
Judgement of Demon God

In the modern world, two realms coexist - the divine Gods from heaven and the Demons from Hell. Long ago, Zeus and Hades signed a peace treaty when there was magic and sword, kings were ruling the land, but as time pass and human became more advance in science and technology they started to forgot about the Gods then Zeus created a plan in secret to gain lost faith of human once again by betraying the King of hell Hades. Disclaimer: This web novel is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are products of the author's imagination. The story is intended purely for entertainment purposes and does not aim to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. Reader discretion is advised.

Promezus · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Chapter 6 Into the Abyss

In the Abyss, a empty realm, endless, and shrouded in darkness, there lie places where many Demon Lords reside, Each Demon Lord manages their own territory. Currently, there are six Demon Lords ruling over their domains. However, even though they are powerful Demon Lords, there exists an entity above them, whom every Demon Lord serves.

In a castle, Where Demon Lord were kneeling in front of his master announcing the news of his defeat and declaring his own punishment. there were other five esteemed Demon Lords took their seats upon majestic thrones. Each Demon Lord represent the different power and symbol. They are,

Lord Belial, the Demon Lord of Gluttony

Lady Lilith, the Demon Lord of Sin

Lord Erebus, the Demon Lord of Darkness

Lady Morana, the Demon Lord of Nightmare

Lord Abaddon, the Demon Lord of Abyss

The Master sat upon the throne, royal ease pose surrounded by an eerie darkness that concealed his face. His red-glowing eyes fixed on the Demon Lord as he listened to their announcements.

"Ha ha! It seems you are so incompetent, Abaddon, the so-called Lord of Abyss. How could you have failed the mission given by the Master?" Lilith said, taunted him with a mocking smile, clearly amused by his defeat.

"SILENCE, Who gave you permission to speak?" Master yelled, glaring at her he slammed his hand on throne, his eyes glown red. The room was filled with tension and fear.

She gulp.

"I-I apologize, Master. I spoke out of turn. Please forgive my insolence," she quickly lowered her head and said with a flattering voice.

Watching this, the other Demon Lords kept silent, not daring to speak any further.

The Demon Lord sent to Earth on a mission his name is Abaddon, and he holds the title of the Lord of Abyss. He possesses the ability to summon and manipulate the dark energy of the Abyss, harnessing its power for his own use to defeat the enemies.

"Abaddon, I expected better from you. Your failure disappoints me, but you are still my loyal subordinate, and I believe you can do better. Learn from this mistake and make sure it doesn't happen again," He said with a hint of sadness, his eyes softened slightly as he looked at Abaddon, his voice firm but caring.

"Master! Please, I beg you, I am not worthy of your politeness. Please grant me a punishment worthy of my defeat. Alas! I am ashamed to lift my head in front of you," he replied with sadness and a heavy heart. The agony in his heart was so overwhelming that he could not even lift his head in front of the master.

"Do not be too hard on yourself, my loyal servant, Mistakes happen, and it is through failure that we learn and grow stronger. I believe in your potential, and I know you will redeem yourself. Take this as a lesson, and let it fuel your determination to succeed next time," He said gently, his face softened further, and he placed a hand on Abaddon's shoulder.

"Now, rise and remember, you are still one of my most trusted Demon Lords." He further said with a tone that carried a powerful presence.

The word of his master ignited a spark of hope in Abaddon's eye and respect in heart. The room seemed to glow with an aura that filled the entire throne room with determination and loyalty.

"Also, we cannot further interfere with the human world. We are bound by the laws of nature. You lost because the law placed a heavy penalty on you. You fought with only twenty percent of your power. Do not be disappointed. I still have faith in you," the Master solemnly declared, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom and understanding.

"How will we deal with it? We need to find a solution for this problem," Lord Belial said, his voice filled with determination and concern.

"I can see only one solution for this problem. We need to find a worthy apostle. As a human, he will be able to use a hundred percent of our power, and the law will not place any penalty on him, same like Olympians did," Master said, his voice filled with wisdom and insight. His face was a mix of deep concern and contemplation as he spoke. Also showing his unwavering commitment to finding a solution.

As Master's words echoed in the throne room, his voice carried a sense of wisdom and insight. His face expressing a mix of deep concern and contemplation, telling the weight of the problem they faced. However, in between the concern, there was also a undying determination, showing his unwavering commitment to finding a solution. The other Demon Lords who gathered there lisenting the advice of Master and understood the depth of the problem, they trusted the Master Judgement.

"Lilith! I have a very urgent task for you. As the Lord of Sin, you are the best choice for this important mission. Depart immediately and find the worthy apostle for me," Master declared his judgment, his voice resonating with authority and urgency.

"Yes, my Master. I am honored and grateful that you trust me with this important task. I shall depart immediately and fulfill it without any hesitation," Lilith replied with a sense of pride and determination, ready to embark on the mission that Master entrusted to her.

"I will not fail you like someone did," she mocked the Lord of Abyss with a grin on her face.

The Lord of Abyss, who was kneeling in front of the Master, became angry upon hearing her taunt. However, due to his injuries, he could only swallow his anger in silence.

Lady Lillth asked the permission from Master, gave a deep bow showing her unwavering loyalty, and then she disspread in thin air.

Then Master ordered every other Demon Lord to return to their respective territories. He specifically commanded Lord Abyss to go and heal his injuries. The rest of the Demon Lords stood from their majestic thrones, giving a deep bow of loyalty and respect to their Master, before disappearing into thin air.