
Juijutsu kaisen:Lost in the flames

A loner teenager who just been asked out to a date is nervous for his date he has a bad feeling in his gut but this will be first time and maybe the last time too?

Venda_Boi · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Kyoto goodwill event

As training wraps up, we gear up for the goodwill event. While I haven't become best buds with Megumi or Nobara, we're at that acquaintance stage.

Then, Gojo saunters in with a box of goodies and souvenirs. He hands them out, spreading smiles all around. But the real showstopper? When he pops open the box, and out pops Itadori, like a surprise gift.

"Who is this?"I say I act confused and look at them

"Oh you've never met before"Gojo says scratching his head

"This is itadori yuji our supposedly dead student"He says giving his sheepish smile

"And this is Kura Sorami a recently transferred student"Gojo says introducing us

"Give me my slaughter demon back"Maki says holding her hand out

"Oh um I think Gojo has it"Yuji says lying out his teeth

After that yuji goes through his punishment with holding a picture frame

Taking a glance at the other school attendees, they don't seem too impressive, except for Todo, who stands out for his towering height, easily towering over six feet.

We head into a secluded room to hash out our strategy. Yuji and I are assigned the crucial role of holding off the opposing forces while our teammates scour for the elusive grade two sorcerer.

As tension mounts, the blare of horns signals the commencement of our mission. Megumi springs into action, summoning his divine dogs in a desperate bid to track down the grade two amidst the chaos.

"The dogs found a grade three yuji exercise it"Megumi commands

Yuji envelopes his hand in cursed energy and tries to send a punch towards it

Clap !

Before anyone can react a rock was thrown at itadori as todo switch with it punching itadori a couple yards back

I smile taking this opportunity to fight Todo "I got him run away!"

they nod and follow the divine dogs

"Hmm you don't look like much"Todo says studying me

"Come and found out you big ape"I say trying to taunt him

Todo rushes in and sends a barrage of punches that are so heavy I can barely react to them.

Todo goes for a grab. I use *Hiji Ate*, an elbow strike, and aim at Todo's wrist, stunning him for a split second.

*Cursed Technique: Inferno - Abyssal Inferno Strike.*

I use my cursed technique to envelop my fist in my dark flames, slamming my fist into Todo's chest and sending him flying and crashing into a couple of trees.

Obviously, I don't want to turn Todo to ash, so I controlled the heat to a point where it feels like you're touching a small heater on full blast—still hot, but for Todo, it shouldn't hurt that much... I think.

As expected, Todo gets back up.

"Hehe, not bad, little shrimp. But you'll need to do better than that to take me down. Let's see what else you've got up your sleeve!"

*Cursed Technique: Inferno - Nether Surge Step.*

I blitz Todo and send a kick aimed at his ankle. He tries to step over my legs, expecting this. I feint and put my hands on the ground, holding myself up, and send a kick at his face, which he blocks.

Pushing myself off the ground, I go above him.

"Oh no you don't!" Todo yells, clapping his hands and switching our positions. I'm disoriented a little bit as he's above me, sending a kick at my face. I block it.

But damn, he's strong.

I have no time to get up as he tries to stomp on me.

I roll out of the way just in time, feeling the impact of his foot against the ground beside me. The force of his stomp shakes the earth, sending a jolt through my body. I can't let him keep the upper hand.

Springing to my feet, I quickly assess the situation. Todo is already turning to face me, a fierce determination in his eyes. His stance is solid, prepared for my next move. I need to act fast.

I dash toward him, throwing a quick series of jabs to keep him on the defensive. He blocks each one with ease, his reflexes sharp. I need to break through his guard.

Feinting another punch, I shift my weight and pivot, launching a low sweep at his legs. Todo hops back, avoiding the sweep, but I anticipated this. Using the momentum, I follow through with a spinning back kick aimed at his midsection.

He grunts as he takes the hit, stumbling back a few steps. Seizing the opportunity, I close the distance and aim a powerful punch at his chest. But before I can land the blow, he recovers, catching my fist with his hand.

"Nice try," he growls, tightening his grip.

I struggle to free my hand, but his grip is like iron. Thinking quickly, I use my free hand to strike at his wrist, forcing him to release me. As soon as I'm free, I leap back to create some distance, breathing heavily.

Todo smirks, wiping a bit of sweat from his brow. "You're good, but I'm better," he taunts.

I clench my fists, determination flaring inside me. "We'll see about that."

We circle each other, the tension in the air palpable. I can't afford to make any mistakes. Summoning all my focus, I launch into another assault, this time aiming to exploit any openings in his defense.

We trade blows, each of us landing and blocking hits in a rapid exchange of power and skill. I can feel my muscles burning, but I push through the pain, knowing that I have to outlast him.

In a moment of clarity, I see a slight opening as Todo raises his arm to strike. I duck under his swing and drive my shoulder into his torso, throwing him off balance. With a swift motion, I sweep his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground.

Before he can recover, I pin him down, locking his arms. "Yield," I demand, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

Todo struggles beneath me, but I hold firm. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he stops resisting and nods. "Fine, I yield," he mutters.

I release him and step back, extending a hand to help him up. He takes it, a grudging respect in his eyes. "You're stronger than I thought," he admits.

"Thanks," I reply, exhaustion and relief washing over me. "So are you."

As we stand there, catching our breath, I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I've proven myself today, not just to Todo, but to myself.

Step step step

"Ahh I'm here!"Yuji says running towards us

"Oh you're a little late" I say in between breaths

Before we can exchange words with each other flowers sprout from the ground.