai decided to only use his personal abilities.

"Are you dumb?" Maki couldn't understand why she wasted all her bullets just at the beginning.

Mai wanted to use her P2W abilities by just throwing everything at her sister but decided against it.

'Nah. The crow shikigami are stalking us. That means I can't show off my spatial ring.'

"It's just that there was someone behind you," Mai smirked as Maki realized that Nobara was in that direction.

'But how? I was running all around the dense trees. And the distance is too much to aim with a pistol.' she thought for a moment.

'What's done is done.' is what she concluded with and got back to the present.

("Thanks for the help, Mai. But I didn't need it.") Nishimiya spoke on her earpiece while looking at the unconscious Nobara.

("But I can't get our cute scout get too much tired, can I?") Mai replied with a tone that made Nishimiya blush.

'Damn, is my personality a bit changed after Mai's memories merged within me? Why am I talking like this?' he thought before getting back his focus to the real world.

As the hand-to-hand combat started, Maki was surprised that Mai was much better in CQC than she expected.

"Not bad. So you've been practicing for a while, huh? It's good tha-"

She stopped talking as she suddenly felt discombobulated. Her senses went haywire for a moment and she lost her balance.

Just as she was about to fall down, Mai caught her and supported her against a tree.

'Hmm. The timings weren't that off. Half a minute to take effect.'

All Mai did was release a colorless, odorless fast acting muscle-relaxant gas as Maki was neared his using Construction. He also created tiny air filters in his nostrils so that she won't breathe in that gas.

"Sorry, my dear sister," Mai said while holding Maki's cheeks, "Did you think it was going to be a fistfight? Unfortunately no." Mai said before taking out what looked like an actual gun and pointing it at her head.

He made a creepy smile before cocking it. Just as he was about to shoot her, he felt something behind him.

'A shift in space? No.. It was different. Oh..' Just as he realized, Gojo put his hand on Mai's shoulder and said with a serious face.

"Do you not know the rules?" he said while tightening the grip on his shoulder.

"Scary. Scary. Was my acting that good?" Mai said before pointing the gun up and shooting out confetti all over.

"It was just a prank. No need to get serious, old man," he said as he shrugged off Gojo's grip which loosened up already.

"I'll take that as my win, Maki," he said before walking off.

"W-wait. How did you it?" Maki stood up wobbling. It was truly astounding to see these shonen moments where characters do what's impossible.

"Wow. You stood up. Congratulations. As for your question, your teacher should know the answer." he said and threw something at Gojo.

"Make her inhale it 3 or 4 times. She'll get better in half a minute," he said before leaving.

"Are you really okay with that? You can knock her out and she'll be taken out of this match," he asked Mai.

"Doesn't matter. I already know we'll win the event." he said with a mocking smile.

As he left, Gojo kept gazing at Mai's back.

"Poison, huh. That was...unexpected," he said as his gaze still lingered on Mai who was slowly walking away.

'And he wasn't afraid even a bit when I snuck up on him. Interesting.'

"Was he that strong?" Gojo asked before making Maki inhale through what looked like a gas inhaler.

"N-no," she said as she inhaled whatever gas it was. Within a few seconds, she could feel the muscles properly.

"Hmm. It looks like he would've given you the inhaler either way. So you're okay to go." he said and left her with the inhaler.

"Utahime, did you see that? There was no need for your worry," he started nagging at her just as he arrived with teleportation.

"But his acting was certainly convincing. If not for the confetti, I would've definitely believed he was trying to kill her." Mei Mei commented.

"I thought so too. Well, we'll see what happens," he said and took his seat.

"Both the siblings seem strong enough. They should be promoted to Grade 2 already."

"That seems to be the case but the Zenin clan keeps getting in the way. They should accept it already." Gojo replied with a sigh.

"I can't understand such restraints, aside from money," she said with a smile on her face.

"You're just as miserly as ever, Mei-san," he said.

At the same moment, Mei Mei received a message.

[A/c xx2367 credited with ¥10,000,000.00 Dt. 29-08-2018 through NEFT:236456222135. Bal...]

Then she received another message.

[It's for me and my sister. I'll send the other half after our promotion. Thank you.

-Zenin Mai]

"Hahahaha. The boy is certainly interesting," she laughed out loudly.


"That was not actual teleportation. So, most likely utilization of Blue and/or Red and/or just Limitless multiple times to create short-range teleportation." he was muttering to himself as he walked in the direction of the semi-first grade Cursed Spirit.

"As much as I would love for my burden to decrease by letting Hanami kill the semi-grade 1, I'd kill it myself and get the win first."

'There's no way we can win Baseball with Maki and Itadori on their team. But we can at least go for a draw.' is what Mai thought.

So, he decided to win the first game just before Hanami and Mahito arrived so that he won't have to worry about losing. He walked at a quick pace while concentrating on his senses.

10 meters...

100 meters...

1000 meters...he stopped there. He could sense everyone in that range. At least the ones that are not masking themselves or the ones that are not being hidden from some barriers.

'Looks like Inumaki is moving in my direction. Megumi and Kamo are still at it. But looks like Panda is really good at combat. He's still fighting against those two even though he seems almost out of Cursed Energy.'

"Well, I've already reached the goal here," Mai said as he took out a C4 explosive.


A/N: Art is an Explosion!